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Everything posted by Maude

  1. A little tale that's been told here before if I may. I started with a plywood SG copy which was soon replaced by my first 'real' bass, a Yamaha Attitude Special in seafoam green and the SG got a ceremonial cremation. A few years later the Attitude got traded in for a brand spanking Yamaha BBG5S, which was my sole bass for over a decade. After a couple of years break I went back to fours with a Yamaha RBX374. I then discovered Basschat and replaced the RBX with thirty or so other basses (πŸ™„πŸ˜„), but every time I play a Yamaha it feels like 'coming home'. My two latest purchases have been a BB424X and a BBPH, to join the BEX4 I've had for several years. I've got lots of other nice (to me) basses, but if I had to I could quite happily only ever play Yamaha basses for the rest of my days. Whatever price point Yamaha you buy, you always get far more than your moneys worth.
  2. My current Yamaha family, enjoying a bit of sun. 😎 BB424X with reversed P pickup, BEX4 and BBPH.
  3. Great picture. πŸ™‚πŸ‘
  4. I was only messing with you, hence the winky face. I guess some like to discuss/debate more than others. You've lost me there I'm afraid.
  5. Let it go - Whoever sang that terrible Frozen noise.
  6. Brand New Cadillac - Vince Taylor/The Clash
  7. I've just had a listen and I like it πŸ™‚πŸ‘, and yes I did try and click the play button in your screenshot, it's early πŸ™„πŸ˜„. With all the conversations about streaming killing music, this is the plus side. Years ago, without some sort of fairly big record deal, nobody in Mexico or Brazil would have heard your music. Genuine question, if this track took off and really did well, generating a decent amount of money, what would happen about the Guns of Brixton quote, royalty wise?
  8. The Trumpton Riots - Half Man Half Biscuit
  9. Yep, get a bit of paint on it. If the tug bar doesn't get get used there's little chance of it wearing off, and a nice, creamy ivory will look a lot classier than fridge white plastic. I wanted a thumb rest on my Longhorn but didn't want black plastic standing out, so painted it.
  10. I can only apologise in advance... sorry. She Bleeds - EMF
  11. Throwing My Baby Out With The Bathwater - Tenpole Tudor
  12. My biggest issue with lending a bass out isn't even for the safety of my bass, it's for the hygiene of my strings. People do all sorts of nasty things with their hands, I don't want the remnants of their habits ground into the windings of my strings thank you very much. If someone used my bass for a whole gig I'd have to put new strings on afterwards. Every used bass I buy will get new strings for this reason. It may be over the top but there you go, we all have our 'things'.
  13. Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites - Skrillex
  14. If anyone in the West Country (Newton Abbot) is looking. A nice BB235 that just isn't selling. Now Β£150 https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/624240578937859/
  15. "Fender are using all the right parts, but not necessarily on the right bass."
  16. Don't Fear The Reaper - Blue Oyster Cult
  17. May I be the first to apologise for using Amazon and indirectly forcing you to work in appalling, victorian workhouse-esque conditions. Here my brother, let me carry that p!ss bottle for you and help shoulder your burden. πŸ˜‰
  18. Love Potion Number Nine - Tygers of Pan Tang (and The Clovers, The Coasters, etc, but none like the Tygers)
  19. If they kill off the competition by being cheaper and more efficient, then put all their prices up, do you not think someone else will come along, undercut them and put them out of business?
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