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Everything posted by Freuds_Cat

  1. I am so pissed I missed this. How did you go selling it Dan?
  2. I am trying some Brierley Customs in my SX. I was gonna put SD 1/4 pounders in it but heard these and was impressed. Still has the balls and growl of the SD's but a more HiFi clean to it without being brittle. Mick Brierley makes custom pups in Adelaide. [url="http://www.brierleyguitarpickups.com.au/"]http://www.brierleyguitarpickups.com.au/[/url]
  3. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='251583' date='Jul 31 2008, 04:10 AM']It's only if you don't have the through body option where a higher mass bridge like a Badass makes a big difference in terms of sustain, attack & clarity. Rich.[/quote] I have to agree totally with this. My experience with Non through body bridges has been that if you want a more traditional Fender sound then the Gotoh 203 is a great replacement. for more sustain and attack try the Gotoh 201. This bridge is a really nice balance between the traditional sound and a more modern sound IMHO. and for maximum Sustain and attack go to the Badass. I still use Badass 1 and 3 Bridges on some of my main basses (The Badass 2 footprint is too big IMHO). but the Gotoh 201 as I mentioned is a really good blend of both worlds. Just my 2 pence.
  4. I lived in London for 3 years and so glad I did. Generally you poms are a bunch of mad bastards with a great ironic sense of humour which I loved. Funny thing is that before I went to the UK I figured that the difference between a Pom and an Aussie was almost nil. I was wrong. There are at times huge differences at other times none. Americans are no different in that context. Like my mate ray says about all things in life... "Same, just different". Now I just wish my name was Steve..
  5. Back in the 80's when I played for a living I used one bass and a spare just in case. The spare probably got used 2 or 3 times in 10 years. These days I play for fun and have a collection of basses. I never turn up to a show without at least 3 or 4 basses because its now about having fun and my idea of fun is playing with my toys. No point havin' them just to look at
  6. Man, cant believe no takers, that looks great for the price BassBod.
  7. [quote name='rockinrayduke' post='123483' date='Jan 20 2008, 04:01 AM']The US Birds have Gibson's TBPlus pickups whereas the Epi version has Korean pickups that bear very little resemblance tone and soundwise to the US version. The Epibirds have a pretty good sound on their own IMO (sounds very P-Bassish, liked the one I had) but nothing like a Gibson.[/quote] Correct me if I'm wrong but don't the EpiBirds have Alder bodies and maple/rosewood necks (Very Fender in a wood selection sense) and the Gibsons Mahogany bodies and necks with Ebony fingerboard? I know the studio models are fitted rather than through necks and dont know much about them to be honest. I would expect this combined with the fact that the pups are different would make them sound quite different (not better or worse, just different).
  8. Thanks BigRedX
  9. Anyone guide me to the pic that was on BC a few months back of the guy playing a P bass that had the head and the body reversed?
  10. heh, not my pics. I haven't picked it up yet. these are the pics the seller sent me
  11. I'm not quite sure what phase the moon was in the other day but a strange GAS experience ended up with me being the new owner of a Korean Epiphone '59 Gibson reissue Korina Explorer. only paid Aus$465 (227 pounds). All original no mods. Not quite sure where we go from here?
  12. [quote name='BigRedX' post='107245' date='Dec 21 2007, 03:30 AM']How about this: Overwater Original 2 - Extra Long 36" scale.[/quote] BigRedX that is absolutely beautiful! I hope it sounds as good asit looks , great body shape.
  13. Michael Anthony is famous first for being in Van Halen and bass playing is most definitely a sideline for him? If in doubt, check it out.... WARNING:its pretty hard to watch/listen too [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ewsHwVOyyE"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ewsH[/url]wVOyyE OK so he is drunk in this one............ try a different show, he does the same solo sober
  14. [quote name='Born 2B Mild' post='169622' date='Apr 4 2008, 05:37 PM']Two producers that like to play bass when allowed ...Tony Visconti & Don Was (yeah, ok Don does tour with the Stones on bass, but it's a sideline really!)[/quote] Tony Visconti playing bass on Bowies "The Man who sold the World" album is great stuff love his playing.
  15. [quote name='OldGit' post='161297' date='Mar 21 2008, 07:52 PM']Yeah any old medium density foam will do it ...[/quote] Ironically the next day after this post 12 Neoprene mats for the bottom of transport cubes arrived at work and the boss told me to take one when I told him that they were exactly what I was looking for. Apparently we use 10 cubes a night to send out to regional centres and the smallest order he could get was 12. They were even the exact right height. Right place at the right time I guess.
