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Everything posted by Maude

  1. Cos then I'd struggle finding strings that aren't designed for girls. ๐Ÿ˜‰
  2. Well if you're after a 1600 you may as well get a 2024 as well and report back. I'll be over here waiting for the results. ๐Ÿ˜
  3. Quite. Andy kindly offered it to me for a good price before he put it up for sale, unfortunately I just couldn't justify buying it at the mo, but was toing and froing in my mind all week whether to just buy it anyway. Then it was sold and I'm disappointed and relieved at the same time. Hopefully it's gone to an appreciative home where it will get played.
  4. Can I add that you need to move far more than you'd think. I used to think I was getting into the music and moving around, but when I looked back at video recordings I barely looked like I was moving. If you want the audience to see you movin' and a groovin' you need to over emphasise your movements.
  5. I remember Flea saying something along the lines of always giving the best possible show you can, even if only one person is at a show, that one person has come to see you and deserves the best you can give. Whilst energy at a gig between audience and band is definitely a reciprocated thing, and it's sometimes difficult to give your all when there's a poor turnout, I always try to remember Fleas words.
  6. Our soundman has asked me about linear array system suitabilty as afull band PA, so this thread is very interesting. We have no amps on stage, just monitors and everything through the PA. Do you think the lack of low mid/emphasised low bass is just a Mark Audio thing or just an inherent feature in linear array systems? Probably wrongly, I've always suspected these systems are very good for a disco but not so much for a band.
  7. I thought this was his famed Funk Fingers, or whatever he called them.
  8. Hazy Shade of Winter - The Bangles Yeah I know, Simon & Garfunkle, but Susanna Hoffs
  9. Looking Down The Barrel Of A Gun - Beastie Boys
  10. Sell it and buy a reverse P bass. I can't hear what you're hearing so can't say for sure, but maybe your just don't like the sound of a standard P bass. A reverse P put the E/A pickup closer to the bridge to give slightly more attack and less boomy, with the D/G side nearer the neck to give a fuller, rounder sounding top end. The result gives a better balanced sound across all strings, and solves the woolly low end, thin top end inherent in a standard P. This is of course subjective and open to debate but that's the theory and it might just fix your 'problem'. Maybe try one out.
  11. Just bought a Tonestyler control from Steve. Great comms, well packaged, sent quickly, basically did everything the way it should be. Thanks Steve. ๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ‘
  12. You have to start at the beginning, and no skipping posts. ๐Ÿ˜ Lovely bass BTW. ๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ‘
  13. I got all confused (yeah yeah, I know it's easy) I though the twisted neck one earlier in the thread was your old one, not the ebay one. Back on KBRC, it'll hopefully get it lacquered tomorrow. I've not put 2K acrylic over ink before so it could all end in a spectacularly difficult to rectify balls up. The ink is waterbased though so fingers crossed it won't be affected by the lacquer. Must remember to use solvent, not water based degreaser.
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