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Everything posted by Freuds_Cat
[quote name='synaesthesia' post='57358' date='Sep 8 2007, 10:33 PM']Nothing new in that sort of behaviour in the branded forums. The Alembic, Rickenbacker, insert your brand 'here' etc etc etc forums are places where blasphemy and sacrilege cannot be tolerated.[/quote] Ironically Epiphone forum is just the opposite albeit in the extreme. ie Epi seem to completely ignore anything posted on the bass forum, Good bad or indifferent.
[quote name='queenofthedepths' post='145120' date='Feb 23 2008, 02:05 AM']I think a lot of bassists are very defensive about their choice of instrument, armed to the teeth with arguments against stupid claims like "you're all just failed guitarists" - this can make them come across as genuinely deluded and bitter about having to be the bassist[/quote] hehe yups, I got over the whole Fingers are better n picks and Hendrix is better n Clapton and He is better than me comparison thing so long ago that these days when I hear that crap its just a small indicator that there is an idiot nearby. I always wanted to play bass and I'm such a crap guitarist but I'm actually a good bass player so the whole failed guitarist thing is just childish gibberish IMHO. I usually end up saying something like ..."I'm happy, are you happy?" (using the same tone of voice as my 3 year old does to me). [attachment=5977:Nicholas_bass.jpg] [attachment=5978:nicholas_bass_2.jpg]
Thanks Hampster, I did find that wiring diagram but was thrown off by the rocker switches. My SX is a PJ config, so I guess I need to find an active Seymour Duncan P pup.
I've been given this 80's Seymour Duncan Jazz Pickup by a friend and I'd like to try it out in my SX. My problem is that I cant find any info on it, even on the SD website. Can anyone ID the model for me, and even better can anyone find me a wiring diagram? It would be nice to actually know what the rocker switches did as well. I assume phase reversal, roll off filters, coil tapping or somesuch. [attachment=5645:sd_jazz_pup.jpg]
[quote name='bassace' post='117951' date='Jan 11 2008, 02:58 AM']Come on guys, be nice to each other. Remember the bass had a place in jazz long before rock came on the scene.[/quote] Um cant resist... The wheel had a place on Fords a long before lamborghini's came along too! Nah... jus' joking, Jazz is OK, I agree, ultimately when the beer finaly runs out a bassline is a bassline ia a bassline.
[quote name='nottswarwick' post='135285' date='Feb 7 2008, 06:51 AM']clearly 2 views here, adn it is actually slightly off the main topic (which is "what type of backup", not "do you need one"). For me it would depend on the type of gig. I take tools and can repair most things, but if you are engaged on a professional gig, being paid as such, and are the only band, it is madness to not have the spare bass. Even if it is a banger, and stays in the case. Crazy not to...imho obv..but a £150 yammy will do! But if it is a pub gig with another band, sure, not as crucial at all. Horses for courses. C :-)[/quote] Yep, if you just want a cheap safety net then buy something like an SX. This will get you through to the end of a song or set. Fix the problem with your main and away you go again on your main bass. 4/5/fretless doesn't matter as long as you are able to get through to a point where you can fix your main. Alternatively, buy a bass that has different characteristics to your main and play it on a few select songs that suit that sound, then you will not only have a spare but more diversity as well.
I take 3 different basses to most gigs (Main: 72 Jazz, 2nd: Hollowbody w/ hummers, 3rd: Fretless) and I'm comfortable just switching to one of the other 2. Battery goes flat on the active Jazz and its fun to switch to the fretless until the end of the set. So Unless you are really out of your comfort zone then get a similar one. Otherwise IMHO it can be good fun and makes you think differently.
[quote name='wayne58' post='128634' date='Jan 27 2008, 10:56 PM']Sounds pretty good to me (I lived in a Hostel in Adelaide before moving to Whyalla in 1967), so I can just picture the scene. AND free beer[/quote] Yep, we've played there a number of times now and Phil the owner offered us a gig every six weeks for the next 12 months with an option to do NYE so I guess he likes us
The Bacchus down on Henley Beach here in Adelaide (again). Gig was a good one, guit4ri5t used his new Fender Vibrolux for the very 1st time and sounded like a cross between fantastic and some clown turning knobs trying to find a half decent sound. Warm evening sunset in the west directly over the sea. Lots of people enjoying themselves, free beer, good pay. Sweeeet.
Man, I am so happy with the sound of my Epi Allen Woody Rumblekat on these recordings! Sorry couldn't restrain myself....... Standard viewing will now resume.
[quote name='SwordRaven' post='122589' date='Jan 18 2008, 01:23 PM']This thread has made me feel much better about our demo that has a couple of errors we couldn't sort out without re-recording half a song. [/quote] +1 We are in the midst of compiling songs from recorded shows to be culled and worked into a CD for sale at gigs. I gotta say we are culling more than working in! I think it might be OK to have the odd minor mistake when you are Led Zeppelin or Flea. But when its the latest CD by Joe suburbia's pup rock band somehow the mistakes are not as cute.
Sorry if this has been posted in a previous version of BC [url="http://www.screentimegames.com/play-5225-One_Armed_Bass_Player.html"]One handed bass player[/url]
I've heard tell that the seeming improvisation of the guitar intro to Smoke on the water on Made in Japan (or was it Europe....cant remember) was unintended thereby making it a royal cockup/impro. haha yep that Trevor Boulder one is a beauty.
