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    Knebworth, Herts. UK

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  1. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/183974374975 Some nice pics of this rare and historically interesting beast?
  2. ...it’s all about the TONE.
  3. Who mentioned the word ‘alone’? Tone IS in the fingers or are all the great pioneers of bass talking crap? (Great guitarists for that matter, bless ‘em ). They all have their own tone or ‘character’ that makes them recognizable due to a lot of factors inc. skill and technique. Tone pots sell (gimmicks) & help root-note ploders think they’re bassists! 👊🏻 😂😭
  4. ...although I have to be honest. I bought these NEO1x15’s (400w Sica loaded) over ABM’s primarily because they DID sound better. Broader, less honky with LOTS of headroom. Fantastic cabs.
  5. You’re nuts!! Neo are lighter- simple. Just remember John Entwhistle always sounded like himself, regardlesd of what rig he chose. Tone is in your fingers so pracrise amd remember... give those HPF’s a wide-birth! lol
  6. 😂😂😂
  7. Moving In The Shadows - XII ...Thought it’d be cool to have something ‘Bass’ on the cover of a Rock band album instead of a band or guitarist or singer/ frontman. (Of course it wouldn’t be unusual on a Bass instrumental album). Anyone else featured their beloved on the front of an album or CD, etc?
  8. Lovely @Dan Dare indeed. 👍🏻
  9. @Kevin Dean Your ‘hair splitting’ has worn me out lol. Payment advice or Invoice - doesn’t really matter because the point is (please no more splitting hairs?) Ashdown do not need to justify their business practices especially to forum nerds who have no ACTUAL knowledge.
  10. A company showing an invoice or any financial document to a fan / joe public isn’t necessary so must’ve felt REALLY under fire?! Saw the credit section and did wonder? Ashdown paying Foo’s? ??? 😂😂 @Kevin Dean?
  11. @Al Krow;@Cuzzie; @krispn; I don’t think it was Al, er...erm... you went all...erm... well...er...sod it! You went all Forum Nerdy by wanting to move off Topic. Bit of conversation never hurt forums except the HPF i.e. anti-Bass brigade mutterings 😂😂 ANYWAY, BACK ON TOPIC!!
  12. Blimey @Ashdown Engineering !!! You actually showed an invoice? How many players have played big gigs let alone made live albums/ dvd’s or released anything on major labels? 😏 Top marks for full disclosure though 💪🏻 What matey failed to realise it that most effects run in-line thru an amp... Even if thru an fx loop then that still has to be present in the D.I. or no fx FOH or in wedges?! Bedroom playerz.. bless ‘em 🤭
  13. Very 😉 If you didn’t know @NancyJohnson the world runs by ‘who you know’. Unfortunately talent alone doesn’t get you the gig (middle class uni types headlining rock festivals!!!) and same with manufacurers whose business is to... wait for it... take our money. Of course they’ll name drop. I never had multiple basses and artist deals aren’t free, honestly, more like 50%
  14. D’addario Pro Steels are fantastic strings. Blimey!! I forgot how good they are! I still have a pack unused. Very, very rich in harmonic overtones, zingy resonant tone and bendy for soloing too. @radiophonic good call.
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