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Everything posted by 6v6

  1. FWIW I've had an SR500 (from new) similar to yours for well over 2 years and still have the original strings on it, no problem with breakage, so must be a one-off due to the tuner incident! I had to put a bit more tension on the truss rod (about half a turn as fretboard was too concave leading to high action), and also wind the bridge saddles down (about half a turn each) to get the action low after the bass settled in - I'm no expert at setups but made small adjustments checking carefully after each one and it's transformed the way it plays, really smooth, low action!
  2. [quote name='bertbass' timestamp='1344956803' post='1771613'] What you need for the 3015 is a Jack 15. Just so happens that I have a Jack 15, 3015 loaded sitting in my studio just waiting for a new owner if it's of interest. Infact, I've got a pair of them. [/quote] Sounds interesting - any info on condition/price? (PM me if you prefer) I had not considered one of the BFM designs, as I don't have a table saw so anything I build needs to be simple (ie do-able with a circular saw, router, jigsaw)
  3. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1344956362' post='1771606'] ???? I loved mine for years! Bassist in my son's band has it now as his back-up amp. [/quote] One I have looks different to that, looking on the back, it's actually a MK2 Super-bass 100w (all valve), may see if I can get it working (needs at least new output tubes and a fuse, maybe more).
  4. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1344942998' post='1771358'] Basically, it isn't the driver size that tells you how it will sound. The 2x12 one will probably be a little middlier, but the driver price is about the same each as the 15, so might as well get more cone area and volume to power. I use a 2x15 with kappalites with not very powerful amps and it is awesome. Got to make the box tuned right an line it though, unlined cabs totally messes with the midrange. [/quote] Thanks for the info - I think I'll order a 3015 and put together a box based on one of the published Eminence designs. I also just realised I have a 70s Marshall Lead+Bass 100w head which I'm supposed to be fixing for a friend, may have to give that a try too
  5. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1344938418' post='1771262'] If you make a cab around a Kappalite 3015 right, that should do you, the price of the driver is high, but they are really good. [/quote] Thanks - that's the sort of thing I was looking at, or possibly a 2x3012 version, I wasn't sure how they'd play with an old tube amp tho. In general I really like a punchy sound, but with little highs (I'm thinking early ZZ Top), I've had bad experiences playing through some 1x15 cabs which sound undefined (cheap Peavey and Ampeg, all bottom end, no punch) - are the 3015 likely to provide that sort of punchy mid-present tone? That said, I have played with two guys who used markbass 2x15 rigs and they sounded pretty excellent.
  6. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1344937262' post='1771237'] What budget and how loud do you need to be? [/quote] Well I have max £600 available from a guitar sale to fund a bass amp, but if I blow all of that on the cab then I'll have to live with the Traynor long-term, so I guess I'm thinking spend up to £300 on something which will work with the Traynor and potentially also with a more powerfull amp in future if/when needed and/or when I find something suitable/local. So I guess that puts me in the ballpark of getting a couple of pretty decent drivers and some ply (I have some DIY and cab-building skills), or a ok-ish used cab (nervous about used cabs sounding bad and/or having blown drivers particularly if not buying local...) The guys I play with are pretty sensible about volume - we did a gig a few weeks back with one guitar going through a marshall 5w tube amp, but that was pushing it, normally (when I've played guitar with them) I'd use my 20w homemade all-tube amp (similar to a Fender Deluxe Reverb) and it's easily loud enough.
  7. Hi All, I have an old (70s probably) Traynor bassmaster YBA1 in the shed, and I'm wondering if with some love it might prove sufficient for bass (jamming/pub gigs) until I source something better/more-powerful? I've been looking around for a used amp and so far failed to source anything within my budget and local enough to collect so considering making-do with what I have on-hand for a while.. So I can re-tube and re-cap the amp (probably with some slightly larger than stock power-tube and screen filter caps), but I'm unsure what I can use cab-wise that will suit the amp, my style (rock/blues, mellow/vintage rather than modern) and budget (small as possible!) I still have the 10" ceramic speakers that came in the traynor cab I got with the amp, but I no longer have the cab - it was *huge* (bigger than a 4x12), and sounded horrible for guitar, which is what I originally bought the amp for. So I'm thinking I have a few options: - Get a cheap cab (will need to be 8ohm, otherwise no idea where to start with this) - Build another cab using the old traynor drivers (will have to be smaller than the original cab due to house-space, so I guess it'd have to be ported, but no idea on the specs of these drivers, no markings on them at all) - Build another DIY cab (thinking something with either two 12's or one 15" driver) Does anyone have any experience of these amps for bass, and what cab/speaker may work for it? Any input appreciated!
  8. This looks like exactly what I'm looking for (first "real" gigging bass amp), I have cash ready from a guitar sale, but I'm in Hampshire! Any idea what a courier would cost?
  9. Hi, Just joined after lurking for a while - great to find a UK forum with so much great info! I'm actually primarily a guitar player (~20years, almost exclusively rhythm in several bands), with an interest in bass, am currently playing geetar in a regularly-gigging band, but considering getting into a second band as a bass player just to do something different and get my bass-skills improving (Hampshire area, Blues/Rock/Country/RocknRoll) I have an Ibanez SR500 atm, would love to upgrade to a nice p-bass as I had a great time playing a borrowed p-bass years ago, and my favorite guitar by far is a Strat, until recenlty I had 4 (!) Just sold one to fund a bass amp so I can start looking for a band - if I get more into it I guess another will go to fund a p-bass Anyway - hello, cool forum!
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