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Everything posted by M@23

  1. Great 80s pop tune, cool key change too! Oh...
  2. My exact rig, never been so happy with my setup!
  3. Which bit is giving you trouble? If it's the transcription I can do you a little how to video?
  4. I only have to look the wrong way at EB strings and they go rusty. Never had any other strings do it, but EB always rust on me. The guitar strings are worse than bass for it.
  5. Nope. Although we know on paper brand X is technically better, the reality is that in practice it doesn't make for a more suitable product for all.
  6. Bought a Neotech strap from John. I almost missed out, but he was kind enough to message me when it became available again. Really good comms and super quick delivery. Also didn't complain at having to pay an 'Isle of Wight tax' on delivery! Deal with confidence!
  7. What percentage of people actually care? Most of those that do probably shouldn't quite as much. I had TKS s112 and they sounded great and were plenty loud enough.
  8. Footloose. Cracking bass parts throughout. The final chorus after the build is a belter though.
  9. It has a DI out too, which not many seem to at that price.
  10. M@23

    Yamaha BB435?

    Did you bite the bullet @TRBboy? I'm thinking about grabbing a 735a.
  11. Ahh, nice man. I agonised over this or my Sadowsky a while back. Guessing it is from Guitar Guitar? This had an outrageous B string and was beautifully made. I regrettably passed as I wanted to go active. You've got a beautiful instrument there though!
  12. Great cab and a good guy. Deal with confidence here folks.
  13. I'd try different strings. For me EB strings just don't last. Their guitar strings rust on me really quickly and bass strings sound great for a week, then sound lifeless at the drop of a hat. Always interesting the comments on Markbass cabs. I've had some really high end cabs, but having recently come back to Markbass, am happier with my rig than I have been for a while. My whole Markbass rig costs less than my last amp did. Don't get fooled into more expensive = better.
  14. Or stored somewhere more secure. This seems to be quite an issue. And Janek Gwizdala had his raided. Hope he gets them back, how awful.
  15. TA501 have a really nice compressor too! If I had the money I'd take it 😢
  16. Looks much sharper than the X variant, to me anyway. Good find! I'm tempted by a 735a, but also have a long standing want for a Yamaha 6...
  17. We have a couple of these too. Really good little monitors.
  18. There's a couple of Vanderkley 112 for sale here. They're great cabs. BIG, clear and powerful sounding cabs.
  19. I love mine. If you like Markbass, then you'll like this. It's been a few years since I had a LM3, but it feels like a more powerful version of it. It's about as user friendly as they come. I don't EQ more than a notch either way of 12 o'clock, but the filters are there to quickly get 'old skool' or 'modern'. If you're not a Markbass fan though, it's nothing new.
  20. Baby No2 is due here next month, so I no longer have the option of a spare room. But, it forced me to clear the cupboard under the stairs, which is actually a decent size. Also, means that I don't have to lug gear up and down the stairs anymore!
  21. My guitarist has one. Ideal for sound checking. I think you'd need to invest in some decent rechargeable batteries. He hasn't had a single drop out though and no interference either. I'm going to switch too.
  22. Lots of cool stuff! I like the look of the 60w 1x10.
  23. My Peavey TKO 75. It's not the best amp! But I got it free! It's certainly not going to replace my main rig. But it's old and reliable should it be called upon.
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