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Everything posted by Maude

  1. If only they'd washed their hands more when they owned it, the bridge might not be in such a saltcrust, rusty state. ๐Ÿ˜ I'm sorry, I'm not helping am I? Best of luck with the repair. ๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ‘
  2. Going To A GoGo - Smokey and The Miracles
  3. Pennies From Heaven - Louis Prima (among many, many others)
  4. Felt mandolin picks would also work well I reckon. It sounds like they'd be too soft but they're really quite firm. Worth trying some different picks anyway, just in case you find something you like that you never knew existed. Edit: Just beaten too it.
  5. Hold it, cherish it, love it and never let it go. Yeah, I quite like mine. ๐Ÿ˜
  6. Thank you on both counts. Nothing much work needed with the bass though, great looking thing from the the factory. I suppose, very generally speaking, a ยฃ500 bass is pretty much a ยฃ200 bass with some extra man hours and stricter QC. I've just spent a couple of hours levelling, bevelling, recrowning and polishing the frets, and rounding the edges of the fretboard. It's got some oil soaking in now and I'll give it a buff in a mo. Two hours but suddenly a hugely more playable neck. I think the old Chromes from my other Precision will go on this with the Tonerider PU. The other Precision has a SD 1/4 Pound PU so can have some rounds for a bit of aggressive clank.
  7. I've just ordered a Tonerider TRP1. Hopefully get me that Fender Custom Shop '62 tone, without the price tag. Some fret work and a bit of fingerboard rolling and it should feel lovely too.
  8. I couldn't agree more. I'm a champion of the cheap. ๐Ÿ˜
  9. In Plymouth. It was collection only and ยฃ59 originally. I'm twenty miles from Plymouth and couldn't really be bothered to go and get it. Then my wife was taken into Derriford hospital (Plymouth) last week and I'd been in every day visiting, but only in the evening. On Friday they dropped the price to ยฃ49 and I was going in on Saturday in the day. Perfect. Really glad I bought it now. I know it's only an Encore but it's really nice. With a few hours spent on the neck it'll play really nicely I think.
  10. The neck is modern P I suppose, 42mm nut but is quite shallow, more shallow than most actually. Definitely nothing like my Yamaha Attitude which is based on the old Tele necks and is huge. The photos are indoors, evening with the lights on so warm looking, but it really is a very creamy pearl. When buying pearl pickguards there's generally white, vintage white (or variation of) and ivory, then cream if you're lucky. This is definitely cream, not white at all, which I really like. It goes perfectly with the deep red.
  11. I said 'inspired by', that doesn't mean it turned out looking anything like it. ๐Ÿ˜„ It's not finished yet but here's the thread if it's of interest. I don't know why it's put that picture there, that's not mine. ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ˜
  12. Keep us posted if you restore it. I love the madness of saving a terrible bass. ๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ‘
  13. I love the look of this bass. This was the look that inspired my Kay resto.
  14. Pulled it apart today and gave it all a good clean and polish. It's definitely a more modern one but is surprisingly well built. Nice tidy routing and tight tolerances. Lovely snug neck pocket. I haven't shielded it, I'll see if it's noisy at all first. If it ain't broke... No clues as to age in here. Basic but tidy and no work needed. Magnets on underside of PU, so I assume they must be ceramic ones. Don't know if they are Wilkinson or not, but it doesn't matter. The good thing is they run on unleaded. ๐Ÿ˜ Gave the body and pickguard a good clean and polish, and washed and scrubbed all the metalwork. The body would benefit from a wet flat, then polish, but as I've no idea how much lacquer is on it I'm not going to bother in case I break through. It's only a cheapy bit of fun and it's perfectly acceptable. Body's all built up and I'm about to tackle the neck. I've used cream felt strap pin washers to match the pickguard but black might be better, I'm not sure. Again, it doesn't really matter.
  15. To be fair they are all excellent basses/guitars. There's always the pick of bunch even from cheaper brands. The Kay is a neck through similar to Westone Thunder or Aria SB, actually made by Cort with very nice Powersound pickups, the Kimbara is a very accurate Gibson Ripper copy in looks and sound, the Hohner is a nice Arbour Series fretless P and the Melody is a cool little bowl back, f hole archtop acoustic guitar based on an Ovation. I like an underdog. ๐Ÿ˜‰
  16. I'll pull it apart tomorrow probably and give a good clean and polish. I'll see what's what then. I really need to stop buying 'rubbish' though. In my 5 space living room rack at the mo I have an Encore, Hohner, Kimbara, Melody and Kay. We had paramedics in the house earlier in the week and one of them was in a band and asked who the bassist was. It was almost embarrassing, you almost want to say, "I have some really nice basses in cases, honest." ๐Ÿ˜„
  17. That's good to know because my other P bass has a SD 1/4 Pound and is aggressive and scooped. I'd like this to be more classic Motown P tone.
  18. I'll tackle any repair on a bass but I'll happily admit electrics aren't my strong point, it's like witchcraft! ๐Ÿ˜‰
  19. Wilkinson are similar to the Entwistle pickups that I'm a fan of. I actually think the Entwistle neos (PBXN) are almost identical sounding to the Seymour Duncan Quarter Pounder, but actually better as they have slightly more pronounced mids. I might give the Winkinsons a go if I need to. I reckon it's Wilkinson in there now but probably a cheapy. Warman are another favourite of mine, excellent pickups for very little money.
  20. Wouldn't an on/off switch create a pop when engaging/disengaging, like pluggging/unplugging a jack with amp volume up??
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