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Everything posted by Maude

  1. Glue, clamp, sand, spray, PLAY!!! 😁 Intriguing. πŸ€”
  2. 'Water based' automotive paint isn't water based as such. It is a water bourne paint. It is still acrylic polyurethane pigment but suspended in water rather than solvent. The water evaporates the same as the solvent to leave a coating of acrylic polyurethane. It gets more complicated the deeper you delve into it but that's the basis of it.
  3. I'm happy to be proved wrong, but I'm not at all convinced PVA will be suitable for this use. I can't imagine it will flat and polish to a shine in the same way that acrylic polyurethane, nail varnish, superglue, etc does. Also if kept in a humid environment PVA will reabsorb moisture and turn milky and soft, although the level of moisture needed for this to happen would probably result in far more serious issues than the glue.
  4. Send it back and buy the Fender Vintera for sale on here. Same colour scheme, pretty much the same price and someone else has taken the new bass price hit.
  5. "Playing bass with lost finger?" I'd use the other nine, it'll be easier! πŸ˜‰ Sorry, with that out of the way, I'll just add that I have what appears to be an odd left hand technique (right handed player) in that I don't really use my pinky. I can reach further with my ring finger due to playing this way for years. I'm trying to use my pinky more but it feels unnatural and weak. This technique hasn't really limited me at all. I suppose if you are somewhat ambidextrous then playing left handed could advantageous, could you borrow a bass for a couple of weeks and try left and right handed, either a lefty bass or a righty upside-down would probably tell you what will feel natural. If right handed feels way more natural then you'd probably go further playing right with a missing pinky than playing left and always feeling 'wrong'.
  6. It's certainly mighty impressive. I wouldn't even know where to begin trying to play like that.
  7. Bring the Noise - Anthrax & Public Enemy
  8. Wire in a series switch. I've never really gelled with jazz basses purely because they don't sound like a P. With both pickups in series suddenly there's that rich, middy sound I prefer rather than all that honkety honk honk! Disclaimer, this is the correct terminology, despite what you might think. 😁
  9. If anyone buys a bass that has a long piece of elastic attached to it, don't, whatever you do, let go of it. It'll be back in AT's house before you realise it's slipped your grasp.
  10. Don't post non BB pictures here for gawd's sake. I did once and got moaned at. πŸ™„πŸ€£ Nice Bronco BTW πŸ™‚πŸ‘
  11. The colour looks like a fairly decent match. As you say, it won't be invisible, but it'll go a long way to taking your eye off it.
  12. My worry would be flatting and polishing the glue once dry. Most PVAs dry very rubbery. How does it feel at the moment, very hard or soft and rubbery?
  13. It's been put on the back burner while a, I get some jobs on the house done, and b, I decide whether I'm going light or dark on the back and sides. Embarrassingly, as I have some Shell Pink paint left over I've bought a Telecaster to convert to bass and slop said pink paint over. I don't have enough time for all these jobs, I DO NOT have enough time for all... Ooh look, another project bass! πŸ™„πŸ˜
  14. It's a sad, sad day in Chez Maude today. I have broken my one per decade rule and sold another bass. My BB1024X has gone. πŸ˜₯ @Al Krow, strike the 1024X from the front page please... but add a 734a while you're editing. πŸ˜€
  15. If that's a translucent finish then it's definitely just badly matched wood blocks. As @neepheid said, a body with that difference in wood tones (not tonewood you 'orrible lot!) should've got a solid finish.
  16. Set up the works. Full acoustic kit, amp stacks, PA, etc. Let rip at full gig volume and let them realise what it could be like if you weren't considerate to their needs. They'll be thankful the following month when you return to a pair of practice amps and a drum machine. Obviously I don't condone this kind of behaviour... but it would be fun. πŸ˜‰πŸ‘
  17. Billion Dollar Babies - Alice Cooper
  18. Just to tease 😁 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/195150295251?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=-uE1JHZCSbO&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=i1P6UitjSry&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  19. That one on ebay had the original bag as well. Previous post meant to say I 'couldn't' bid, due to being collection only from Hull. He would package but I missed the end of the auction. It had a nasty scratch on the back but even so.
  20. Congrats Andy it looks great. I missed out on a red one on ebay about a month ago, it was collection only from the Hull so I could bid. It only seems made Β£325, one bid. As said the Attitude is an absolute tone monster, but it's a big neck!
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