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Everything posted by Maude

  1. Last Christmas and Armageddon It would work. It could be released on Def Wham, I mean Jam Records.
  2. Lovely thanks. πŸ™‚ I'm going to leave it I think. I've bought too much lately and need to use what I've got and stop buying. That said I'll probably be back here in a couple of days with a N(BB)BD post. πŸ˜‚
  3. I've just bought a set of my usual strings through them. D'addario half rounds, well into the Β£40s from D'addario and some retailers, well into the Β£30s plus p&p from most retailers, but Β£26 delivered for free the next day from Amazon. I not sure I believe all the band wagon jumping horror stories of Amazon, sure they're probably not the best employer, but show me any big retailer that is. A forty hour contract is a very rare thing in any supermarket or large retailer these days. Death of the high street blah blah blah, I've never enjoyed having to drive twenty miles to my nearest music shop and pay through the nose for the limited stock of Ernie Ball Slinkys as that's all they had. Or most any other product for that matter, 'going shopping' has held little appeal since being a child with a fistful of Christmas vouchers. When high street shopping became a thing there was probably a load of hand wringing over the death of small independent local shops. It's progress that's all, and if people didn't want it then it wouldn't be happening. Yes I am a miserable old fart well before my time. πŸ˜„
  4. It's also a logistical nightmare being 250 miles away. Mrtcat says he gigs all over and could deliver but I bet he doesn't get this far down. I'm going out for a walk to ponder the situation.
  5. The 1024x in the classifieds looks like a great buy. Go get 'em Floyd!
  6. Thanks. πŸ‘ My 424 has through body stringing. Buying the 1024 and A/B ing makes sense but I'll convince myself I should keep both as a normal P and a reverse P. I not good at selling basses. 😁
  7. Righto folks, educate me. πŸ˜‰ What are the differences between a 424 a 1024? The P pickup is a blade and the neck laminates look different. I'm tempted by the 1024x in the classifieds to replace my 424x, but is it worth it as I do really like my 424x, just wondered if I'd like a 1024x even more. I know I reversed my P but I have the Hooky for that now.
  8. Thanks @Delberthot. I'll use the points I've got on a full price set of strings then. It's still free strings, which you can't grumble at. I don't normally bother with any points collecting deals as you usually need to spend a fortune to collect enough points to get anything, but the Players Circle points are decent. My usual Enr72 half rounds give you 650 points, which seems to be about Β£6.50 going on the rough points value of stuff. D'addario are my go to string company so I'm glad this thread has brought my attention to the points. πŸ™‚πŸ‘
  9. Another Girl, Another Planet is the finest pop song ever committed to vinyl.
  10. I thought this was terrible, until I realised the Slipknot one above it was still playing. 🀣
  11. Big Wham fan then? 😁
  12. This fantastic, so upbeat. πŸ˜πŸ‘
  13. You'll Always Find Me In The Kitchen At Parties - Jona Lewie (AGA do) Damn it, it took to long to type out. I was so proud of it as well. πŸ˜„
  14. Does anyone know if D'addario do these offers very often? Ive got enough points for a set of my favourite strings at the full price now but I don't need any at the mo. If D'addario are likely to run another offer in six months it makes sense to wait and get four sets. All my gigging basses get the same strings so they'll get used eventually.
  15. Well the 4005 is a rediculously big bass, but the JC is even wider. So it won't fit in a Gigblade after all. That width between the upper and lower bouts is the problem, very very wide. Amazing basses though so enjoy πŸ™‚πŸ‘
  16. It's OK, A.T. doesn't really buy and sell much. πŸ˜„
  17. Yeah, those pickups don't belong there! 😁
  18. Best and worse, hmmm. πŸ€” Best was definitely the Jack Casady bass... ... until I bought a Yamaha BB424X which I reversed the P pickup on (Jack Casady still the best), which was supposed to satisfy my desire for a Hooky-esque reverse P BB after the release of his signature bass, which came out just after I'd bought the JC and I couldn't justify buying one. Then a couple of weeks ago a Hooky BB came up for sale within driving distance, and I couldn't help myself. I'm having the most fun with the PHBB, especially with the EHX Bass Clone which is fantastic, so that's probably my favourite. Actually they're both joint first place as they're such different creatures it's impossible to compare. Worst is probably a Crafter Cruiser that I bought purely because I drove past the sellers house on the way home from work and it was Β£20. It's very unfair to call it a bad purchase as it's a great little P bass, but it's the worst thing I've bought this year. Which means I've done alright. πŸ™‚πŸ‘ For the full Hooky 😁
  19. It's a customs shop road worn, get it bought man! 😁 It's possible a large section of paint could just lift off the edge, but more than likely it'll just stay as a crack in the finish, possibly elongating over time.
  20. Looks to have some nice figuring on the neck and fretboard. Good price too.
  21. Just seen this, signed up and registered a few old sets I've still got the packaging for but the offer has finished. Just my luck. Still I'll keep the points and wait to see if the offer is repeated. I never really looked into the Players Circle thing and it's amazing how many bags I've opened by ripping straight through the code, stretching it into an unreadable mess.
  22. Don't worry, I bought the first, and second Transvision Vamp album. As a teenage boy I'm not certain it was the musical content that interested me. 🀫
  23. My Baby is a Headfuck - The Wildhearts
  24. I'd go for option 4. Reverse P in neck position, standard P in bridge position. Contrary to popular belief Leo got it wrong the first time. Reverse P is where it's at in a classic P position, (tighter, punchier lows and richer warmer highs) but I'd be inclined to stick with standard P orientation if close to the bridge as you'll lose to much bottom end. πŸ™‚πŸ‘
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