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Everything posted by Maude

  1. Luckily you ordered that in December. If it was January you'd be straight outta here! We all know how big a difference the sonic properties of 'tonePVC' makes to your sound. ๐Ÿ˜ Can a pickguard change the way a solidbody sounds? The answer is yes.
  2. Dammit! I thought that going to read 'Sex On Fire'. ๐Ÿ˜„
  3. I've got a gold and black Kay waterslide decal spare from when I did my brown and white one. It's just the K in a circle logo. You can have it if it's any use to you.
  4. Has anyone actually done that since the 80s? If they have, STOP IT NOW!
  5. It'll more likely than not have a coat of sanding sealer (like clear primer) on the wood before the black was applied, so the black shouldn't have gone into the grain at all. IME the face of a headstock is easy/quick to do because of the small size, you don't get bored of all the contours and edges like a body, so don't end up rushing it, then subsequently wishing you'd spent more time doing it properly. Top tip when lacquering a headstock face. Mask everything you need to but leave about 5mm down the sides until last. Once everything but this area is masked, run a length of masking tape around the perimeter of the headstock but about half a mil down the side of the headstock, rather than try and get it exactly on the 90ยฐ of the face/side. It is infinitely easier to get a nice line this way. Once lacquered but still wet, CAREFULLY peel that last strip of tape off that you put on, the wet lacquer edge will flow out and not leave you with a sharp masking edge, as it would if you let it dry first.
  6. I always said this. It's like the live band are the video to the audio track being played in the punters heads. In the heat of the moment wrong notes, melodies, etc don't matter to the punters. But mobile phone footage is where is all falls down. That great band they saw last night suddenly seems incredibly shite when they look/listen back to the videos they took. I've found it's a sliding scale though when you're doing more genre specific music. Run of the mill pub bands, nobody worries. Tribute or genre specific and people start paying more attention, even get a bit fanatical. But then the reward is higher when you get it right, which I like.
  7. What about one of those waist strap/belt contraptions. Removes the weight from your shoulders but may or may not still cause problems by adding the weight lower down. Worth looking at maybe?
  8. I use a Gruv Gear Gigblade 2 with my 4005, which is a suitably large bass. My Jack Casady won't fit in it though as that has an unfeasibly large waist.
  9. Don't know, but quite possibly I'd imagine.
  10. The scooters could have built in proximity sensors to detect nearby pedestrians and play a little Seinfeld slap bass solo when in range. It would be effective and brighten up everyone's day.
  11. Bargain if you were local though. It's a local bargain for local people. There's nothing for you here! ๐Ÿ˜„
  12. Is anyone going to even make it through January? ๐Ÿ˜„
  13. Gotta love a P body with a J neck, and with lollipops! That fretboard wood looks really nice too, as does the whole bass. ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ‘
  14. I think the early BBN4 had the 3+1 headstock, the then mk2 and 3 went with a 2+2. It's definitely the correct neck/headstock. It's a great bass. There's a lot of love for all the Yamaha BB range. ๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ‘
  15. Anyone looking for a BB in the Ramsgate area? 11 hours to go, ยฃ51 inc case. Ebay linkypoo
  16. On reflection I was being a little flippant. I shouldn't post when in a bad mood. ๐Ÿ™‚
  17. Seller can't ship it but you may be able to sort something somehow.
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