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Everything posted by Maude

  1. My 734a has arrived but Yamaha have let me down. The finish is has flowed in a couple of places resulting in thick ridges in it. One bad one along the line where the front of the body transitions into the forearm carve and three not so bad ones one the rear belly cut. It would flat and polish out as there's clearly a shed load of lacquer on it but I shouldn't be messing around like that on a reasonably pricey bass. I'll contact the shop tomorrow but they're now showing as on order from manufacturer so I might be in for wait. 😕
  2. Welcome to my Nightmare - Alice Cooper
  3. Any matt colour will eventually polish up under use. They look great when new but as soon as the shiny thumbest and forearm area appear I think they look a bit naff. I looked at the P34 but wanted active for this one. I just fancied an active for everyday playing, and I love my BBPH so this will compliment it nicely. The 1200s is too similar to the BBPH but with less than ideal (for me) nut width, and I'll end up with two active BBs that I want to 'mother' too much.
  4. I'd decided a few weeks ago I wanted a dark coffee one. They seem to go for around the £550-£600 mark. New they're only £750. I bought my Jack Casady on interest free finance and the last payment is coming up, so I thought I'd treat myself to a new 734a on the same deal, at £35 a month you barely know you're paying it. I prefer a thinner nut width and the 1200s is 44mm where the 734a is 40mm. I have my BBPH to cover the reverse P active BB which has a 40mm nut, do I've decided to leave the 1200s. As I'm not really paying for the 734a that leaves the gate wide open for a T40 which is a different beast altogether. There's logic in there somewhere. 😄😄
  5. By way of apology for derailing this thread slightly I've just ordered a 734a. 😄
  6. It was just a conversation started by discussing the BB1200s for sale on here, and me being torn between the two. Sorry if it's offended you. Just say and I'll delete all my posts on the T40, but I'll expect you to ask for all posts about any basses other than BBs to be removed as well. Or we can all just chill out. 🙂
  7. See, if that's worth £800, then this one for a grand isn't out of the way. I know we all like different stuff but, to me, this one is way nicer than the maple/maple/black pickguard ones. He's owned it from new.
  8. Were they both fiendishly heavy? I don't mind paying out if I knew I'd get it back if I sold again. Just don't want to drop serious money and end up stuck with it or losing lots.
  9. "Hello, Ernie Ball? Yes, those Cobalt flats are still rusting!"
  10. It's up for £1450, he's offered it to me for £1k. That's a lot for a T40, but it is sexy, sienna burst with a rosewood fretboard.
  11. Absolutely fantastic no doubt, but I'm just not drawn to the shape. I'm so shallow. I bet it's lovely though. 😎👍
  12. There's a Peavey T40 in The Bass Gallery, rare colour fretboard combo and absolutely gorgeous, but too much money for me. The seller contacted me and, to be fair, offered me a great reduction. But it's still more than I'd like to pay for a T40. But then if prices are creeping up do I just keep it until the prices have caught up. Always wanted one, never owned one. I'm going to crumble on something soon, I can feel it.
  13. That seems a fair offer. It's lovely but with postage it's nearly a £1k 1200s. I'm torn between a few basses at the mo, having one of those dangerous spendy urges. 😁
  14. I'm confused now. That's a righty, strung as a righty, isn't it? 🤔
  15. Just out of interest, what wouldn't he take? 🤔😁
  16. Good folks of BB land, lend me your ears. Is the P34 a big leap up from the 734a, and if so in what way? And has that bloody 1200s in the classifieds gone yet? I'm scared to look. 😄
  17. I was looking for Peavey T40 reviews and watched this video on YouTube. He has a few HBs and loves them.
  18. I've got his Firebucker PUs in my old Hofner Artist bass, and I picked up a pair of the insanely high powered Drivetrain quadcoils for a future project the last time he had a sale on. Great pickups.
  19. Maude


    But is a good custard cream a good custard cream regardless of who it's by? If it's not got Crawfords on it I'm not interested! Yes some of the budget brands might be just as good but I'm just a sucker for that label.
  20. Taking the neck off a Fender to adjust the trussrod is an even more stupid idea than the intonation adjustment screws on a classic Rickenbacker bridge.
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