Handbox WB100 through a Barefaced 2x12 Cab
OK I've now gigged this at a few different sized venues, I absolutely love this amp, I play it mostly clean, so the volume is cranked right up, and I use the gain control to control the level as advised on here, I was concerned that 120w may not be loud enough on stage, as I play in quite a loud band, I've got to say I don't think I've ever had the volume above 10 o'clock on the gain, the sound of the amp itself is lovely, and have had nothing but compliments on my tone, playing my Japanese Sadowski Metro Express through it. It just sounds great with the EQ just set at 12 o'clock, and adjusting my tone using my bass pre amp.
I am a big fan of this amp, and it's now my go-to amp, I always carry a back-up as it's a tube amp, and they can get damaged easily, but I don't let roadies near it, until it's cooled down it doesn't get moved, and I do the moving. Touch wood, I've had no problems so far...
Verdict = Fantastic amp, I'm a massive fan 🙂