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Everything posted by deej

  1. Just sold a pedal to Dave (got there in the end!). Received the money straight away, easy hassle-free transaction. Many thanks.
  2. Black Dragon now sold.
  3. I had one for about a year and just didnt get on with it, found it quite cheesy sounding like 80's pop. I play different music these days so id quite like to try one out again, but no way would I ever pay these prices.
  4. Just bought a pedal off Bob. Quick and easy transaction, no problems at all! Great guy to deal with. Cheers.
  5. Micro Fuzz sold now.
  6. Im not 100%, but I think its a boost to the mids to give a more cut-through tone. I did read about it somewhere but I cant find it now!
  7. Micro fuzz on hold.
  8. I've been on a bit of a spending spree, so im looking to get some money back on a few pedals im not using anymore. All are in great condition, all have velcro on the bottom, and prices include postage too. Payment by bank transfer preferred, will accept Paypal too. So up for sale we have: [s][b]SFX Micro Fuzz[/b] - Based on the Colorsound Bass Fuzz. This is the older version without the mid switch. [b]SOLD[/b][/s] [s][b]SFX Black Dragon[/b] - Bit of a buzzier distortion than a clanky one (my descriptive skills arent great). Plenty of low end as with all sfx pedals. [b]SOLD[/b][/s] [s][b]Aguilar Agro[/b] - Full on distortion that can get quite fuzzy at high gain, comes with original box and manual - [b]SOLD[/b][/s] Feel free to ask if theres anything you want to know!
  9. Loving it! I havnt seen a Cream Pie in ages. Just dusted mine off recently to give it another try. I've had a little splurge lately and im waiting for a couple of pedals to arrive. Hopefully get a new pic up soon.
  10. Ive been having the same problems with my GK 1001RB-II. Is the solution really as easy as that? Ive never even looked inside an amp before, but I dont know anyone close by who does amp repairs. If its something simple then im sure I could have a go myself.
  11. I had a quick check but didnt see any posts about this. Just seen this from the Barefaced Facebook page; "SALE NOW ON! Up until Xmas we're offering Compacts with a £100 discount. Get your order in before 23rd Dec to qualify." Its up on their website too. Ive wanted to try one for a while now, but I might just go mad and get the 2. Cant argue at saving a couple hundred quid!
  12. Yeah, just whack it straight into the input socket. Ive got the same amp and ive never used the fx send/return.
  13. [quote name='SirChewey' timestamp='1319846269' post='1419412'] Try and play a passive Jazz through it, you may find it opens up a whole new world. I find I can play any style through it and can get a huge range of sounds. All I use is my bass and a compressor for my sound, and play everything from funk to jazz to rock and metal and does all of this to a high standard. Personally I have never seen the point with actives, I just find them a little dull through most things, they just seem to have this artificial sound. Sorry for all you active players out there, nothing personal, just my pref.[/quote] Yeah, I have been considering picking up a cheapish jazz and seeing how I get on with it. I had a mexican 5 string years ago that I didnt like, but they were early days and I didnt know much about gear then or how to get the sounds I wanted. Ive played a PJ bass through the Terror and it did sound more what I was hoping for. Less breakup, a fatter tone, not so much honk in the upper mids. I think because most actives have a strong low end, and the OTB is very bass heavy, theres just too much going on there. Its all boom and no thickness.
  14. [quote name='SirChewey' timestamp='1319795101' post='1418606']I've found that this amp is perfect for passive basses, you can really work the sound with your fingers. Actives in this amp sound dead IMO....[/quote] I'd agree with this. I only play actives and ive been forcing myself to try and like this amp for ages now. Something just isnt working for me though.
  15. Just bought a pedal off Frank. Great guy to deal with, literally got the pedal the next day no fuss. Cheers!
  16. [quote name='Caerphilee' timestamp='1319462239' post='1414314']Where did you pick yours up from?[/quote] If you hang around the sale threads here, you can pick one up for around £80 second hand. Fairly common too so you shouldnt have to wait long.
  17. [quote name='Ant' timestamp='1319381679' post='1413363'] [/quote] Whats that distortion pedal and the one above it? Not seen them before.
  18. [quote name='TRBboy' timestamp='1319215606' post='1411483'] You can turn the colour off can't you?[/quote] You can on the clean channel, but its always on when you engage the distortion.
  19. That Agro is a bargain there, should be snapped up in no time.
  20. Ive never played through this one, but all tremolos will work just fine on bass too as theyre not affected by frequency. If its got the features on it that you need (I like one with tap tempo), then go mad and give it a try!
  21. Does the TC head give that thickness in tone that the OTB does? All the TC gear looks impressive, but from experience ive always been a little sceptical about digital stuff. Ive had my terror bass around half a year now, and while I like the fat tone I can get, I find the gain quite honky and could do with some better EQ in situations.
  22. You can get a Boss LS-2 for around £40-50 second hand.
  23. [quote name='Jerry_B' timestamp='1317321906' post='1389533'] You don't like it? Always makes me laugh - and I really do like the sound of that bass![/quote] Its just so random It is a pretty meaty bass tone though, i'll give you that!
  24. [quote name='Jerry_B' timestamp='1317140731' post='1387292'][media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M9Q7XFFy_j0[/media][/quote] There are no words to describe this..
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