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Everything posted by Cairobill

  1. Threads like this remind me how much I need a P bass with old flats on it...argh gas
  2. I think one of the Bass Gallery lot will turn up soon and hopefully answer that question! Such an amazing period for bass design.
  3. I remember these days especially around '86 and 87'. I was there on quite a few Saturday mornings in that period. Always a fresh batch of shiny Jaydees, Smiths, Statii, Wals, Zons, Warwicks, Pangbournes, Wilkes and Steinbergers to play through a Trace stack. My eye was always drawn to the latest Status, Smith and Jaydee. Wals were fun but I recall them feeling old fashioned compared to all the serious graphite and US basses. Zons were rarer but amazing and I thought Steinbergers were a bit strange. Today, I would go for the Steinberger!
  4. @Beedster that is a rare and funky bass!
  5. I love the idea of some proper full carbon Steinies coming back into production but I am not convinced by fan frets. Having owned a Dingwall sixer I certainly won some but I also lost some and much prefer a straight 34inch scale six string. Let's have a 4, 5 and 6 at 34inch scale across the board please Mr Steinberger...
  6. Another option could be that neon-purple 1991 soundgear S1000 in the classifieds. Skinny neck, quite the plumage and in your price range. Not trad, but pretty rad.
  7. Given that secondhand bass prices are increasingly challenged these days I would keep an eye out for a decent and lightish MIJ Fender jazz that gets close to that price ball park. I've owned a couple over the years and always liked them more than any American standard I've owned.
  8. There are so many great online resources for the 2600. This course is killer for a deep dive into what everything does...
  9. I also had a Korg Odyssey (module) for a while before getting a Blue Marvin. They're both fab but the Korg had a particularly aggressive sound. Was a lot of fun tweaking the sync on that and recording the proceeds. The 2600 is obviously a more subtle beast as you say. Endless fun, I will get another one in the nearish future
  10. I’m actually without one at the moment but I’ve owned a Behringer Blue Marvin twice. They’re brilliant!
  11. Such a fantastic synth! Love mine
  12. This knocked me sideways as a kid
  13. Isn't he great! For me, his amazing cameo on Hounds of Love is sort of a European counterpart to Jaco's legendary work on Hejira. A spellbinding solo bass voice complementing a great female vocal. Astonishing stuff
  14. That is an utter shambles...
  15. @Mikey D no, not from this board. I was always a bit funny about the Bolt-on TRBs as I confused them with the less inspiring later versions. But having owned the Patitucci MkI this is essentially the same bass minus the ebony, bass clef inlays and gaudy top. But tbh you don’t need the inlay and top (and the amber is a marmite color). The rosewood board on these basses is beautiful and has a darker tone than the ebony so it’s not a lesser bass by any means. Really fabulous instruments.
  16. I was a big fan of the Smiths when they were a going concern. If you had asked me why he was important back then, it was that he was represented empathy and a special concern for the shy/lonely/misunderstood etc and they had some great tunes....it was all good... But when he went and revealed himself to be an intolerant shithead, it immediately de-vibed the whole shebang. Sucked the fun. Poured piss on the bonfire etc He was too personally entwined with what made him 'good' I think. There are loads of musicians (writers/painters) etc who are loathsome personalities but their music is not bound up tightly with what they are like at home. With Morrissey, it's all mixed up. So the more he reveals his grimness, the more it devalues his work (Obviously the swan dive began in the early nineties as well...)
  17. ...I've also owned a Nash tele and a Nash jazz over the years. Neither was in any way remarkable as an instrument. Just weird how they go for so much these days
  18. I am totally at ease with a good relic or a guitar covered in half a pound of glossy polyurethane, but these look so bad....
  19. Yeah - I really pined after those two Yamaha Sixers I had but argh they were heavy. The TRB6P especially had this density to it so that when you leaned anywhere with the bass strapped on you felt you were going to fall over. This one just feels a lot friendlier. Still has a 'presence' when you wear it but it's comfy. Now that I have one that doesn't weigh a tonne I really have to hold onto it!
  20. Yeah I've read that these preamps can be hissy. I'm not finding it an issue as I tend to go for a fuller/darker/middier tone with the treble a bit below the centre detent. But it's still not too bad when set to a glassier sound...
  21. Barring an avalanche of cash falling on my head and a 10lbs Ken Smith turning up, I think my six string search is over. I've increasingly become a "Yamaha Man" of late with an FG180 (acoustic guitar), TX802 (synth) and a selection of Broad Basses passing through my hands. I've also owned a TRB6P and a TRBJP (MkI). I've always regretted moving on those sixers. They were both so playable and they sounded great but they were both too heavy to be 100% fun. The TRB6P was too close to 11lbs for comfort and the JP MkI was a bit chunky as well (and a weird orange colour). Anyway, I came across this MIJ 1994 TRB6 in a gorgeous cherry burst recently; it's in the Goldilocks zone for weight at about 9.75 lbs and has all the good things that the TRBJPI had without the unwanted bling. I'm pretty sure it's the 'version II' so brilliantly detailed elsewhere on the forum as it has a dyed blue laminate layer in the very pretty headstock. The key thing, of course, is that it's also an incredibly good bass. It has that wide TRB neck that's thin and perfectly carved to be very playable, great balance and a growly tone from the preamp that I'm pretty sure it shares with the JP1... sooooo (drumroll) it might well be 'the one'. It's the only bass I own at the moment and it's just asking to be played day in, day out which is a really good sign. It also has that special something that makes me play 10% better than usual. It's awesome. It's also near mint; I'm usually suss about minty 30yr old basses as they either sound weird, have horrible balance or are boat anchors. None of these apply to this one so I can only assume the previous owner took care of it and used it sparingly. Even the case is unmarked....it looks new. Anyway - no sound or movies as yet but the pics are testament to a seriously well made, simply beautiful instrument. It's killer! Anyway....PICS
  22. @Baloney Balderdash it says 17mm in the specs
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