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Everything posted by M@23

  1. Really loving the look of the roasted necks!
  2. I always like the sound of Sire in passive mode, so am interested to try a V5! The Instagram blurb twice mentions it being "light", so here's hoping the 5 comes in at a decent weight and has the rolled edges and other perks of the V7.
  3. Rush was played regularly as I grew up and I was fortunate enough to see them 3 times with my dad. Needless to say, extremely sad news for us both, and many, many more. He was incredible to behold live, a true master.
  4. I wouldn't trust it. Mine got slightly caught on my strap and mangled itself. I put the transmitter in my pocket now. They're really good units. I'm not fussed about the clip as it's more secure in my pocket anyway.
  5. I've pretty much already decided I'll be grabbing one of these! Same, I'd love it in white, but black is OK. Would love to add some fretboard LEDs to one!
  6. M@23


    Great fun! I've done the mega mix with a few bands, it's always a winner.
  7. Yep, Fender or Grolsch washers, every time.
  8. Looks great. What's the verdict on the SUB 5's? I hear good things.
  9. Must make very good business sense, but seems a shame. A huge part of the charm of Sadowsky was that it was Roger and his crew. The Metros were cool because of the collaboration and story behind them. I really liked my Metro, was a very well made bass. Be interesting to see what happens, but it looks like they're going to get watered down a bit.
  10. Great input from the salesman 😩 Yeah, I use a Stomp too. I have high and low passes in the global and you have to make sure the contour is off on the Headrush itself. But, I could use it as a traditional bass amp if needed, for a pub gig. I had a Rumble Stage 800 before, which was a 2x10, 400w at 8 ohm. The Headrush isn't lacking in comparison, so should out pace a Rumble 100. But, it shines for small stages used as a monitor, at the bottom of my mic stand firing up at me. We have RCFs and use other high spec monitors, but for small gigs the Headrushes do a cracking job.
  11. @Muzz There's something not right if the Headrush wouldn't give a low E! We have a couple for emergencies and it'll give a low B all day long. They're not the best, but it'll give a low B as well as any bass cab I've used bar my old Vanderkley. I use it like a traditional monitor with 3 x vocals, keys, guitar, full drums (TD20) with SPD SX running smaples/tracks and my bass. With my mix heavily favouring bass and my vocal and it's never struggled. I think I've only ever wound the volume up to about half way, though.
  12. I bought this one new. One of my favourite basses I've owned. Very reluctantly sold it for reasons similar to yours. What a bass, though. Someone will get a peach with this one. It's a really great instrument.
  13. We're fortunate to use M2/4 quite a bit. They're fantastic. Used L'acoustics a bit over summer too, not sure which model, but they were very nice. I'll take them over an 8x10.
  14. I had to sell a bass that I really loved (a Yamaha BB) to fund mine. It does suck, and I really, really miss the Yamaha. But, it was a neccesary evil. The SL's really are very good though. It's a very tight and punchy jazz bass. Balances really nicely with a great neck and sounds great active/passive. Only downside is that I can probably never gig a 5er over 3.2kg again 😂😒
  15. Do it! Love mine. I've been spoilt by it though! I need a backup, but need to accept that it's likely to be much heavier.
  16. Well, that lasted all of Wednesday 😂 Congrats on the Flea.
  17. Glad to hear things have turned a corner Nick. I've got a hankering for a Stingray 5, yours looks a beaut. Funny, recently I was reminiscing about my old sunburst US Std P bass you bought a few years back... Wondering where it ended up.
  18. I agree with all of that. But you can't be accused of having an ego if you get asked something "play something to show us you can play", then play something you wouldn't do over an Ed Sheeran tune. But, I wouldn't go to an audition that asked that of me anyway! I'd never ask it either, as an band leader. It probably shows that they don't know how to assess the things that actually matter. Or, they dish out loads of solos; and bass/drum solos on function gigs are cringe, but that's probably an argument for another day 😂
  19. Truth. Being able to change key of a song you already know is also invaluable. Especially if you want to dep, knowing the numbers system is more helpful than being able to tap like mad! But, yeah, Hit Me I guess, or a Level 42 tune.
  20. Nah, it's just convenience. Having a ground lift, and at holiday parks/festivals and clubs there's always an XLR ready. It's just easier. If the Stomp were to go down on a gig, then I've only got to switch one patch cable and I'm covered too.
  21. Helix Stomp! Mine has been a revelation. Sent to the desk (via Riadial DI, though that's not 100% necessary). If monitors aren't supplied, or not on IEMs, I use a Headrush, via an aux on the desk so I can set my vocals/bass and whatever else I want in my monitor mix.
  22. Can you hook a bit of tooth floss or fishing line down the back of it?
  23. I had a mk1 V7 5, and it was very good. Good enough that I sold my Sadowsky, the bass it was due to play backup to. Realised that I preferred 18mm string spacing and genuinely loved the sound of it, active and passive. The only downside to it was the weight, which is why I sold it. I really want to try a mk2. I hear about the tuners and bridge complaints, but I never had any issues.
  24. Same as @Chiliwailer, the Stomp has changed the game for me. A close second is my Sandberg Super Light. Travelling, loading in and out and playing is now far less of a chore. No bad purchases, though I'm really not a fan of the Dunlop Nickels I put on the Sandberg. They take the wooden spoon by default.
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