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Everything posted by denki109

  1. Happy to have this bass collected in person. It resides in London (E1W) Postage is also an option. It'll probably be around the £30 mark or so but I'm happy to let the future owner of this bass organise their courier of choice.
  2. It's a city that makes every new resident a native provided that they're able to do certain prescribed things within the confines of a New York Minute. This particular New Yorker was made in Korea and designed in the UK.
  3. According to me digital scale, this New Yorker weighs at 3.5 kg.
  4. Hohner TWP600B. Edit: It's sold. Gone to a new owner. And, perhaps, may one day may even deliver the bass-line to Anchored Down in Anchorage. It's a 34" Scale slice of Hohner goodness in a fetching shade of Pumpkin Burst. These Hohner Basses were made from 1992-1996 and pack a lot of low-end oomph for your buck/dollar/pound/'add currency here' and size. It features a built-in 3 band EQ and a plectrum-shaped sound hole to assist you in sculpting your very own sonic signature. Yes, I said sonic signature. Deal with it. This very model was used by Michelle Shocked's bassist in the 1990s. Yes, Michelle 'Anchored Down in Anchorage' Shocked. She looked like a person who cared about the low end of her tracks. And so should you. #bemoremichelleshocked The neck is straight. Fretwear is minimal. The only item worth mentioning is that one of the 'sleeves' on D String Machinehead is missing. Does this affect playability? No. Does it give off an image of 'yes, mate, this instrument has seen a bit of action'? Yes. And, in your hands, it may see even more action. There are musicians out there who crave relicing. If you see this missing sleeve as a reward of time, I will have given you an extra desirable feature by default. You should thank me for this. The electronics work as they should. It sounds like a bass. Which is quite remarkable, really. Well, it isn't remarkable at all because this IS a bass. But, alas, this IS the description section for this instrument and you ARE still reading this. Which means you may need to have a word with yourself. Features the legendary CPA-200 preamp. The first preamp to be endorsed by accountants (CPA stands for Certified Public Accountant) in North America. Ok, this is a total and utter fabrication but the preamp IS genuinely flexible and you can adjust your aforementioned sonic signature on the fly (or any other insect of your choosing). To my eyes, this oozes a bit of Gretsch-cool. And, with its Teutonic lineage, it's hardly surprising. This particular model was designed in Germany and lovingly built in Korea. Comes with a gig bag (non-original) and my eternal love.
  5. PS I am happy to have the bass collected in person if required. It resides in London (E1W).
  6. Edit: It's been sold. It’s in TV Yellow. It's an Antoria. 30" Scale. Weighs 3.5 kg. The body is made of solid mahogany. I've replaced the vile stock bridge with a Gotoh unit that came off a 1980s Fender Jazz Bass Special (a Boxer model). The original knobs were replaced with Black Gretsch-style units that look rather dapper. No issues. Plays beautifully.
  7. Trade my Labella Deep Talking 760M (James Jamerson) Flats for your Labella 760FS Set? My Labella Deep Talking Flats 760M (52-110) were installed on my G&L Bass but my neck wasn't loving them. They sounded great and the set has been broken in for a few months. To say they sound thumpingly brilliant would be an understatement. But I need something with less tension. If you've got a Labella 760FS set of flats and fancy summoning your inner-Jamerson, let's talk.
  8. They're EMGs. They're the latest X-Series (more headroom/more dynamic/less sterile). They've got actual dust from music venues on them. And they come in a shade of black that's called Santa Rosa Ebony. Ok, this last bit is a lie. But, for reasons you can't work out, you're still reading this advert. You've only got yourself to blame. Back to the pickups. Rather than go into a rabbit hole via our North American cousins at TalkBass, have a gander at this chap using (and comparing) these pickups: With his dry delivery and 'just crawled out from under a rock' complexion, there's something slightly British about Rodney McG. Enjoy the clips. Blah blah blah blah....these are being sold for £50. It'll be about a fiver for postage in Blighty. A bargain. Genuinely. This sale is for the pickups only. I'm not a pot dealer in this instance (and that's short for 'potentiometer'). Note: If you have an 'original recipe' PJ set in situ on your bass, you'll need to purchase a active tone pot to get these bad boys to work. These pickups work. They sound great. And if you find them too bright you can, dog forbid, turn the tone knob down a bit for a more passive 'vibe'. Yes, I said vibe. It's how I roll. Ultimately, t's better to have highs on tap and be able to tame them than to tweak something that isn't there to begin with.
  9. Verb is the very definition of a 'friend in need is a friend indeed'. I found myself in a bit of a pickup installation-related pickle and desperately needed an EMG Solderless Battery Clip. Verb came to my rescue. And he did it for (dramatic pause) free. This man deserves karma credit aplenty. A big thumbs up from me.
  10. Update: My thumb is still intact. The amp is back from the dead. And I am indebted to my BassChatter brethren and sistren for the support, love and good humour.
  11. I was doing an outdoor gig with power surges. In addition, this late 1990s amp was still rocking (and then NOT rocking) its original fuse.
