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Everything posted by Maude

  1. You lot aren't helping you know. 😁
  2. Maude


    Is the Embassy headstock smaller than a Jack Casady or EBO? They both have elephant ears, but to be fair they do look a bit huge on them, so if the Embassy is smaller then it'll definitely look out of balance.
  3. Manchester? That's a long drive from Cornwall. πŸ˜‰ It's in Wellington, Somerset. Sounds a long way from Cornwall but I'm only just in Cornwall and the bass is only just in Somerset, so just a quick blast through Devon in reality.
  4. I think we all know the answer to that one. πŸ˜‰
  5. Holy random angles Batman!! 😁 Looks to be the same pickup (albeit with a black cover rather than white) that was in Robert Smiths first guitar, a Woolworths Top 20. He liked the tone so much that when convinced to buy a Fender Jazzmaster, he installed the pickup from the Top 20 in it between the two original pickups. It should be great as a slide guitar.
  6. Olympic White P, maple fretboard, black pickguard, long strap, curly lead and curly top lip.
  7. So if I got it for less than a grand it would actually be an investment really then. A sensible purchase and something not be passed up on. 😁
  8. Hmm, well, yeah, kind of, I think. 😁 I'm kicking myself I never bagged one new. Now any I've seen come up are more than they were new. £1000 but up for sensible offers. Advert suggests postage is included in that, so if I collected there should be some decent wiggle room. What's the general concensus on the price of these. Are they going to keep rising, in which case I need to get one soon, or are they gonna peak and then start to come down after a few years and the novelty has gone (pun most definitely intended), in which case I'll wait?
  9. Uh oh! A BBPH has gone up for sale within sensible driving distance from me. 😬
  10. Summer Fun - The Barracudas Purely for the Ba ba ra ra cu cu da da.
  11. You Talk Too Much - Sultans Of Ping FC
  12. Offshore Banking Business - The Members
  13. Maude


    I've just started a topic on the quality of Peach Guitars photos. I'd never heard of them until searching for decent images of the Jack Casady colours. They've got proper photos of the basses rather than the nasty images most use. Wanderlust Green I'm really liking the almond, and it's in stock, and I can do nine months interest free. It's almost rude not to. 😁 Smoked Almond
  14. I've just been perusing a certain bass online, looking for decent images of the actual finish. Most online retailers have low quality generic pictures of the bass where, once zoomed, you just can't see any detail. Not Peach Guitars, oh no. Their photos are consistently the best available on line. I discovered this when looking at the Jack Casady basses, and I've just been trying to see what the colours of the Embassy look like. All pretty meh until you look on Peach Guitar's website, the green is lovely and the almond, oh my! Anyway, well done Peach Guitars for taking photos of the actual instruments rather than copy and pasting a poor, generic image. PMT photo Peach photo πŸ™‚πŸ‘
  15. Maude


    What colour have you gone for? I've been gently gassing for one of these for a while. The almond ones are in stock, but I do like the green.
  16. In theory anodised aluminium is very very hard, so should be resistant to scratching. Rather than a coating like paint, it actually converts the top layer of ally to an oxide, which is porous. Pigment fills these pores so that the colour is actually in the top layer of aluminium rather than sat on top like paint. It is also resistant to most chemicals that don't eat into the surface. So either of my suggested methods 'should' work. Personally I'd fill with something like Humbrol model paint and clean up whilst wet with white spirit. From memory white spirit removes Humbrol paint. The white spirit is relatively tame and shouldn't touch the anodising. As always, try a tiny area first.
  17. Is the aluminium fret board painted/coated with something? Painting the recessed marker and then, when dry, tidying up the edges by lightly rubbing the fretboard surface with some fine wet n dry would be my way to go, depending on the finish already on the fretboard. Or, test an area of the fretboard with a solvent to make sure the solvent doesn't take the finish off, the paint the markers with a paint that the solvent will take off while wet. Then carefully paint and clean up any excess with said solvent on a cotton bud or similar.
  18. That looks great. I have a fretless P that's vintage white, mint scratchplate and rosewood board. A lovely combination.
  19. Maude


    Are these all but the same tone as a Thunderbird (vintage pro), given that the pickups, bridge and tailpiece are the same? Are the pickups exactly the same and the same placement? Obviously different woods and weight etc, but are they very similar apart from looks?
  20. I'd just make up a lead just the right length with a female connector at one end. Christmas is approaching and the usual "What do you want?" will be being asked. This could be a candidate.
  21. Re the transmitter dongle. How about making a clip to clip it to your strap and using a very short cable, like the old school wireless' used to do?
  22. What is the battery life like on these? I know you can recharge between sets, but that's only a fifteen minute top up. Will it happily do three hours in one hit?
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