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Everything posted by M@23

  1. Good guess! I referred to it once... When I was buying my in ears. I'll back out of the room slowly, then...
  2. Sounds killer. Band is super tight. Saw you guys in the summer, was a wicked show. I want an Elite in that turquoise colour 😍
  3. Are many of you lot using a digital setup? Our desk blew up recently, so we decided to go for an RCF M18. It was cheaper than anything that offered a similar amount of Aux and weighs about a tenth of the old desk. It's honestly been a revelation! Probably the best piece of equipment I've bought. We only use in ears for big stages, and our drummer uses an elec kit for at least half our gigs. Being able to adjust your own monitor mix from your phone, mid song is amazing! We play lots of clubs/function rooms and holiday parks, so being able to store 100 mixes saves us a ton of time sound checking.
  4. Interesting. I love a 9th, but wouldn't omit the 3rd unless it was an 11th, for jazzier chords.
  5. Learn more major and minor positions, if you don't already. The CAGED system is a good place to start. Then have fun with 7ths, then 9ths. Dominant chords, diminished/half diminished and augmented.
  6. F*cking infuriating. Private party, ticketed event at a beautiful old manor house. Gig was fine, on packing down some guy rugby tackles an unsuspecting victim right across the dance floor, knocking one of our PA tops clean over, which then landed on my foot. Think I've broken a toe, plus one of our subs and my cab got covered in beer. Cab seems fine, just smells like whatever cheap p*ss he was drinking. The owner tells me he has it on CCTV but found it kind of funny and isn't interested in doing anything about it. The other guests inform us that the attacker had been looking for a fight all night. There were 150 people there and not a single security guard. It's a nice venue, but that guy should have been kicked out or the police called. All the other guests could see it coming. What chocolate starfish goes looking for a scrap at an Xmas party?! Dunno what security regs are, but I'm not happy it came down to us to break the fight up and because it was staffed properly out equipment and my foot are potentially damaged!
  7. Ha, I could have written that post! I still listen to my dad's old Police vinyl. Copeland was just incredible and Summer's use of sus chords, 9th/11th/13ths blew my mind and a kid learning guitar. Great band!
  8. Don't know about 'latest craze'... I love it, worked alright for Sting too!
  9. Definitely! I've enjoyed gigging a whole lot more for it. I'm very happy with my sound. But, must admit that I've been fooling myself chasing 'the sound in my head' tone for the last few years. I think it's just a bit of a GAS fuelled game and an excuse to buy more gear, or, was for me anyway.
  10. I'll go and watch a few videos and see what she says. My take is, when I chart stuff out I will always write the full chords rather than something like a bass tab. Firstly, because it helps to have it In case we have to get a dep bass/guitar/keys player. Scales are good to know, and a great reference, but chord tones are more of an accessible way to start making bass lines. For me relating bass lines to chords is better way of understanding harmony and the function of each chord in any given key. It gives more of an ability to target key notes that'll compliment what the others are playing and I can omit notes I know won't work over a chord. If someone gives you a chart with some more unusual chords, say I Will Survive that says: Am Dm G C△ F△ B° Esus4 E it'd be simpler to relate something like a m7b5 to a chord rather than a half diminished scale. Because right away you know which notes you can highlight, and can disregard notes that won't compliment the chord. Plus, you can visualise the shape of that chord, and know where those key notes sit as opposed to having to run through the whole scale to find a 6th or b9 or 11 or whatever the extension to the chord may be She could also be referring to the numbers system!
  11. I've had the same experience. Moved on from Markbass stuff years ago and went round the houses with 'better' boutique brands. Recently got bored of having 2 grands worth of rig and not being 100% happy with it; went back to Markbass and it just works. That sound out of the box just fits really well with so many applications.
  12. I've got pretty big hands, but pedalling that open A in the chorus is way easier for me than fretting an A!
  13. Definitely depends on part. Try play Footloose at 174bpm without and open A to peddle off!
  14. [quote name='Osiris' timestamp='1510035953' post='3403339'] Can you clarify exactly what you mean by this, please? Are you saying that rather than slap in to the string perpendicular to the fret board that I strike it more parallel to the body? [/quote] What I meant was, rather than striking the string and bouncing your thumb straight back off, as is the most common way of doing it; push your thumb through the string, so it is the same technique as double thumbing, well the first 50% anyway. That should stop the harmonics thing. So, if you used that technique on the low E, your thumb would pass through the E and come to rest on the A string. Try: https://www.talkingbass.net/slap-technique-bounce-vs-rest-stroke/
  15. [quote name='Al Krow' timestamp='1510005992' post='3403265'] @Delberthot - agree that would be marvellous, but a BF One10 is a fair bit bigger than I'm looking for. Something 5" to (max) 8" and very compact (as well as being active / powered). I know bass cabs do manage with 5" speakers if they have been properly set up, but don't know if a powered 5" bass cab speaker exists. The most compact I've seen that could work is the [url="http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/PJB_Double_Four.html"]Phil Jones Double Four (75W)[/url] - anything smaller and / or a tad cheaper? Just checked and the [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nxbd6pzg8kk"]PJB double4 handles a low B[/url](!) I'm impressed. [/quote] The Double 4 does handle a B and sounds great. But it's no where near loud enough to use as a stage monitor.
  16. Just transcribed this for a guitar dep. If anyone wants chords to come up with your own lines, they go: G#m F E B F#/A# | C#m E△ D#m G#m F# Chorus 1 as above Then chorus 2: G#m D#m E G°
  17. Try to slap 'through' on the G, rather than bouncing off it.
  18. Big plus 1 for Bass Direct. Double 4s are ace too. It'll handle that low B comfortably.
  19. We do duo gigs round here Kev. Most of them are duos because we're stuck in a corner and they're afternoon gigs where people are eating (Bargemans/Dairymans etc) so it is quite a quiet one. Also, 4 people splitting a duo fee is barely going to cover petrol!
  20. Preamp pedal? Or even just a boost pedal. Short of further modding the bass.
  21. Don't think they carry TKS? Spending some time A/B'ing against your combo is good idea. Least then you'll have a good reference point.
  22. This is good to know. I think I'm going to get a tort one made up. Probably best to send the original then.
  23. The new Yamaha offerings maybe worth a look?
  24. [quote name='Chris2112' timestamp='1312483540' post='1327686'] You'd be better off just listening rather than watching the videos. As soon as you see the bassist's haircut you'll be wanting to punch him in the face because of his stupid haircut! Nice tone though. [/quote] That's funny, because he was saying he loves your haircut, but finds your bass tone a bit "meh"...
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