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Everything posted by Maude

  1. Yeah that was on ebay last week. It sold for just under ยฃ60 I think but then got relisted. Don't know why.
  2. Ding a ding dang my dang a long ling long. Jesus Built My Hotrod - Ministry
  3. I remember seeing a picture of that one, probably from my other Kay resto thread. Oh god it's becoming a habit! ๐Ÿ˜ฌ
  4. Fixed it for you. I recognise someone having a little lie down when I see it. ๐Ÿ˜
  5. Well there's a glowing endorsement. ๐Ÿ˜
  6. Thanks for doing that but the deed's already done. The very hard maple and walnut (or whatever it is) in the neck thru part doesn't absorb the ink like the pine so I'm just trying to match the tone of colour to the body. But there's no going back now. ๐Ÿ˜
  7. I'd associate Dolomites more with worship music. The one I had was very holy. ๐Ÿ˜
  8. About now I reckon. I'm edging on side of stained, so it's now 3-3. What now penalties? I've been eyeing up the Aria SB series which has always been the inspiration for wanting a Westone Thunder, or similar like this Kay, so I reckon matching headstock is only right. Plus it will disguise that bizarre dark strip of wood somewhat.
  9. I'll take this please. I'll message you tomorrow as it's late now. Cheers. ๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ‘
  10. I bet you can't run and jump, landing inside the circle of headstocks.
  11. I've still got a boxed Yamaha MT8X from years ago. I've just had a look and I think now is the time to sell it. ๐Ÿง ๐Ÿ˜ฎ
  12. You're not interested in the Strat I've got which used to belong to Jimi Hendrix then. Jimi sold it another Jimmy, Page, who lent it to Eric Clapton. Clapton, being in his Vodka and Cornflakes period forgot to ever give it back to Page, instead eventually trading it with Eddy Van Halen for some coke. EVH never really gelled with it so, money not being an issue, gave it to his guitar tech, who had taken quite a shine to it. Anyway, the years passed and EVH's guitar tech became just another bloke down the pub, and that's where my mate Dave got it from before he sold it to me. I've no paperwork to back up his story, but Dave's a stand up fella, well he is when he's sober, and why he would he lie about something like that?
  13. I'm assuming the pickup has the classic four wire output, so you can have the two coils wired in parallel, in series or one or the other single coil. The single coil will have the largest difference in tone but all different options come with differences in volume. It's handy to be able to choose the different options from a pickup but be prepared to live with the volume differences, it's not massive but it's there.
  14. Dons Dickie Davies wig. And the half time scores, So far Forfar 4 - East Fife 5 Stained headstock 2 - Natural wood 3.
  15. It's too difficult, or too risky I should say. Being water based ink it seeps into the wood fibres and I'm not sure I could get a crisp edge. If I did the face of the headstock I'd mask just slightly down the sides to disguise any blurred edge. If I only stained the edges I'd have double the masked lines, so double the risk of seepage and I'd have to mask down the side for the reason above, leaving only a very narrow stained edge. I think it's got to be all of the face or nothing at all.
  16. Absolutely this. I love it. Another bloody bass on the low gas radar, great. ๐Ÿ˜
  17. Aww, I'd almost decided on staining it. ๐Ÿ˜„ I just don't know. I'll wipe some white spirit on it tomorrow, it'll show the colour once lacquered but won't lift the grain like water. A yellower tint will blend better. I do like the idea of a stained headstock as well though, I've been looking at Arias. Here's the TRC against the stained colour. And this a better picture of the darkened edges I mentioned earlier which were a happy by product of my balls up. It looks like a conker! It's not patchy now it's thoroughly dried. I really like it now and it'll only get better once lacquered. Happy days ๐Ÿ™‚.
  18. ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ
  19. Is anyone any good with photoshop? Could do a stained head mock up, then we'd know. ๐Ÿ˜‰
  20. I'll mull it over this evening. I've done my usual of placing it opposite the sofa so I keep glancing at it and the ideas can stew for a bit. The brass TRC looks good against the 'fauxhogany' so maybe stained. So far, in favour of staining we have, 2 For 1 Against
  21. Oh yeah, matching headstock or leave as is? It will yellow more once lacquered. What do we think?
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