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Everything posted by M@23

  1. TKS use Eminence Beta as your Orange does. A TKS 112 weighs about 10kg too. Obviously won't sound the same, might might be a similar vibe though.
  2. Camera has flipped it! Sounds tasty.
  3. If you're on Talkbass might be worth asking them... Seem to remember one of their chief engineers was a regular poster.
  4. Same. To go one step further, I'd actually quite like a 5 string Warwick, probably a Streamer too!
  5. Have a bump on me. We picked one of these up a couple of months back and it has transformed setting up and sound checking. Plus, the bass sims are actually flippin' good. I use the Markbass one every gig for FOH.
  6. Didn't see it, but thanks for the link. Unbelievable live act.
  7. Nice one. Just went and looked this up. Interesting stuff re: everything getting double checked and it being the same components. I'm the happiest I've been for years with my latest setup which is 100% Indonesian Markbass.
  8. For me @Al Krow I still have a 'normal' job. But, about a year ago, I cut my hours right back. I was full time and always have been. It was a big decision with a toddler and another baby on the way, but I actually earn more than I did allowing more time to focus on music. The main band I'm in now, is a functions band that are lucky enough to be well connected. We have agency support as well as contracts with 3 holiday parks, plus a couple of well connected booking agents. This was the bands first full year with this lineup and current setup. We also have the option of solo/duo/trio/electric/acoustic, so can cover literally any situation. Sometimes the guitarist and singer do duo gigs, sometimes it's the guitarist and me. I reckon the band probably did about 120 this year including the ones without me. Next year is looking even busier, I'm hoping to do a bit of teaching and maybe even a bit more guitar playing and hopefully this time next year I'll be full time with music.
  9. If it's well looked after and never missed a beat, I don't see why you should worry about it now. I'd only change if you want to go a different direction. The LM3 is still in production, so should the worst happen it is easily replaced.
  10. I'd love to pick up a Westone Thunder! That looks great. I have a Rainbow II guitar... It's an incredible instrument.
  11. I've never considered a Schecter, but stumbled across the Diamond J5 this morning. Has quality hardware and a 35" scale, on the face of it, it looks like it could be worth a try.
  12. That's a great price for anyone that actually wants one.
  13. I thought La Bella DTF were great. If you don't mind a higher tension, they had a really strong B. I had them on an active 5er too.
  14. Do snitches still get stitches?... "HEY, look over there"... *runs for it* I messaged and to ask of they were feeling particularly festive, giving a genuine 95% discount, or if it was a ⚽⚾ up. Sadly, it's the latter.
  15. I messaged them on Facebook, it was an error (obviously) which has now been corrected. No way it's going to be honoured!
  16. Vertical 212, by the looks... Edit, beaten by @scalpy!!
  17. I'm just home from the 92nd, with 4 left this year... How annoying... Might go busking or something to round it up to 100! Haha.
  18. In E minor? I left a band because the guitarist insisted on doing as much as possible in G/Em. It wasn't even what worked for the singer, it's because he was lazy.
  19. Yes! Looks smart. My Ninja is 'only' running at 600w, but it's incredibly powerful. I posted when I got it, I barely touch the EQ, it just works so well. We do 50s pop through to current and it's great for it all. I think if you have a good instrument, which you like, then MB stuff is a great way too amplify it and get a tone you'll enjoy. For me, it's been one less thing to tweak and micro manage, because out of the box it's just done what I need!
  20. 😀 your rig looks fantastic. I'm using the Ninja setup. It is great. Apparently there's a new Ninja product being launched in the new year...
  21. You sticking with yours? Have to say, having gone back to Markbass 26th of Sept, I'm happier with my live sound now than I have been for a few years. I'm 19 gigs in too, so honeymoon period is over too!
  22. I'm sure lots do get Sires or whatever playing and sounding as well at stuff that costs 4 x more. Part of it comes down to 'investing' in something for what it represents too. Lots of people buy Sadowsky because of Roger. Or X brand because they're made in England or wherever. It's up for debate whether that makes them better. But, it does make them more expensive. Some people boycott Cor-Tek, I'm not really clued up on that, but it's a whole other thing that influences a buyer's choices.
  23. Isle of Wight dude. We played it too. Saw Rory in Sainsbury too, he got mobbed! But was a really cool guy. The turquoise one looks ace... Soon as my Sadowsky is paid for, I'm on it 😂
  24. Ah cool. I'll have more of a read. There are very few bands round here using a digital desk... It's probably the best piece of gigging equipment I've used! In terms of streamlining things.
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