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Everything posted by jmch

  1. Thanks all for your comments. Chris_b, I took your advice and bought a Mark Bass 2x10 combo from someone here on the forum. I've used it twice at gigs and it sounds great, really powerful with my Warwick 2 x 10 cab. Just need to aim for a Mark Bass cab to go with it now... not 100% sure which one would be best? J
  2. I'm considering buying the Markbass 1x15 Jeff Berlin combo but appreciate that for bigger gigs I'll need an extension cab. Trouble is, for now, I'll have to use one of my current cabs, a Warwick 2x10 400w or Hartke 1x15 which has a rating of only 300w. The combo can chuck out 500w with the addition of an 8 ohm cab - will either of mine cope? (they're both 8 ohm). Thanks
  3. Thanks dude, guess there'd be more bottom end with the 1x15.
  4. Will the Mark Bass CMD151P Jeff Berlin combo go well with a Warwick 2 x 10 8ohm cab for wedding gigs (say 300 people)? What sort out volume will that give me? I've been using a Warwick Profet 3.2 with the Warwick 2x10 as well as a Hartke 1x15 but nowadays the bass gets DI'd through our Mackie desk with active cabs and subs anyhow. I tried the CMD151P yesterday and liked the sound. Although I can stretch (at a push!) to the price of this, I can't afford a new MB cab as well, so was hoping just the combo for jams, then the combo plus either the Warwick 2x10 or 1x15 for gigs would do me. I play an early 70s passive USA Precision and our music is quite rocky wedding fayre - from Beatles to Kings of Leon. All thoughts - and any other suggestions - appreciated, thanks.
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