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Everything posted by deej

  1. [quote name='EskimoBassist' timestamp='1333999322' post='1609477'] Got myself a TAFM today and ebay/basschat permitting I will have an M9 soon too. Really looking forward to how my set-up is shaping up. After playing with them both at length, I've also decided to keep my Xerograph Deluxe as my only filter and to shift my Proton[/quote] Sounds like we've got quite similar setups here. Awesome! [quote name='Thor' timestamp='1334001045' post='1609515'] I'd be keen to hear what you think of it when you've had a chance to play with it - have been quite keen on one of these for my board! [/quote] I picked one up myself just last week. Ive only had a little play with it but im liking what I hear. Ive always been a big muff fan, and I can still cop a similar tone with the TAFM. The sound can be tightened up though and almost sound gated, so theres definitely some versatility there. I need to spend a bit more time with it but I'd recommend it for sure.
  2. deej

    Line 6 M Series

    I guess it depends how much you like your modulation. The delays and reverbs are great on this and thats the main thing I use it for, particularly with its versatility and tap tempo. Modulation is...ok. I rarely use it so it gets me by, but I can understand others finding it a bit uninspiring.
  3. Just bought a pedal off RK. Received it straight away and everything was just as described. Top man and an easy transaction. Cheers!
  4. [quote name='phil.i.stein' timestamp='1333354558' post='1600284'] if it's smooth you want, the Blowtorch is ideal, with three band eq. [/quote] I wouldnt call the Blowtorch smooth at all. Its a very buzzy, synthy fuzz. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1333358525' post='1600369']The new MXR Bass Fuzz Deluxe may be worth a look also, it's a Tonebender type fuzz with separate wet/dry volume controls. [/quote] Id go for this one too. Ive had a Tonebender clone before and it had that big, smooth sound that you're after. Ive not tried the MXR but it looks ideal.
  5. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1332941730' post='1595199'] Well the £/$ conversion means the El Capistan is around £188, so comparable to the TC stuff price-wise I'd say......just that TC is more widely available over here without horrible postage/customs charges Si [/quote] They're retailing for £249 over here. Looks perfect for what I want, but not in a million years am I paying that price!
  6. How about the Badger Effects Schism? [url="http://www.badgereffects.com/paraxv.html"]http://www.badgereff...com/paraxv.html[/url] Ive had an eye on this recently, not sure on the price though.
  7. Do GigRig do any adapters for AC pedals? I couldnt see anything on their site for it so im gonna guess not. I hate the power supply for my Line 6 M9 but havnt found anything else that can power it.
  8. deej

    Octave pedals

    Ive found the tracking of octave pedals really varies depending on the bass you use too. I used to have an Aguilar Octamizer but that had the worst tracking to me of any pedal ive tried, but plenty of people here are using it no problem.
  9. I have no idea what the second one is. Go for that!
  10. Dont buy them! When you stomp on the pedals, the movement can crack the board inside because theres no give there. Ok, not the most technical explanation but I know what I mean.
  11. Check out a Line 6 M5 or M9. Lots of people using the pitch bend setting on there, plus plenty of other options if you want them.
  12. deej

    Going full circle

    I was just thinking about this the other day. I picked up a fuzz recently that I owned and sold on last year, and im thinking about getting another preamp I used to own too. I think some pedals seem right on paper or with clips through other peoples gear, but its never quite the same in person or when actually tried in a band mix. Sometimes im just fickle though and fancy trying something new, only to come back to what I know worked for me.
  13. Love the nuts!
  14. [quote name='oGREENYo' timestamp='1328975658' post='1535542'] [color=#000000]Just finished putting my bass pedal board together (again!) just space for 1 more...currently set to be a Way Huge Pork Loin if I can find one at a reasonable price. The little box in the bottom right is where I plug in my bass and my Ernie Ball volume. The switch changes it from a volume pedal to an expression pedal for the M5. The M5 is in loop A of the LS-2 and the Guv'nor is in the other loop; I keep it set to A+B mix all the time and can kill either channel with the double footswitch below the nano-balls. This way I can blend either effect with clean/each other or isolate either channel to get 100% of either effect - really versatile.[/color] [/quote] All those switching options look dead useful, thats a well thought out board! I like it.
  15. [quote name='lxxwj' timestamp='1328739514' post='1532085'] Anyone have a good one-pedal solution for the tone in "Schism"? I'm thinking the Aguilar Agro would work well at a low saturation level. [/quote] Only if you have a blend pedal. I found the Agro to be really weak sounding at low gain, and its pretty useless all round in a band mix too.
  16. When I bought mine, it came with little sponge pieces to stick underneath which you could then put the velcro on. They are terrible designs though, Aguilar made a massive balls up there.
  17. deej


    I just picked myself up an Earthquaker Devices Hoof fuzz (again) going in a complete circle from last year. I dont like clean blends with fuzzes, and ive never gotten on with a gated fuzz as I like a big open sound. The Hoof just fits with what I want, now I can fanny about trying to find a distortion I like!
  18. So im on another distortion hunt and I have no idea where to look next. The Polysaturator is interesting me because of the eq on it, but I cant find a good bass demo anywhere. Just wondering if anybody has any experience with it and what it can be compared to?
  19. Yeah i'd keep the tuner, the one on the M9 is all over the place when you tune! My board is basically dirt pedals and a filter with the M9 as I find they're the weakest things about it. The looper is also good fun, its really easy to use and I find it useful for playing around with song ideas on my own too.
  20. [quote name='chrismuzz' timestamp='1326452619' post='1497327'] I'm thinking of getting rid of some of my pedals for a Line 6 M9. Mainly for Delay/Reverb, chorus, and phaser... Does anyone have any experience with them? What are the compression models like? Im using an Agular TLC at the moment so not expecting to be blown away! And would there be a dirt setting that could replace the Bass Big Muff Pi? [/quote] The M9 is excellent for delays and reverb. The modulation on it is ok. Its not great but its not bad either, just...alright. I havnt tried the compression on it but I dont rate the dirt at all, they all feel really thin and tame to me. Its a pedal you can get a lot of use out of and I reckon its worth going for. Ive put mine back on my board again recently and it just gives me a few extra options than the space with my singles does. Add in some easy tap tempo and the ability to change any parameter with an expression pedal, and it means you have a lot of options at your feet. I was thinking of selling mine at one point but im glad I didnt now. Its a good complement to the pedals I have.
  21. [quote name='pantherairsoft' timestamp='1326387491' post='1496593'] Everything has it's downside. It's a bloody killer. Sounds ace though so all worth it I guess! [/quote] I still remember ages back when you sold off a load of your pedals and were using a PT-mini. Oh how things change!
  22. Ive never played a faster neck than on a Pedulla bass. Good luck trying to find one though!
  23. [quote name='EskimoBassist' timestamp='1326098032' post='1492096'] Same, I don't really like the super exaggerated sound you get with it after. [/quote] I do the same with my modulation these days for exactly the same reason. I like the subtle textures you can add underneath dirt.
  24. What you using the m5 for? Ive been umming and ahhing with my m9 for a couple years now, just dont know whether to have it on my board or not. Thinking about going mad and buying a Pitchfactor but I dont know if I can justify the money.
  25. Woops, forgot to check this thread. I bought the Agro new around spring this year I think, cant remember exactly when sorry.
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