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Mike Brooks

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Everything posted by Mike Brooks

  1. Just got this back from Bernie, purchased 14 months ago from Gwillym on this very forum. Was originally a chocolate brown which was nice but frankly this is much more the ticket.....must get round to taking some new pics of the whole collection.... [attachment=4156:new_GB2.jpg] [attachment=4157:new_GB3.jpg]
  2. + 14 (didn't realise I had so many...) [b][size=7]109[/size][/b]
  3. Hi Nick, Long time no speak! Mike
  4. Cheers...and I added you too! Mike
  5. You're too kind!! Cheques in the post....!
  6. NOTE: Nov 2008 - Just bumping this up as I managed to help a few people out in the run up to Xmas last year regarding last minute deps and bookings. Hope everyone has a busy and lucrative December and New Year. Mike Hi all, December looms large in the diary and we all know how hectic it can be dealing with life, families, jobs, etc through the rest of the year, let alone in the run up to Xmas. Add into that mix all your gigging commitments and it can be a little stressful to say the least. Should you need cover at all through December and over the Xmas period, feel free to contact me as I may be able to help, particularly at short notice. Most of my work tends to be covers work and tribute bands so I have a pretty wide repertoire of material and if I need to learn something quickly, it's not a problem. I'm based on the outskirts of London, bordering Herts, Bucks and Berkshire with my own transport, pro-gear and a variety of basses to cover most situations. If I can be of help, feel free to contact me (mikebrooksemail*remove this bit*@btinternet.com) or call on 07879 637710. If pics and audio are required, have a look at my MySpace page (www.myspace.com/mikebrooksbassist). Hope you all have a great Xmas and New Year!! All the best, Mike
  7. This is a steal at this price...there must be someone that wants this..... have a bump on me! Mike
  8. I've been using Pro Steels for a while on a GB Rumour and a Status Empathy. I get roughly 20 gigs out of a set although one set lasted 35 gigs before the slapability went......maybe it's me, my hands don't sweat much but I generally get 20 gigs out of any given set of strings anyway. Love the strings, can't say enough good things about them. Buy one set and see how you get on. Mike
  9. Hi all, I reviewed one of these heads with the H&K 8x10 for BGM back in early 06 and was very impressed with everything the amp had to offer. You've got yourself a bargain there, I gave the amp and cab 90/100 at the time and I'd stand by that now too. By the comments I see here, it's nice to know that sometimes us reviewers get it right. All I can say really is ENJOY!!!!! Mike
  10. Funny how it seems....... This could become a very long topic........
  11. Still trying to get down to one of your covers gigs to say hi....but I seem to be busy giggin gon the smae nights as you!!! By the way, if you need any cover due to your original gigs, give me a shout, I'll happily dep for you for a gig or two if required. All the best, Mike
  12. Can you list which issues of Bass Guitar Magazine you are offering? Cheers, Mike
  13. Old Horse, If you ever feel tempted to sell your 4 string Teal Stingray, please let me know as I'd be interested in finding it a new home. Cheers, Mike
  14. Hi, Emailed you regarding the TU2. Cheers, Mike
  15. Hi, Is this bass still for sale? Cheers, Mike
  16. Stu, Ever heard the one about cutting your toe nails with a scythe....be careful, please! Mike
  17. For those of us used to the Steve Travers pub circuit in London, this can be a weekly occurrence! Mike
  18. Hi, I've recently reviewed one of these amps for BGM and was blown away by it. I'm interested to hear what you've experienced as I contacted Aguilar in the US regarding their warranty and servicing issues as I had concerns regarding what UK players could do should problems arise as there was no UK distributor or service centre. I was contacted and told that a UK servicing setup would be put in place soon, obviously this hasn't happened yet. You may want to contact John Henrys here in London as they were very helpful and supplied the gear for review, they may be able to offer some help regarding the issues you've been having. All the best, Mike
  19. Cheers, was just wondering, I play for The Offenders and Cover Story, used to be quite busy on Mr Travers' pub circuit. May pop down and have a listen when I get a free night. Cheers, Mike
  20. Which covers band do you play for? Mike
  21. How about a Fender Precision Lyte, comfortable to play, sounds OK, does the job and is only 7lbs in weight....I've used mine on several occasions when the back is getting a bit dicky. Mike
  22. And me....! Hi all!
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