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Everything posted by M@23

  1. [quote name='scannerman' timestamp='1508357072' post='3391698'] Gm is my slap key preference! [/quote] πŸ˜‚ I use it more for fills in our set, or in a bridge maybe. We only do a couple of tunes that need it. Punters do like it. The breakbeat 16ths thing is so cliche, but people love it.
  2. I didn't find it to be wimpy. Certainly a marmite sort of sound though. Also, I much preferred it with more vintage voiced cabs.
  3. [quote name='kevvo66' timestamp='1506717242' post='3380716'] I foolishly sold ,my pj compact 4 cab bad mistake ,I do like trace stuff and them elfs amps look great [/quote] Same ☹ I'd like another, think they come with a better PSU now too.
  4. Andy is SUPER nice and helpful guy too. Great basses.
  5. [quote name='Al Krow' timestamp='1506695285' post='3380504'] So are we all agreed that Markbass are still delivering a generally well regarded sound in both their amps and cabs which are quality products, to boot? And they manage to do so at a fair price point, with a widely recognised brand-name and whose second hand prices on their entire product range aren't currently falling [color=#808080][b]dark[/b][/color]ly through a [color=#808080][b]glass[/b][/color] floor then? For 30% less than a ridiculously over priced, over weight, "pointless" DG 4x10 (to quote Bill Fitzmaurice who, come-on guys, knows one or two things about cabs, right?) you can still pick up one of the [url="http://www.markbass.it/product-detail/combo-121-lite-strong-alain-caron-strong/"]finest gigging combos in the world[/url] [/quote] That's one reason I went back to Markbass, Al. It's not boutique stuff, but doesn't embarrass itself in any company. It just works for the stuff I do, my whole 600 watt rig weighs 21kg and it was all a good few hundred quid cheaper than the old rig went for 2nd hand. Of course, the great thing with the boutique stuff is, any issues and you can get top support, usually from the main guy, very quickly.
  6. I literally ordered this exact rig Monday and it was delivered Tuesday! Bad timing. But, for anyone looking for a 21kg, punchy, light and loud rig. With the option of expanding to a ridiculous 1000 watt 4x12, this is ideal! Plus, it looks πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ˜ŽπŸ‘ŒπŸΌ
  7. 😍 One day one of these will come up at a time I haven't just paid out for a new amp or cab!
  8. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1506442244' post='3378781'] You'll need to go to 735 or 745 imo, but it will sound great and you can sell all the existing kit. [/quote] We use 735s, and have subs, but don't always use them. The 735s are incredible. We play some big holiday parks and I'm always impressed how much they pump it when you get chance to turn them up.
  9. [quote name='Kev' timestamp='1506528371' post='3379383'] I must be missing something here, are these cabs not basically the same price if not a little cheaper than the berg/ vanderkley equivalent?? Edit: so Bass Direct have the equivalent Berg listed as £1499 so DG have come in cheaper, which is cool ☺ [/quote] I don't really know DG as a brand, but Vanderkley and certainly Bergantino are tried and tested. Handbuilt, by the head honcho, using top components. These cabs aren't even built by Darkglass, are they? Not that it's a problem, really. Just, that is what you pay for with Vanderkley, Marc's own expertise and time.
  10. [quote name='eude' timestamp='1506516684' post='3379278'] I'll second that! I wonder they're smoking?! Are there any other 4x10s out there that cost that much? Eude [/quote] Outside Berg/VdK, there's Aguilar. You know what you get with Berg/VdK and the Aguilar weighs 22kg, so has that going in it's favour. Surely not many people paying that for a heavy 4x10.
  11. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1506470460' post='3379014'] Why do so many people think factories in Asia can't build anything properly? The QC decisions of the commissioning company will be responsible for good or bad products coming out of Asian factories, not the nationality of the workers. [/quote] That always was the question? I'm sure the factory machinery doesn't care where it's situated. My query was, are their own drivers up To B&C standard, are they still using the same grade ply? First imressions suggest so. If anything, the tweeter/compression horn is actually nicer than I remember.
