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Everything posted by Maude

  1. Seems odd that he'd not opt for the pricier 'better' pickups. Although that said, I'm not sure I prefer the pickups in my 1024 to my 424. For the music LoMenzo plays the more obnoxious sounding 'cheaper' pickups are probably preferable.
  2. James LoMenzo's customised BB. Reverse P instead of a J, standard P and a huge neck woofer. Looks like a beast of a bass. Anyone know what pickups these are?
  3. No BB posts in nearly two weeks and slipped to halfway down page three. I'm beginning to worry my grumpy BB issues have broken this thread. 😄 Fear not, I've spent a couple of hours playing my new BB734a this morning and all is well in BB land again. I decided to take the (very small) discount and stop being a fussy git, as they can't say when they'll be back in stock. I'll flat and polish the defect when I get time, along with maybe some other tweaks. I've been A/B ing it with my BBPH, as the PH is a kind of 734a/1200s hybrid. They should both feel identical to play, with the same body and neck, but weirdly they don't. The 734's action is slightly lower and the PUs slightly higher, plus new strings, so maybe that's it but I like the difference. It's very grindy and aggressive if wanted. Maybe you do 'play with your eyes' as the BBPH feels classier, that's not to say the 734a isn't lovely, just different. The 734a pre amp seems way hotter than the PH. Hooky appears to have the bass and treble on full and the middle just above halfway so I set them both like this and and the 734a was far too wild. To get an even match the 734a needed to have the bass and treble just above half and the mids on about a quarter, so almost a 50% reduction across the board. Maybe it's the fresh strings and pickups being closer, plus the reverse P in the PH. The PH pre, although seems to have a less dramatic affect, feels easier to use and more pleasing in its extremities, no harshness, but the 734a has far more scope, maybe too much. When the strings loose their freshness it might settle down a bit. It might sound like I'm still not happy with the new 734a but I am, it's a very nice bass and actually different enough from the PH to be useful so that's good, it's just that the PH is a great bass, hey they can't all be the best can they. There's a couple of points on the 734a which make it feel like slightly cheap compared to the PH which I might do something with over time. All in all, they're both fantastic basses. 🙂👍
  4. Adder you wanna make those eyes at me for? - Shakey
  5. STOP!! Hammer time. U can't touch this - M C Hammer
  6. If the answer isn't 'Waterloo Sunset', then it must be The Jam's 'English Rose'. Edit: Or, the older I get the more relevant it becomes, Anti-Nowhere League's 'I Hate People'. 😁
  7. Dogging in the Park - Bruce Springsteen
  8. I've always likened the sound to a SD Quarter Pound. I feel it's very similar but with more pronounced mids, definitely an in your face modern vibe, no classic 60s P bass with the PBXN's.
  9. I have a pair of Drivetrain pickups sat in my parts drawer waiting for a worthy project. The Firebuckers would be a good fit for the Epiphone. I don't have experience of the P pickup but I've tried a couple of different Warman pickups and like them. I'd say good pickups, not just good for the money.
  10. Try cutting a slip of thick paper or thin card and placing it under the piezo strip on the D&G side. If it works then it might need a bit of trial and error fine tuning with different size bits of paper to even out the volumes from the strings.
  11. Could you mark the heading as sold then please. I've just wet my pants and now got nothing more to show for it than a damp cushion and a sense of bitter disappointment. 😉
  12. I'm really pleased that they're being good about it. I mean they should be, but some places aren't. I don't want black. I don't want a refund, as they were the cheapest but price is showing as over £50 dearer. I'll see what they offer by way of discount and either go with that and flat and polish the lacquer, or return and wait for a replacement, September will soon come around.
  13. But paint is what I do for a living. 😉 It's easily rectified but I shouldn't have to on an £800 bass, especially a Yamaha.
  14. Kind of. Firstly I want to say I bought the bass through Merchant City Music in Glasgow, or Guitar.co.uk as they are known online, and they are dealing with the problem perfectly. It's not sorted yet but they're offering plenty of options. I hate complaining to a shop like this as I always feel like they probably think I'm trying it on, it's quite the opposite as I'll happily sort any little issues myself but this is quite bad, and I really didn't expect it on a higher end Yamaha. They're usually bang on. I sent the seller some pictures and videos of the finish but it's really hard to show a problem in clearcoat, the camera either focuses on the woodgrain or the reflections of the surroundings. This is the email I got back. Hi, I have spoken to Yamaha today to ask for an opinion and some assistance with this and am just awaiting a reply. The bass in this finish is out of stock at the moment and it looks as though the next available stock is due around beginning of September at the earliest, so seeking a replacement could be a little bit of a wait, but it is something we could make arrangements for. The best alternative we have in stock is the Black version. We can of course collect the bass and cancel down the order within the first 14 days if that seems to be the best thing to do. As the issues do not affect the functioning of the bass itself though, do you think if there were any scope for a discount to compensate that it would help in keeping hold of the bass as is? Thanks, Paul I can't ask for more than that! So not sorted yet, but it will be one way or another. 🙂👍
  15. Asking $1900 is one thing, getting it is another! I've just decided that my Aria faker is for sale at £2500, it doesn't make it worth that... and it will never sell. 🙂
  16. Ha ha, after seeing your post on the 40th anniversary Precisions I went and had a look at them, the above bass popped up and I instantly went, "Crikey that's lovely!" Then noticed it was a Jazz and went, "I don't like Jazz basses." It's still lovely though.
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