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Everything posted by Maude

  1. Well after an extensive playing and testing session with the 424 and 1024 yesterday, I can with absolute certainty say that I don't bloody know which I prefer! The 1024 should be better, but is it? The drastically different strings are the biggest problem as the tone is so different it's impossible to compare. I definitely think I prefer the reverse P of my 424, but I have the Hooky now for my reverse P hunger, so maybe that and the standard P 1024 would make a nice pair. It's a dilemma but a nice dilemma to have. Serious question that might just sway it. What do folks think about my reversing the P on the 424, have I reduced it's value or not? Even if I say so myself, it's been done nicely, routed out neatly and the scratchplate is a perfect fit, not some hack it out job, and it's all reversible if wanted. I wouldn't expect it to have added value, but as it's now non standard is it worth less?
  2. Maude


    It gets better, I've just had a message from DPD saying Shaun will deliver my package today. I only rang PMT late morning yesterday. Come on Shaun, where are you? I'm going to go and stand by my gate and wait. 😁
  3. This is only semi serious as it's not really what you're after, but I've been itching to put a pair of Warman Drivetrains in a bass. https://www.warmanguitars.co.uk/product/drivetrain-quad-coil-29-87-kohm-ultra-output-pickup-4-wire-our-highest-output-dual-humbucker/
  4. Harley Benton do a Rick-a-like using mostly Chinese (AliExpress) hardware, but with better QC and a guarantee. Can't remember what the pickups are though and whether they'll be vaguely Rickish. You're best bet is to pick up a 70's Jap faker.
  5. Pickups, I've always said 'front and rear' are 'neck and bridge'. Strings used to confuse me when I was learning as when wearing the bass top to bottom is E to G, but in terms of pitch it's G to E. While knowing nothing about pitch, I did know which way was up, so it seemed logical that the 'top' string was the E, but it isn't.
  6. Leave It Alone - NOFX 🧐 rocket - salad - leaves 🙄
  7. Maude


    Yeah sorry, my edit is confusing reading it back. I meant they were in stock, but now only 'available to order', as in not in stock. Hopefully you'll get your green one soon. I really couldn't decide between the green or gold but just fancied a gold bass in the end. I can see a tort scratchplate on the gold, but the black matches the headstock. What am I doing, I haven't even got it yet! 😁
  8. A lovely looking '85 fretless BB1100S has just popped up on facebook marketplace. https://www.facebook.com/groups/167660810099231/permalink/1856217261243569/?sale_post_id=1856217261243569
  9. I've just bought Tom's Yamaha BB2024X. Absolute pleasure to deal with. He agreed to post, swapped the gigbag for hardcase and absorbed the cost of the postage. Also kept me informed at all stages. Thank you so much much Tom.
  10. This mornings fun. Some comparison time and a choice to be made. Visually (shallow I know) the 1024's bridge, P pickup, string tree, nut and gloss headstock look nicer, but the 424's fretboard wood is far, far nicer and I prefer the plain black scratchplate. The 1024 has white Dr neons while the 424 has D'addario half rounds ( @Ricky Rioli) so sound comparison will be difficult. I've not weighed them but the 1024 feels heavier, but not substantially. Time to play. 🙂👍
  11. No but in true Basschat style I'll throw my favourite in the mix just to add some confusion. 😁 It sounds like you like me in liking a robust feeling string. I've settled on D'addario half rounds (enr72 are great) as they have a decent amount of tension, allowing me to really dig in without masses of fret clatter, they have that flatwound bottom and mid but still have a reasonable amount of treble. They're kind of like old rounds but with a real punch in the mids. In our band they really sit well, playing Mod/Ska/Northern Soul.
  12. Maude


    Result! Cancelled the finance ordered bass that was in stock, and they're sending that one as my paid for order. I was worried that it might get assigned to someone else. It'll be here on Tuesday. 🙂
  13. Hmm I need some wall hangers and their three pack is a good price. I'd probably be buying or 7 or 8 packs so still not a small amount of money if they're not very good. Does anyone have any experience with them? I don't want to save money over Hercules but find half my bass on the floor.
  14. That looks rather lovely. 🙂👍
  15. I just set up an extra email address for all the places that insist on an email address. It's not linked to anything so I get no notifications on any devices. One address for the stuff I want, one for the ones I don't want to hear from. I did have a quick check of the spammers one as I was waiting for a delivery from someone on here, and ended up making use of PMT 10% off Black Friday deal so clearly I'm just a sucker that can't follow my own rules. 😁
  16. Maude


    From buying my Jack Casady earlier in the year I know that Gibson/Epiphone deliveries are few and far between and dates are very vague. PMT had the green in stock earlier at £314 using promo code 'BF10'. Free delivery on Tuesday, if that helps. Edit - Now showing as available to order ☹️
  17. Maude


    An Embassy has been causing some low level gas for a good few months now, and although I don't usually bother with 'Black Friday' nonsense an email from PMT arrived stating 10% off selected lines. I had a look and yes, the Embassy is included. So a lovely Almond one is on it's way. Well I say on it's way but I've kind of screwed myself. As it was an unplanned purchase I thought I'd do the nine months interest free, just to spread it out a bit. With PMT's checkout process you buy the bass and then apply for credit, but the only credit available on it was 'buy now pay later' at 19.9%, no thanks. This transaction is now 'pending' waiting for a finance agreement. It gets cancelled after two days of no payment. I had to buy another one but the pending one must've been the last one as that one says delivery on Tuesday, but the one I've actually paid for says 'delivery once back in stock'. I'll ring tomorrow and see if they can send the pending one, but I might have just scuppered myself.
  18. Not at all, it makes perfect sense. 🙂👍
  19. This is the classic Ford colour 'Rosso Red'. "Ooh that sounds exotic." "What is it, Italian? Nice." "What's Rosso Italian for then, something sexy or sporty?" "Oh, um, well that's a bit er, unispired isn't it?" Walks away deflated.
  20. The top looks great, some lovely quilting on that upper bout. Seems odd to put a lovely veneer on and then paint it. I've probably misunderstood but you are planning on taking all the sanding sealer off aren't you? You'll need to so the stain can soak into the wood. Also the four ferrules that the bridge and tailpiece screw into, if you find a longish bolt or screw with the correct thread you can screw it straight through the ferrule until it bottoms out on the wood inside the hole, then carefully keep tightening and the ferrule should lift itself out by winding up the thread of the bolt/screw. They shouldn't be excessively tight but be aware that some folks glue them in so just watch the wood doesn't start to lift around it.
  21. I'm pretty sure all original Fender colours, and probably other manufacturers of the same era, were car colours. It was the easiest thing to do, just pop down the DuPont factory and grab some Burgandy Mist etc.
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