How may Basses do we own collectively on Basschat?
Freuds_Cat replied to G-77's topic in General Discussion
+6 1078.5 -
[quote name='TheBigBeefChief' post='101943' date='Dec 10 2007, 08:41 AM']So basically I need to get some friends first.[/quote] Nah, I've been in plenty of bands with people I would never call friends, just a common interest. In fact after 25 years the band I'm in now is probably the closest thing I've had to socializing outside the musical context with band mates. Myself and 2 mates started teaching each other how to play acoustic guit4r aged 11. 3 months later we went into the school music room and the other 2 guys picked up the only 2 guitars in the room, I picked up the bass. Destiny Bought my 1st bass aged 13 (sh*tty Coronet EB ) and have never really been out of a band scenario of some kind since. Started gigging aged 16 started making a living aged 17. Burned out aged 24 went to UK and still ended up Jamming with guys there on and off for 3 years. One thing I found is that your playing will improve quickly when playing with guys of superior abilities and even if you can play reasonably well then you tend to play worse than you are capable of when playing with guys of lesser abilities. This seems to be a general consensus amongst those musicians that I do call friends.
well, personality and preference differences aside boys, Brian West here in Adelaide makes custom basses with the price based on materials plus his time and expertise. That means a bass that is usually twice the quality (at least) and definitely less than the retail price of a 'Genuine' Fender MIA Labeled bass. Cargill in Melbourne are very much in the same paddock. As a few ppl here know my main working bass is a heavily modified 72 Fender Jazz so its not like I've a vested interest either way. I agree with ARGH it would be less than half the instrument without the mods. I've played a lot of different basses over the years, live and studio. From Rays, Alembics, Ricks, Warwicks, Sadowsky, Maton and even a Ken Smith Burner. The most I'm prepared to pay for a bass (or recommend that anyone pays) is no more than £1200 tops ever! and that would be an extreme case of OMG daaaarling where have you been all my life. Seriously the difference between my SX (Which I paid 35 quid for) and my Fender (valued recently at £1400) is ridiculously small. And so is the feel and sound. At least with the SX I didnt have to replace the pups, bridge, pots/knobs etc. Best quality for the cash is IMHO Cargill and Brian West. I do understand that a lot of the custom builders in the UK and US seem to have attained some kind of rock star status thereby making it possible for the Cult (Brand) of personality to cause an inflated price. Bottom line .... that sux. And I'm glad that the guys here still earn an honest buck for an honest days work. As far as the whole 'you get what you pay for' scenario goes, when it comes to basses that is so far from the truth that I wont bore you with the rant. (insert assumed rant here)
I'm trying to find more info on the band DAD without much success. Is this pic the bass player from Danish band D-A-D? or UK band Gay Dad?
[quote name='thumbo' post='109270' date='Dec 26 2007, 01:24 AM']Cheers! It's got EMG's in it now, so it's even stealthier.[/quote] Any Pics?
Just about any Beatles or Free song. Mr Big etc
Thanks Thumbo. Thats a very Stealth looking jazz you have there. Gorgeous!
As a follow up for those interested, I got an 83 JV Squier Jazz fitted with the Badass 3 bridge and I'm very impressed. No routing required on a Jazz Bass. The same footprint as the Badass 1 and all that sustain and solid sound to boot. I'm really enthusiastic about the Badass 3 I highly recommend it on a Jazz Bass if you like Punch and sustain. And yes I did notice that the G string was fed through the wrong hole when the picture was taken. This was corrected the next day.
[quote name='OldGit' post='106935' date='Dec 20 2007, 07:58 PM']I don't think Eagle Rock by Daddy Cool made an impression in the UK .. Here Australian (pop) rock is represented by Down Under, My Sharona and Rolf[/quote] I dont think the blame for My Sharrona by the Knack can be laid at Australias feet thankfully. Another guaranteed Australian Dance floor filler is Turn up your Radio by The masters Apprentices [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_GJkjRo5jkg"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_GJkjRo5jkg[/url]
[quote name='warwickhunt' post='107409' date='Dec 21 2007, 09:37 AM']That'll be the Tech Soundsystems Black Cat then Valve pre-amp x3 and 1000 watt class D output. All the benefit of valve warmth but hiss/noise free power![/quote] Hmm looks nice.... bet I cant find one in Australia though :/
[quote name='wateroftyne' post='106862' date='Dec 20 2007, 05:42 PM']I think what you had there was a flaky amp, or something hopelessly outdated. The GBE stuff is insanely loud and punchy. Of course you're welcome to form an opinion from one bad experience, but... that would be a shame,[/quote] Thanks wateroftyne, I hope you are right. It was a brand new amp and I tried 2 different cabs. and As I explained, I did make the effort to try this gear in as real a situation as I could in the hope of getting an accurate idea of its sound. I went in there looking forward to hearing a good sound so its not like I was particularly trying to find fault with GENZ BENZ gear. I do hope it was a dud amp because it honestly did sound lousy. To quote ARGH 'overpriced and pissweak'? You've peaked my curiosity now so I might go into another GB retailer and have another go, maybe on a different model amp. What made me interested in the 1st place was the concept of a Valve pre with a Class D output.