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Everything posted by Maude

  1. The seller is bilingual. He speaks English, and bollocks!
  2. I'd guess they had more than one in forty years. A few of their songs use one and I'd want at least a couple of back ups if touring a plastic 'toy'. But I know what you mean. 🙂
  3. Has it got a 3 band EQ? I usually like a scooped tone with the treble and bass controls on a sensible amount. But the... ahem, wait for it... ... silly mid off.
  4. Am I right in thinking Synergy aren't the people to contact anymore?
  5. I'm feeling the same about the Smoked Almond Metallic Embassy, a tort plate on this would look great. I nearly broke but just splurged my money on something else.
  6. Funny I should stumble across this old post as there's a Vintage Tony Butler for sale local to me that I liked the look of, but I favour the slimmer end of the scale neckwise so you saved me some money. There's also a vintage Tony Butler that lives local to me but that's an entirely different thing. 😁
  7. Annoyingly the wood on my PH is nicer on the back than the front. Being three pieces and a translucent finish, it shows on the front but blends together nicely on the back. It's much nicer in the flesh which I'm sure glad about. The maple sandwich looks nice though. It's just glorified plywood. 😁 Gratuitous pics. 😉
  8. If I'm wearing a belt I put it through starting one loop to the left so that the buckle is to left. Makes taking yer troosers off more difficult but saves your bass.
  9. I'd happily gig mine. But I'm pretty careful with my basses anyway when gigging. I've yet to do any damage other than fingernail marks and the usual fret wear. It probably won't get gigged at the moment as it's not right for the band image wise, but that's only because I have more visually suitable basses. If this was my only bass I'd be gigging it all the time.
  10. I was gonna say if he earnt out of it he'd probably be up for it. 🤣 Or he'd sign it, keep it, and sell it as a rarity at his next auction. 🤣
  11. I could send Hooky my control cavity cover along with a grovelling letter. 😁
  12. Puts me in mind of Noel Gallagher with Wayne Rooneys Les Paul. "I got this rambling letter from Coleen Rooney saying 'it's Wayne's 21st. He's a huge fan. It'd be great if you could sign it for him.' "And I was like 'cheeky, what?' "So, I took all the parts off it, got my mate who is a decorator to dip it in sky blue emulsion paint, wait for it to dry, put all the parts back on it, graffitied it with quite questionable Man City songs and sent it back to him with letter saying, 'Happy birthday, Sponge Bob. Next time you want ‘owt signing send us your Bentley.’
  13. One of the five would've been nice. Stupid really, what difference does it make if it's signed or not? Bizarrely it makes all the difference. I'd have loved one of them.
  14. Nightmare!! You must've been gutted. I had a tense enough time buying mine. Finally decided yesterday I'd go for it, sent him a cheeky £850 offer, he said he'd take £900 (only been played a handful of times, not left the house, it really is like new). He had someone else interested and said he'd given them first refusal, if he didn't hear back by seven o'clock it was mine. That was at three in the afternoon. A tense four hours followed. I'm really glad I got it now, no I don't need it, but I don't need the money sat in the bank either. If I do I can sell it. But I won't. Shhh. 😉
  15. So what happened? How come there's still brand new boxed ones kicking around?
  16. That's kind of what put me off in the beginning. The very small run where they all get snapped up, then a year later they release a second massive wave of them, making second hand prices plummet. Then would've been the time to buy. But it seems that the first run is all there'll be.
  17. I know it was a while but do you have any source for this? I've seen all sorts of numbers like only fifteen in America. I dealt with the sellers wife today when I bought mine, we were chatting and she said that I'm one of only 75 with that bass now. Make of that what you will. Maybe the seller had heard only 75 were sold in the UK, or maybe he told his wife how 'limited' they were to get approval on the purchase. It doesn't really matter about numbers, it would just be nice to know.
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