Don't rule out the 70s Japanese fakers based on weight. I have an early 70s Aria which, although I haven't weighed, can't be anything like 11lbs. It's about an average Precision kind of weight. It's an early one with a toaster rather than a hi-gain neck pickup and sounds great, you'd be hard pressed to distinguish it from the real thing on tone.
Although I say it's an Aria, that's only because it left the Matsumoku factory with an Aria trussrod cover, the same bass could be wearing another brand name. It's easier to base your search on the factory rather than the brand with 70s Japanese fakers.
The 70s Japanese fakers were generally excellent build quality and pretty accurate, the newer Chinese fakers, mainly sold out of DH Gate, Ali Express and the like, are not IMO worth bothering with if you want a Rick type bass. Their looks and sound are in the right ballpark, but not quite there. Their build quality is lacking as well. But they're cheap so serve a purpose. The MIJ fakers have shot up in price lately though, as have genuine Ricks, good if you have one, not if you're looking for one.
A decently priced 70s MIJ is an excellent way to dip your toe in the water.
There's also a few excellent luthiers making superb quality copies, if you can nab one of them at the right price it would be well worth it.