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Everything posted by Maude

  1. I was sorely tempted but I just bought a Yamaha BEX4 out of the blue on Friday which I'm waiting delivery of, and my P need was covered by the Encore I bought a few weeks ago.
  2. The absolutely gorgeous faded pelham blue Jack Casady hasn't been posted in this thread so here's mine. The colour changes quite dramatically with different light. Above is outdoors in bright daylight, below is indoors in warm electric light.
  3. I've just watched a Sunn Mustang end on ebay for £72 and didn't bid, I'm feeling quite proud of myself. 😁 It had had mods done to it but it looked like a beauty. I wonder if someone here bought it. Sunn Mustang
  4. Any Roxette single will do, and a bloody good use for them too!
  5. Ah, they make that wierd staccato noise when near amps. Your phone related tale reminds me of another, not so much a D'oh moment but embarrassing oversight. In a now defunct band we used to open the second set with 'Blockbuster'. I'd found the correct siren noise online and looped it into a five minute mp3 file, and put it on my phone. I used a Line6 X3 Live and I'd plug the phone in the line in and route it through the volume pedal, I could then just leave it running and fade in and out as needed. Start of the second set we'd get the fog going and had old school red and blue police lights either side of the stage, I'd then fade the siren in and folks would wonder what's going on, until the guitar riff kicked in. I'm smiling just remembering it. Anyway half way through the song at one gig my wife phones me to leave a message about something or other, only problem is the phone is routed through the PA and the whole place was treated to my answer phone and her message. I put it in flight mode from then on at gigs.
  6. Don't know, I think he's still out buying either a brightly coloured Ibanez bass or a swanky jacket.
  7. Maude

    Yamaha BEX-4

    Take your pick. 😁
  8. Where Is My Mind - The Pixies (not whoever does that version in an advert with the oh so predictable and boring breathy female vocals)
  9. Maude

    Yamaha BEX-4

    It's missing its battery cover apparently. I'll have to try and source one from somewhere.
  10. Maude

    Yamaha BEX-4

    It's all your doing 😁. I woke up this morning with not even a thought of buying a new bass*, then by half ten one was in the bag. A good Friday indeed! 😄 *Well not this one anyway.
  11. There's a lot of unplugged cabs, amps, etc. Is there any link between this seemingly common problem and the average age of the Basschat member? 😁
  12. Stylish but costly, having a new screen each time. And praying it doesn't rain while your playing. 😄
  13. That reminds me, I pushed the windscreen out of a Mini with a hardcase once. It was a proper Mini, the screen was held in with a rubber trim, which had a beading running through it to secure it firmly. I'd put a new screen in but couldn't get the beading in (there's a special tool) so just left it out, the screen felt secure enough. I used to have a quick release passenger seat that allowed me to put my big Peavey 15" amp on the floor where the seat would be with a matching cab on the back seat. My bass, in a hardcase, would lay on top of the amp and cab. Being young and over enthusiastic about everything, I was whizzing through the country lanes, rounded a corner, met a car and had to brake sharpish. The hardcase shot forwards and pushed the screen out, and they both then slid down the bonnet and onto the road. I casually got out and put the case and cracked screen on top of the amp/cab and continued to the gig. The other driver was having a right laugh at me. The cheeky bleeder! 😄
  14. I'm such an idiot. I've just been doing a little extra fettling on my recently purchased cheap Precision. I decided to give the trussrod a little tweak now it's had Chromes on for a couple of weeks, and then set the intonation properly, it was only roughly done as I knew I'd be tweaking once settled. Anyway I slackened the A and D strings and popped them out their nut slots to allow room to turn the allen key (headstock end adjustment), gave it a quarter turn and popped the strings back in their slots. Reached up to the D string tuner and gave it a couple of swift turns to put some tension back in the string and the G string exploded. Yep, that'll be the G tuner I was turning, not the D. D'oh! Anyone had any similar D'oh moments (D'ohments) when afterwards you think, how did I manage to be so stupid? 😁👍
  15. Maude

    Yamaha BEX-4

    The deed is done. It's been in the back of my mind to get a blue one for a while and at that price, we'll it would be rude not to. Comes with a hardcase too. They put it on the website for me so I could get it delivered. Didn't want to say just now in case someone else bought it. 😎👍
  16. Maude

    Yamaha BEX-4

    @andy67 you Sir are a legend. I think we're sorted but can't say at the mo, all will become apparent. 😁👍
  17. Maude

    Yamaha BEX-4

    I might give them a call when they open and see what my options are. Did it look in reasonable condition?
  18. Maude

    Yamaha BEX-4

    Pants! I'd definitely have that if I wasn't in Cornwall. Even more annoyingly my daughter flew up to Edinburgh for a concert last weekend. 😕
  19. Depending on your 'skilz' it wouldn't be fiendishly difficult to replicate the original headstock plate, if it is indeed made how you describe. A sheet of clear pickguard material, perspex or similar, cut to shape. A gold waterslide decal (printed in mirror image), there's folks on ebay will make them for a tenner from an image. Apply decal to reverse of plate, then matt black aerosol (easier than gloss). Flip it over and hey presto.
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