  12. Thanks everyone for being so helpful and nice about this. I have my flathead screwdriver and (dramatic pause) I'm going in.
  13. Hello BassChatters, I’ve blown a fuse but can’t get to it. The amp has a power input module with an attached fuse box. I’ve had a go at trying to access the fuse that’s bereft of life. But I’m mindful to not force it open. There’s probably a simple knack for negotiating a module like this that’ll make me feel like a right eejit. With that in mind, please be gentle with me. Thanks for your time and patience.
  14. Edit: Sold! EMG J-Set black 4-string active bass pickups (old style, require soldering). Condition is "Used". But still beautiful in a 'rewards of time' type of manner. This is a used set of EMG J-Set pickups from around the 1990s. They have been installed in my Jazz Bass for the past decade and, unsurprisingly, some dust and/or wear is evident as seen in photos. The set includes wiring, battery connector, 2 volume pots, a tone pot and an output jack (EMG type). The accompanying stock loom is fully wired and, to quote a phrase that our American cousins like to brandish, "ready to go". Mind you, with hindsight, that's also a title of a Republica song. In any case, the phrase is apt for these fine pickups. There are some people who reckon that the older EMGs have 'more mojo' and 'sound better'. In my humble opinion, EMGs are very consistent and these pickups sounded great in situ regardless of their age and/or vintage advantage. I'd happily have kept these pickups my Jazz Bass of choice but, in these very weird times, I had to sell this instrument quite recently and returned it to stock. As a result, this fine set is now superfluous to demands. They're great pickups and the fact that Robert Trujillo has just 'silvered them up' to create his signature set speaks volumes. From Motown to Metal, you'll be well covered with this set. The dust is included with the sale but, for reasons of postage ease, the battery is not. Delivery is Royal Mail Signed For 1st Class or Royal Mail Signed For 2nd Class.
  15. I have a set of vintage EMG J pickups (pre-solderless pots/jack) that I'd like to trade for a Dimarzio Model J Set (or its Schaller equivalent) or Ultra Js. I LOVE these EMGs. And they're great and dynamic. But I just fancy seeing how my bass sounds passive and happen to really like Dimarzio Model J and Ultra J pickups. I'll happily trade my whole EMG J Set (including all the pots and jack) with your Dimarzio equivalent. Go on. Reply. You know you want to.
  16. PS They're active pickups. And, should you wish to pair it with an EMG Jazz Bass pickup - the 'Original J' will be a fine companion for what you've got.
  17. They are EMG Original P pickups. It's only in the last decade or so that they've increased their model options. These are largely colour coded (Gold=Alnico/Silver=Ceramic) now. Original Recipe EMG pickups are lovely all the same.
  18. She's been chasing the Jamerson sound for years!
  19. Strewblack, I like the way you think. It's very clear that we share DNA. And Flake is absolutely gorgeous.
  20. Hello BT Profile Family, Here is mine. My dog approves.
  21. SOLD Nordstrand Power Blade Precision Bass Pickup The unfeasibly nice Andy Irvine referred to these pickups as being filled with fosters and vinegar. And he's right. They're in-your-face yet deliver a strong fundamental. If you want a prominent sound without a tinny clank-infused high-end - these will do nicely. I sadly do not have the mounting screws for this set but that's reflected in the price. Happy to send these to the happy buyer for the extra cost of P&P.
  22. Dimarzio Ultra Jazz Bridge Pickup DP149 Black To put it simply, this is a great Jazz Bass Pickup. It's features side-by-side magnets which make it humbucking yet its articulation levels deliver a Jaco-like burp and quack as a good Jazz Bass Pickup should. Basically, you get a dynamic single-coil attack without all the hum and mucky-muck. Ideal for a PJ bass! Sadowsky have been using variations on the Ultra Jazz pickups for years and it'll get you into Marcus territory with ease. I still have a Dimarzio Ultra Jazz set on another bass and had these set aside for a future PJ project that never got off the ground. A Jazz Bass Pickup on Steroids is what this be. And with a lot more midrange than our cousins at TalkBass hint at. I'll happily send these to the lucky buyer for the cost of P&P.
  23. SOLD EMG Geezer Butler Precision Pickup If you're reading this advert, you already know ALL about this pickup. You might even be aware of Jimmy on Talk Bass and his enthusiastic praise of this fine passive unit. DO believe the hype. It's a great pickup. I had this installed on a Reverse Double P Bass that I recently sold. I had originally hoped to use this fine piece of machinery in a new project. Sadly, this hasn't materialised. This is JUST for the sale of the pickup. No pots/knobs/bits/bobs. The pickup was hard-wired into its previous installation (which is when the photo below was taken) but, if you fancy making use a EMG's solderless pots, you can easily accommodate that with the purchase of one of their quick connection leads. As it happens, this is ready to be installed into any 'normal pot' and I can't recommend a 500k option highly enough. You'll just need the pickup screws, foam and you'll be playing Paranoid a la Mr Butler in no time. I'll happily post this for the extra cost of P&P.
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