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Everything posted by Maude

  1. I've got a fretted and fretless HB uke bass. They were 'Dekos' and less than £30 each, which kind put the shine on the experience. 😁
  2. Forkin' 'ell, it's Fred Titmus - Half Man Half Biscuit
  3. Oh great, now I want to put tort back on my sunburst P! That looks lovely. Didn't I see you're off to sunny Torquay to pick up a black/black/maple P though. P basses a plenty!
  4. I played a BBG5S for a decade as my only bass. Great instrument. I'd still have it but I took a break and then went back to four strings.
  5. Why only 7? I knew I'd saved this picture for a reason.
  6. Lovely old bass. Troy, who does some play along vids on YouTube uses a Guild from time to time. Every time he does it sounds fantastic.
  7. Nice Legs, Shame About The Face - The Monks
  8. That's great that it's all working now, and that is a great bass to have as a first bass. Yamaha make excellent basses, all instruments actually, and the RBX range of basses are very comfortable to play and sound fantastic. 🙂👍
  9. Is anyone in the Derby area looking for a bargain budget BB? There's an 'as new' BB234 with case and a Rumble 25 amp for £250 or best offer. Admittedly I'm not up on the newer BB range, but it seems like a good deal, especially if you could get it nearer to 200 smackeroonies. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Yamaha-BB234-Bass-Guitar-Fender-Rumble-25-amp-/194964438635?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0
  10. I agree, but with maths you can be bad at it and get it wrong. You have to be very very bad to physically look at two pieces of stretched out string and get it wrong.
  11. He you go. I haven't read it all but it might give you the info you're after.
  12. Yes I've bought from DV247 too. Can't remember what now, I think it was my doublebass bag, and other small bits over the years. I've never had any issues though so couldn't say how they handle things when they go wrong. I seem to recall a recent(ish) thread on here about some folks having problems with them, I could be wrong though. I'll have a search. 🙂👍
  13. I Wanna Be Your Dog - Iggy & The Stooges
  14. I was holding off posting that as it didn't seem in keeping with the thread. But you have, so thanks 🙂. I first heard it on an album of covers I bought as a teenager called 'We Do 'Em Our Way'. I always loved that album as it had a cover of 'Friday On My Mind' by a local band called The Golant Pistons. They were kind of the Sawmill Studios house band, if you could call them that, fronted by the glorious Al Hodge. A tale I remember, which I hope is true, it that a band were recording at Sawmill Studios, which is only accessible by boat, and needed a really good guitar solo. The engineer suddenly decided to get Al Hodge to do it, and as luck would have it he was in the pub in the nearest village, Golant. After staggering down the railway track to the studio, the quickest way of getting there on foot, he arrived well inebriated with his guitar in a black bin bag. He pulled the guitar out and layed down a blistering solo. He then put his guitar back in the bin bag and staggered out without saying a word. Big enough thread derail? As you were. 😁
  15. For a bass (or guitar) body I can see epoxy helping. The white areas of this slab are very soft compared to the darker areas. Not soft enough to be an issue for my needs but I don't think I'd trust a bridge or neck screwed into it. The dark areas, on the other hand, are rock hard.
  16. Lady Maude is happy with it, so I'm happy with it. 😉
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