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Everything posted by Maude

  1. I hope so. I've just decided I 'need' a dark coffee burst 734a and if a new range come out, hopefully the current prices will drop.
  2. Well I watched episodes 1 & 2 last night and enjoyed it. When viewed as a stylised drama based on real events, rather than a documentary, I think it works. Yes it's all a little theatrical and might not portray events as they actually occurred, but it's Danny Boyle's version of Steve Jones' version of events, and everyone in and around that band has a different version of events to suit their agender. I've seen Quadrophenia and The Kinks story at the theatre and see this in a similar theatrical kind of way. It's entertainment not education.
  3. Well it turns out my son has a Disney+ subscription and I can download it on my Firestick. So it looks like I can give this a whirl after all.
  4. Beauty School Dropout - Less Than Jake
  5. Bartender and the Thief - Stereophonics
  6. Bras In Pocket - The Pretenders Damn it!! Too slow again. It's staying anyway now as it's still about theft (from Primark probably).
  7. Those knobs look very nice indeed. I've just bought a very, very basic/cheap/small lathe to do one specific job. It is basically exactly what you have set up yourself, just with a tapered spigot at the end on a slider. I did think I could turn a few control knobs on it. I've yet to try it but if it's up to the job I'll put a post on here about it as it might be useful to other folks for making knobs. If it's not up to it it'll go in the bin. 😁 It's only 30cm long and £22.
  8. I did wonder why he'd add the word scam to the title. As you say, it's a warning not to buy from Mason/Smethurst/Smith etc. Mason, Smethurst & Smith, sounds like a solicitor firm. They usually extract copious amounts of money for very little return too. Edit - Just to add that there are two ads running. One by James Smith (the scammer) and another by a vigilante who's screenshotted (screenshat?) the photo and listed a warning. Perhaps we should all follow suit and screenshot the cover picture of everything he lists and also list it with the relevant warnings. Flood the market with the same products, it should stop others from getting scammed if there were hundreds of identical items listed simultaneously.
  9. Karma, payback, call it what you will. Hopefully some young rapscallions were making a racket with them.
  10. See You - Depeche Mode I was too late but we've already moved on.
  11. Yet Fender custom shop do that to a shitty old Precision and folks can't get their money out quick enough. It's a funny old world. 😉
  12. I haven't commented anymore as I don't have any subscription TV. If it eventually gets an airing on terrestrial I'll watch it.
  13. Sade. Your love is king, never need to part. You kiss his ring. Makes no sense at all. You'd have to part them to kiss that!
  14. I fear I may have already taken that step in pink glittery shoes anyway. 🤣
  15. It has a white binding but it's now very thin in a couple of areas due to the amount of sanding required to completely remove the blue stain. I'll be reinstating the binding. The original plan, well the one I'd ended up with after a few things didn't go to plan stripping it, was sparkle top, white and bronze binding and a dark stained wood back and sides. The construction is a two piece centre block with two 'wings', so viewed from the bottom there are four different end grains visible. I'd have to do the same as Yamaha which is to paint the sides in a solid colour that sunbursts into the matching transparent colour on the rear. I'd planned on using calligraphy ink for the sides and rear as it's easy to apply to the needed colour and doesn't react to poly lacquer. The problem with this is the ink will never hide the four end grains, I'll need to mix a matching solid colour and try to fade it into the ink. If I went with solid colour vintage white back and sides then it's just a case of whacking it on, it'll obviously cover the end grains. Just thinking out loud really. I'll mull it over and probably come up with something totally different. 😁 I've kind of got an idea brewing but it might be a step too far.
  16. It's less pink when not in full sun. As with all sparkle finishes, you really can't appreciate the effect in a photo. It's really sparkly in real life. The back and sides were going to be dark wood but looking at this photo I think it would look good in vintage white, plus headstock. Would sparkle headstock be too much? A chrome bridge would suit white back and sides better than the dark wood one, so it may have to be dark wood. Hmm decisions decisions.
  17. From reading other sites (ahem TB) it seems that they're all like it. There's mention of the PUs being wired in series. Does the six way chicken head have a series position, and do the tones only do this when in that position?
  18. Absolutely rediculous! 😂 It needs lots of lacquer yet to bury the flake, but, well I don't know what to say. 🙈
  19. Jenny Don't Be Hastings - Paulo Nutini
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