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Everything posted by deej

  1. You use the wah in the GR's loop? Ive never thought about doing that before. I could easily rock that board, good stuff!
  2. [quote name='tayste_2000' post='970694' date='Sep 28 2010, 02:12 PM']It still beats the time we were nearly shot in America, should really open a tour stories thread.[/quote] Spud guns dont count.
  3. [quote name='pantherairsoft' post='958933' date='Sep 16 2010, 11:08 PM'][/quote] Whats the black pedal with the star? Ive finally convinced myself to downgrade from a PT-Pro to a PT-Jr. Just waiting for a pedal to be delivered and i'll have pics up.
  4. Sold.
  5. Sell a kidney. You'll have some spare change too. ...or so ive heard.
  6. [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=220669060351&ssPageName=ADME:B:SS:GB:1123"]Linky[/url] Orange Terror Bass with a custom made case to look like its bigger brother. Looks pretty sw***y.
  7. I used to have a Deep Impact and didnt really find it useful for any Muse songs. All their synth stuff is done in the studio so none of the sounds were helpful. If you get your fuzz then you're halfway there. I think he used to run the Big Muff in parallel with a Human Gear Animato distortion, using a Boss LS-2. I found using an MXR Blowtorch to get pretty close to his synthy fuzz tone for a one pedal solution.
  8. deej


    All gone.
  9. I sold mine earlier in the year for just short of £400 on ebay. If you're willing to ship internationally, theres always the chance of getting a silly price for it.
  10. This has been surplus to requirements for a while as im just using my Pitchblack pedal. It has a few small scuffs and scratches on the top from sliding in and out of the rack case, but nothing affecting the front panel. Im throwing in the kettle lead too. Looking for [b]£65 posted[/b]. Bank transfer preferred, paypal accepted.
  11. Things like delays and reverbs arent usually bass or guitar specific, so it should work fine on both.
  12. [quote name='Doddy' post='937519' date='Aug 26 2010, 08:58 PM']Alternatives? Without going really expensive it's worth trying the Bass Big Muff and the Ashdown Hyperdrive for distortion(I don't get on with the Boss one). For Wah's you could try the Bass Crybaby or even an autowah(envelope filter). For delay,the Boss DD's are pretty standard. Tuner-Boss,Korg and TC Electronic are all good. And for compression you could try something like the Aphex Punch Factory. There are loads of good pedals around,and the above ones aren't stupidly expensive either. It really is worth popping into a few shops and trying a whole bunch of pedals out.[/quote] Some good calls here. A lot of these come up second hand a fair bit too so they'll be pretty cheap. Check out the EHX Nano Bass Balls for a cheap envelope filter, it'll suit the RHCP style too. Maybe check out a Pro Co Rat for some gritty overdrive/distortion that can fit with some punk and indie.
  13. I always see the things I want when I dont have the money. Sods law.
  14. What kind of music do you play? For rock stuff, things like overdrive and fuzz are quite often used, for funk you'll find more filters and synths, ambient music will use lots of delays and reverb etc. Do you have a budget also?
  15. Generally its put first. Octave > Fuzz > Filter
  16. I find the distortion does sound a bit nasty on its own, but it works a lot better in the mix.
  17. I used to have a BDDI, but later changed to the MXR. I find the MXR more useful because of the two channels. You can set them as one for clean tone and one for distortion, one for normal tone and the other with the 'color' button, can have the second channel set as a mid boost or a volume boost etc. The Sansamp to me really got lost in the mix because of the mid scoop. I also didnt like the drive from it, wasnt very aggressive at all which is what I like.
  18. [quote name='270degrees' post='928238' date='Aug 18 2010, 12:15 AM']Get yourself along to the Midlands Bass Day. Should get to plug in to a variety of amps/cabs there. Date and location hasn't been decided yet but should be soon and, erm, in the Midlands.[/quote] Yeah, Ive got one eye on this. Just depends on date and transport for me. [quote name='Musicman20' post='928241' date='Aug 18 2010, 12:17 AM']If you want old school, are we talking really old school like tubes? Best mid way between vintage and modern is a Mark Bass Little Mark 2/3 with a nice Aguilar cabinet.[/quote] Id love to try a tube amp. The main problem is how expensive a lot of them are. I lost my job earlier in the year so I cant really save up for things right now, I have to sell to buy.
  19. Yeah, I like the look of some of the Aguilar stuff. What kind of prices does their stuff go for second hand?
  20. Basically, im not happy with my tone. Its not that I dont like it, its just that its not working for me and what I do. I play a Warwick Thumb 5 BO through a GK 1001-RB II into a GK Neo 115. Ive always loved the power and versatility from the GK, but I just dont like how clean and precise it is. Id like to try something more vintage voiced and preferably with a bit of grit in there. Also, I think im just not a 15" speaker kinda person. I like the low end, but I want something more focused. Looking at some 2x12's at the moment. Im not interested in any high end sparkle either, not my sorta thing. I dont have a lot of experience with different gear so its hard to know what I actually want. My budget will be whatever I get from my current setup, around £700-£800, maybe a bit more if I sell my bass. Been interested in the Orange Terror Bass because of its power and price, and maybe a Schroeder or Matamp cab? Oh, and I play finger style and use plenty of pedals, if that affects anything. Im joining a new band soon so its as good an excuse as any to make the changes now. I guess alt rock would be the best description. Any ideas would be great.
  21. Tasty. Whats the Jericho pedal?
  22. +1 They're really not all that good.
  23. Im planning to buy one once my pedal sells on here. From all the demos it sounds like the pedal for me, but i'll be putting it in a clean blend because the clips all sound a bit dry.
  24. I like that he's doing something different, but I really dont like his tone, sounds like a broken toy. I prefer a bit of meat on my bass.
  25. The MXR Blowtorch can give you an electric/synthy type gated fuzz, quite easy to get second hand too.
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