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Everything posted by Maude

  1. The proper Epiphone hard case is very nice but bulky. I haven't tried it but my 4005 lives in a Gruv Gear Gigblade, and that's a big semi (stop sniggering). I'll try the Jack Casady in the Gigblade tomorrow. Both cases are pricey though.
  2. The Ballad of JJ Decay - Anti Nowhere League
  3. It does sound a bit that way but I can't decide if it's just the chordal stuff he's playing that makes it sound that way, although the single note stuff has a certain 'shimmer'.
  4. Some great ones above. I particularly like that Nirvana/Dead or Alive one @Ricky Rioli. @neepheid, in our acoustic band we do a version of 'Ever Fallen in Love' with a funkier feel to it, I always play the synth bassline to 'Push It' in the chorus and no one seems to noticed, but it makes me chuckle. Bizarrely 'Push It' sounds great on doublebass. Here's another favourite of mine, Foreigner/Yazoo, and the dancing is pretty cool too.
  5. I thought there was a thread of mashups but I can't seem to find it. I've just heard a great Jimmy Page, James Brown, Aerosmith, Run DMC mashup so I'll start a new one. Feel free to add your most awesome mashups, and if the old thread appears we can maybe merge them, or, ahem, do a mashup. This one just works seamlessly. πŸ™‚πŸ‘
  6. I've just watched a fantastic demo of the Jack Casady bass. It shows all the tones available really well and it sounds fabulous. πŸ™‚πŸ‘
  7. Ooh that's rather sexy! It looks amazing. πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘
  8. The musical note rather than a makers logo screams cheap to me. Unless there is a maker that uses that as a logo, in which case, you never saw me, alright?
  9. Come on, rules are rules. Pictures please πŸ˜‰. Congrats BTW, lovely looking bass. πŸ™‚πŸ‘
  10. That would be a great evening. Now seems as good a time as any to wheel this Two Tribes video out. It's so simple yet sounds fantastic, I love it.
  11. Wedding song requests are wierd sometimes. The last wedding we played we were asked by the bride & groom to play 'Ruby, Don't Take Your Love To Town' by Kenny Rogers. Definitely not a wedding song.
  12. Double post. It must be the chorus. 😁
  13. Just mucking about seeing if I can upload a reasonable audio clip here. Recorded on my phone placed in front of an Ashdown B-Social, no editing or EQing as I have no means of doing that, I don't own a computer. I couldn't have it loud either but I think it's actually worked OK and isn't bad quality. Ignore the timing and random non muted strings and shizzle, it was just to see if I could upload reasonable audio. And as it was a BB it's going here. 😁 BBPH & EHX Bass Clone. https://soundcloud.app.goo.gl/Nj87z
  14. I'll ask my dog the difference, as he's never made a nut or screw for the door... ... but he has made a bolt for the door. Ah the old ones are the best.
  15. I'd say wait and see what bass is being offered. Very generally speaking, any newer bass will be fine regardless of price when new, but budget basses from the mid/early eighties and earlier can be problematic. That said, nearly any budget bass can be made to play reasonably well if enough time is spent setting it up. There are very few truly unplayable basses. But wait and see what is offered, and keep us posted, I'm intrigued. πŸ™‚πŸ‘
  16. Twelve because tower not only monkeys perpendicular hopes and bass shiny. Got to be don't get hurricane carp.
  17. Don't Touch The Bang Bang Fruit - The Meteors
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