  16. Well I know its not really the same naming my gigs on here as it is for most of the rest of you, Adelaide being on the other side of the globe 'n all. But I don't like feeling left out so; We did a last minute show out at the Sandy Creek Pub on friday night. I don't now if you get the TV show McLeods Daughters in the UK but this little pub is in the same place as where they film the show. Just down the road from Jacobs Creek (no, really). Anyway Adelaide has had one of the longest hot spells on record recently. We are now on our 15th straight day where the temperature is above 35C (95F). Put it this way Today (Sunday) is the city's 11th straight day of a maximum temperature in excess of 38C (100F). Anyway...... (sorry for digression...ooops I did it again), Left work and drove out to Sandy Creek and started playing at 9pm and the temp was still 34C (93F). The gig is at a purpose built outdoor beer garden complete with permanent stage and is a fantastic little spot. As we were playing our second set, sweating our guts out under the added heat from the lights a weird thing happened. The temp dropped down to 24C (75F) over the course of 2 songs as a cool damp change came over us. The guitars went out of tune pretty quickly and we had to end the set early just to make adjustments. Was very freaky. All in all it was a great show and they paid well so I hope we get to do that gig again. [attachment=6509:sandy_creek.jpg]
  17. Here is what looks like a full hardware strip down of an SX PJ for sale on [url="http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=150224762186&indexURL=6#ebayphotohosting"]thebay dot Oz[/url]
  18. OK so this stuff is just weather seal? Hmm, interesting..... Might do some experimenting with some closed cell foam rubber.
  19. Cheers Danny, just being able to put a name to it helps a lot
  20. My SX has nothing under the pups and when I press a little to firmly with my thumb they move up and down on the springs. Anyone suggest what (and where) I can get "the correct " stuff to stop this happening. I remember years ago my Fender bass had like a little flat piece of brassy looking metal with some hard black sponge stuff stuck to it. Anyone got any suggestions? Also do any of you other SX players have the same problem?
  21. [quote name='lwtait' post='155415' date='Mar 12 2008, 03:24 AM']If you want a vintage look about it a badass 2 isn't a great option, but on the other hand, if yo0u want it to look a bit more modern, the badass 2 looks great.[/quote] Yep I agree. simon1964: my favourite combo is combo is Badass with EMG Actives (Sustain and balance of tone plus no rf) but I recently bought an SX P bass (albeit with a Jazz pup in the rear). I'm gonna put a Brierley Vinatge P in it and do some experimenting for a more old school organic sound (damn it, now I sound like a hippie).
  22. If you want more (heaps) sustain and tops try a Badass 3 bridge. They are more the footprint of a standard Fender plate rather than the Badass 2 which isn't as asthetically pleasing. Just my opinion. The 203 Gotoh sound like a nice compromise between a Badass and a standard plate. I'm thinking of trying one on my SX on OldGits recommendation.
  23. [quote name='OldGit' post='154387' date='Mar 10 2008, 08:55 PM']Cleaned the pot with pot cleaner spray? That usually sorts out that sort of thing ...[/quote] Yep tried the spray and still faulty. The original SX ones are mini pots and have a very nice weighted feel to them. I'd prefer to leave 'em if possible but just figured I'd ask for a few other opinions. The bridge thing is interesting. You know the saying that if a bass sounds good when its not plugged in then it usually sounds good with decent pups? Well this SX sounds great unplugged and sounds OK with the stock pups. So once the Brierleys go into it I'm sure its gonna sound great. I have always used the Badass bridges because I like endless sustain and brightness in my sound but with this baby I'm more keen to try for a more traditional P bass sound. I might do the Nut, Pots, Pups and pickguard and see how its sounding before I start swapping bridges I think. Anyhow I just noticed the "[b][url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=13992"]SX configuration opinions., Yet another "which scratchplate"[/url][/b] thread! so I might continue this over there. Thanks for your help OldGit, go easy on the prunes mate.
  24. [quote name='OldGit' post='153926' date='Mar 10 2008, 01:20 AM']Pots? Use what it has. I seriously doubt you'll notice the difference if you fit CTS pots... Tortie, yeah Looks good .. after having a two pickup bass for a bit I can see the attraction, specially if it can sound like a normal P as well. Bung a nice bridge on first ..[/quote] Thanks OldGit. The pot for the J pup is dodgy and cuts in and out as you turn it so I figure I'd just replace them all with some quality ones. I did a quick fix and put a Japanese special in to make it usable but now I get that tone and volume roll off issue after about 8. I've noticed others commenting on this phenomenon in the past but never bothered to read up because until now it was never a problem. As far as the 2 pup bass, that wasn't intentional really. Most of my basses have been Jazz or custom or ..."others" and I wanted to get a P bass just for a bit of fun and to shift my playing perspective a bit. The SX's have a good rep and are cheap, so I picked this one up. I would have been just as happy with a straight P bass. The bridge on mine actually looks pretty good. But then most of my basses have Badass bridges or 3 point Gibiphone bridges so I'm no expert on Fender bent plate bridges. What do you suggest? I mean thats kind of why I bought the bass , to experiment a bit. The only thing I'm a bit surprised about with this bass is the nut. The quality control team was at lunch when this was being done. Really doesn't match the rest of the bass at all. Its too big, poorly fitted and very cheap. Still, not an expensive thing to correct. Thats a lovely pair you have neilb
  25. I too am guilty of ownership of a fantastic SX bass, purchased secondhand recently for the pittance of Aus$80 (less than 40 quid). I'm in the process of getting Mick Brierley to build me some custom pups (as he does so well). This is the model I got: In a few pieces at the moment while I configure her to my taste. Tortoiseshell pick guard is on its way to me in the post as we speak Old Git Any recommendations as to which pots to use? The pups going in are passive.
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