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Everything posted by Maude

  1. If you were to put a veneer over the front and stain it teal, you could still mask the centre laminates on the rear to keep them visible, then lacquer or oil finish the whole thing. I did (I'm doing, still not finished) this to an old neck through Kay I was given. This is before lacquer.
  2. The Chase Is Better Than The Catch - Motorhead
  3. Ha, I bought a Variax years ago as that'll be the only bass I'll ever need. Why have I got two of them? 🤣🤣
  4. It'll be a shame to cover up the lovely neck through laminates. It works for Rickenbacker though. Would a pair of large pickups with surrounds work? That bridge p/u route is a big old hole though. Keep us posted though, it'll be interesting to see what you come up with.
  5. I saw that one on ebay. Lovely looking bass, but the pickups 😬. What are planning to do with the pickup routes?
  6. There's someone in Scotland, Glasgow I think, that does them. He sells on ebay. I've only ever bought blank sheets to do my own but always had good service and have only heard good reports about his work.
  7. Queen Bitch - David Bowie Double pointer! Ah thangyoo, g'night.
  8. Get on with it! I'm lacing up my winklepickers as we speak.
  9. Maude


    I used to relic my Doc Martins back in the grunge days. I hated that shiny new boot look so tied them to the rear bumper of my Mini by their laces and drove round for a bit. Perfect! Would this work on an Embassy?
  10. I couldn't be doing with that. Personally I like a band to be tight, and for me that means everyone knowing exactly where all the changes are and sticking to them. It's no good me launching into the chorus if the guitarist decides he wants to noodle on for a few more bars. He sounds like a bedroom guitarist that never learnt to play with a band, knows his shortcomings and makes excuses for them like "I play by feel", and gets angry when he's 'found out'.
  11. Maude


    Yeah it's just me being fussy, and the photos make it look worse. If I'd refinished it I'd be annoyed with myself for letting those bits go, but you can't expect that attention to detail in a cheap, mass produced bass. I doubt exchanging it for another would improve things as there'd be other bits wrong probably. I know I don't sound it, but I'm really happy with it. Most folks would never notice.
  12. Maude


    No, my bad (as the coolest kids say). It's VBT, but I meant with the blend half way between both pickups and just the neck one, at 7.5 if you will.
  13. Maude


    Right here we go then. Firstly you have to understand that I can be too fussy for my own good. It comes from a being a panel beater with a bit of pride, and badly sanded edges and misaligned parts leap out at me. Which led to my first disappointment. It came out the bag headstock first and the paint edge around the 'open book' shape isn't the best. There's also a couple of edges which aren't right, but to be fair this is a colour that will emphasise any imperfections, and it's only a £350 bass. That said, it does look lovely, I really like the colour and the body hardware looks huge, really chunky, which I like. The actual paint finish is perfectly acceptable, not amazing but as good as more expensive basses. I've only plugged it into a small amp so far but it sounds great, I really quite like the both pickups on full, slightly scooped tone it has. But the neck pickup full, bridge about halfway is great. Action is very high for my liking but that all adjustable. The frets are very thin which I also like. More to come when I've spent some time with it, but overall a very nice bass for very little money. Without flash. With flash. Bad edges. Action. Nice fretboard wood. Chunky hardware. Retro knobs Lovely colour.
  14. Maude


    I daren't look at it to sternly. 😉
  15. Maude


    All in good time young Stew, all in good time. 😉 A sneaky peaked close up.
  16. Maude


    It's so perdy! Almost a sparkle finish.
  17. Maude


    Shaun is, apparently, 1 hour away. I can also tell you that his favourite song is 'Take It Easy' by The Eagles. TAKE IT EASY!! Put your bloody foot down Shaun. Come on! 🤣🤣🤣
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