  12. I ordered a Ninja 2x12 and Ninja amp, which arrived this afternoon. I've only given it the once over at home to check it's all in order. But, I've got 4 gigs this weekend, so it'll be thrown straight into it First impressions: - love the cab's small footprint. It's tall, slim and shallow, like it's owner... The handle is placed in such a way that it is an easy one hand lift. If the 18.5kg is manageable, it sits close to your body and is comfortable to shift. - I'm used to the linear volume pot on my last amp... at 9 o'clock the volume was WAY to much for home use. - Only at home volume, granted, the low Bs and Cs were incredibly pronounced and muscular. - Markbass cones still dance like crazy when you play a low note!
  13. [quote name='walbassist' timestamp='1506367512' post='3378295'] Ah right, thought I’d missed a combo there! That should sound immense. The Ninja head is the same pre and power amp unit as the new Caron combo I own, apart from no VLE on the Caron. [/quote] All ordered, should be here tomorrow! Thanks for the input all. The Caron looks really sharp. I used the older model and it was wonderful. I've not had a Markbass setup for years, so looking forward to getting back to that simplicity. Just seems to work for the sort of stuff I play.
  14. [quote name='walbassist' timestamp='1506355341' post='3378180'] I thought the Ninja was a 250 watt combo with an extension cab? Is there a higher powered version as well? [/quote] Sorry, having reread my post, it was badly worded! I meant the combination of Ninja head and 2x12 Ninja cab... just seen that they do a little combo too!
  15. I think it's VERY expensive to import from the US now. I wanted to buy a Saodwsky hard case from N.Y, it was calculated by size rather than weight, and with tax and fees was going to cost me about $650.
  16. [quote name='walbassist' timestamp='1506333549' post='3377918'] Same, and my two cabs have the same 12" drivers as in the Ninja cab. They take all the power from the head without issue. [/quote] Oh, didn't realise your set up featured those drivers! Your rig looks very classy! That's all good to hear, thanks all. One upon a time I had the Club600, which was a monster. Thinking the Ninja combo would be a good all round function band setup, 20kg, small footprint and the option to expand being 8ohm. With the amp still pushing 600w at 8ohm too.
  17. Thanks all. Good to hear. Thinking of grabbing a NY122 or maybe Ninja. Always liked their 12s. Apparently they stopped using B&C a few years before the switch anyway! Whilst still MII. How are they taking low B's and octave pedals at volume?
  18. Lots of people don't like their cabs, but I always have done. Who's gigging a new Indonesian cab, or has used one? How do they hold up at volume. They sound fine at shop volume. But what about at gig levels? Very mixed reports online!
  19. I've recently parted with my 212MNT, only because I wanted something smaller and lighter. I think it uses the same drivers as the EXT112. For what it's capable of, it's not unreasonable, but it was moved only for logistical reasons. It's a massive sounding cab. Really, so much volume and low end. I turned my 700w amp to full volume once, out of curiosity, and it was unbelievable! It just kept on giving.
  20. I have a 90s USA made TKO 75, which lives in the van as a spare, but I'm using it twice a weekend now. It's ace! It will take everything thrown at it and is WAY louder than it has any right to be. This must be a beast! Absolute bargain for a very good workhorse gigging machine.
  21. Bump. Sale has fallen through, so looking for Β£700 to get this moved. Or, trade for Aguilar amps/cabs and cash adjustments as necessary.
  22. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1502896522' post='3354253'] I was using either a Thunderfunk 750 (now sold) or an Aguilar TH500. The TH500 has been my main amp for about 3 years and I've had the SC's for nearly 2 years. I bought 1 cab from Merton and liked it so much that I ordered the second cab the next day. If you're style is anything like mine, Duck Dunn meets Nathan East with a little John McVie and Willie Weeks thrown in, you'd love it. I could probably gig with just 1 cab but I like the sound of both so I usually run 2 cabs. I haven't pushed them hard and still I can get loud very quickly. I've not been beyond noon on the gain and 1 o'clock on the master and we were [u]very[/u] loud that night. Where are you? I'm not playing for a few weeks, but if you're in the South East I've got some gigs coming up at the end of September. You could have a listen. [/quote] Thanks very much, that's all great info. I'm stacked for gigs so probably won't get chance for a road trip, but thank you for the kind offer. I think I could make do with one too, but, a stack seems like it could do it all when needed. Plus, gets it closer to ear height and still weighs bugger all. I really like my bass and amp and the sounds they produce, so this could be a winner. Brighton isn't actually that far at all, so I should try get there.
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