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Mike Brooks

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Posts posted by Mike Brooks

  1. I don't have a preference one way or the other, both designs have their merits and I have a bass collection which is probably 60% bolt on and 40% thru neck, some basses work better or feel better with either design but I don't have a specific preference.

    There's no doubting the aesthetic of a great thru-neck but likewise, the bounciness of a bolt on is great too and makes neck changes, retro LED-addition much easier.

    The only neck preference I have is for glossy, lacquered necks and occasionally a lacquered fingerboard but that's not to say some satin necks aren't great, I just find some basses use satin necks as an excuse for not finishing the necks off properly, thankfully it doesn't happen very often.

    Couldn't be happier with my GB necks though.


  2. [quote name='EBS_freak' post='246649' date='Jul 24 2008, 09:48 AM']It's funny you say that, one of the most stunning Rumours I have seen is a black 4 string Rumour with blue LEDs. No scratchplate or anything... and it looked... stunning.

    The Rumour lends itself to the use of exotic woods due to the laminate construction. Its all down to personal taste at the end of the day![/quote]

    Absolutely! So who is going to lay down the money for a thru neck Spitfire....or more to the point, does anyone have one?


  3. [quote name='doctor_of_the_bass' post='246514' date='Jul 23 2008, 11:52 PM']Oh dear - just about to buy another Calibas....will be my second one in a week.....aaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrgggghhh - would love a Wal again - just like one I used to own. Mike - I think you've still got my leotard and matching footless tights mate, can we meet up at some stage to well, you know...![/quote]

    Oh, you want them back, sorry mate, passed onto a more deserving cause....CK?

  4. This is going over old ground but was reminded of this thread by a feloow GB fan.

    Not sure if anyone agrees but to my eyes Rumours don't suit solid colour finishes, whereas Spitfires suit fancy woods or solid colour. Rumours just need a nice top to set off the shape/curves, etc.

    Just a thought for discussion!


  5. [quote name='doctor_of_the_bass' post='245794' date='Jul 22 2008, 11:51 PM']Allo Mike!

    I've grown since the old times - 16 stone now m8! A real heavyweight!

    ps - nice GB![/quote]

    You're not busy enough then, you were a svelt athletic young chap when we last crossed paths!


  6. [quote name='doctor_of_the_bass' post='243529' date='Jul 19 2008, 11:04 PM']Oooooh!

    Lovely Series II there! Being a [b]huge expert [/b](as already noted and very modest too!) your bass has the slimline neck moulding of course with the `narrow' central body graphite spine, which of course does not appear on the rear of the bass! I nearly bought one that year with a birdseye maple front - ah![/quote]

    I didn't think you were that big last time I saw you Nick...................


  7. [quote name='Marcus' post='238770' date='Jul 13 2008, 09:33 PM']Thanks for the contribution to the thread...... good debate

    IMHO - Bass Player it too high brow and aimed at the pro player. (it's only recently they started to include Tab in their transcriptions) From a journalistic perspective I can see why it has it's followers

    BGM seems a little more broader in it's appeal with plenty content for the hobbyist...... there has been some decent product reviews and profiles but from my point of view plenty of interesting ground not yet covered.[/quote]

    Hi Marcus,

    Can you give us an idea of what you would like to see referring to "interesting ground not yet covered."


  8. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='238399' date='Jul 13 2008, 11:10 AM']Right, I've missed out quite a few gigs so here they are in brief:

    [b]Last night:[/b]
    Wedding gig in Painshill Park, Cobham. Before the gig I got up early (after 5 hours sleep) and went to our local Maplins to get a speakon cable...

    ...surprise surprise they were out of stock. If there's one thing I know I can rely on, its that my local Maplins never have the one thing I'm looking for. So I faced a schlep under time pressure into the city to find a place that sold speakon cables. At this point I really missed Sound Control. But I ended up in the London PA Centre on Denmark Street and they made me up a 2m cable on the spot. Top blokes, really helpful and very funny to boot. Probably the only shop I'd go back to on that street.[/quote]

    Without sounding flippant........why didn't you give me a shout, you plonker! :) :huh: :huh:


  9. [quote name='simondee' post='235470' date='Jul 9 2008, 07:10 AM']My Thumb was *apparently* used by Prince at an awards show in the early 90s at some point. I've found a pic of him playing an identical fretless but not this one, so I'm a bit sceptical.[/quote]

    Actually, the white Warwick Thumb fretless used by Prince at The Brits in 1997 belongs to Bob Skeat of Wishbone Ash and is currently for sale at The Bass Centre, unless Bob has collected it. But it is for sale. If anyone is interested in it, PM me and I'll pass your details onto Bob.


  10. [quote name='PJ Phillips' post='207287' date='May 27 2008, 03:24 PM']Ladeeez an a-genemen,

    Mustang Sally
    500 Miles
    Hi-Ho Silver Lining
    I'm A Believer

    and of course

    "I'm luvvvin Ayngellllz H-Insteaddddddd-a
    And Throooo it (drop the octave here) Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwlllll"

    It's the reason I started playing

    cheers pj[/quote]


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