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Everything posted by Maude

  1. I Love A Man In A Uniform - Gang Of Four
  2. I've never seen this photo before. Duck Dunn with a BB1200.
  3. I bought an Aria STB Jazz bass on ebay. It arrived in a black bin liner and nothing else. It was only £40 but even so. I don't think it got damaged though, had a couple of tiny marks but I think they were visible in the listing.
  4. It's hard/impossible to see in that clip, but does the neck heel end like a traditional bolt on, with the bridge and pickups mounted on the metal body, or does it continue through the body like a neck through and the bridge and pickups mounted on the wood centre through a metal skin? If it's not neck through then it is a very different take on building a bass. If it is neck through then it's just the same old same old, but with a fold of metal rather than a pair of side wings fixed on. Kind of like taking a Steinberger 'cricket bat' bass and fixing anything you like to the sides for cosmetic appeal.
  5. It must made out of 'Tone Tin' surely, or else it would sound terrible? 🙈
  6. Pressure Drop - Toots and the Maytals / The Clash
  7. Yeah, that would make quite a noise, as would using those frets. Let's go with delusional idiot then... as you were. 😄
  8. Someone should incorporate a pickup into the heel of a neck, so that the last two frets are also humbucker rails, and then have series/parallel/single coil switching. Absolute genius or delusional idiot? You decide.
  9. I've got a pair of HB uke basses, fretted and fretless. Both bought as 'Dekos' for just under £30 each a few years ago. Both had no faults other than needing the piezos seating properly. I think one needed a slip of paper putting under the E string side to increase the pressure to get an even output. I always look at it as part of a set up on piezo saddle bridges, a little fine tuning by moving the piezo strip or adding a paper/card shim to even up the output from all strings. You'd think Thomann would've sorted this issue by now though, as they must have had loads sent back over the years. The Hofner looks cool. 😎👍
  10. I really like the Entwistle budget P's. PBXN (neodymium) for modern aggressive tones, very similar to the Seymour Duncan Quarter Pound. Or PBX (ceramic) for a more vintage tone. Or Tonerider (alnico) for proper vintage tone. All a similar price and very good value for money.
  11. Money's Too Tight To Mention - The Valentine Brothers
  12. You Don't Bring Me Flowers - Neil Diamond and Babs again.
  13. Only the most hopeless of amateurs would respray a guitar without first keying up the original finish, if not removing it completely. Is it worth trying to remove the geen/blue paint in the hope that a Mr. H. Amateur has left a lovely, glossy, original finish underneath? I'd guess not. If you're not prepared to refinish the guitar, then I'd leave well alone. Just my 2p.
  14. I think Colleen Rooney asked Noel to sign Wayne's Gibson. So Noel stripped it down dunked it in a bucket of sky blue emulsion and signed it 'Happy Birthday Spongebob, next time you want something signing send us round your Bentley!' Or something like that. 🤣
  15. Everything's Gone Green - New Order
  16. I can't wait that long! Once I get these feelings, I've usually got about a week before I cave in. 😁 Edit - If anyone's toying with the idea of selling their coffee burst 734a, in the words of George Michael, I'm your man! 😉
  17. Yes. So not out of pocket or anything like that. Just be nice not to have try and buy tickets again as I reckon it will sell out fast, and then you have to turn to the overinflated, online touts. Maybe a priority system for folks who had ticket refunds from the other shows. Logistically, I imagine it would be a nightmare to do. A very minor, petty gripe I'll admit.
  18. I don't mean to beach, especially over something as sad as this, but it would've been nice if they could've found a way to honour the ticket holders for the London gigs that were due in a few weeks. I can foresee tickets for these new gigs being rediculous money, especially by the legalised touts, as it will quite possibly/likely be the last time they'll play.
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