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Everything posted by M@23

  1. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1502885590' post='3354160'] I don't use one but I've come from Berg cabs which have very tight low end. I tried a Thumpinator with the Bergs and it made no difference to the sound at all. With the Bergs there was no muddiness or boom, even on the worst stages. As you know I went from them to a BB2 and didn't like the amount of big low end. The SC's are much better but I'd like the option of reducing the low end even more. I'm thinking/hoping that raising the "floor" of the low end via an HPF would do this for me. On bad stages I always feel that trying to EQ out a bad low end also alters the rest of the sound too much, rather than just eliminating the problem. Maybe it's my lack of ability with EQ but using an HPF to tighten up just one part of the sound might be a solution. I know I could buy a separate HPF but so far I've only seen fixed ones. I'm wondering if an adjustable HPF would be a better option. I'd also be hoping that a Barefaced HPF would be better than the competition. I might also be barking up the wrong tree. Not for the first time!! [/quote] Just interests sake, what amp are you using with the SC's? I'm thinking about getting a pair of them.
  2. Bump. Lots of interest, especially outside the UK! Would rather collection, but insured UK postage available.
  3. [quote name='spongebob' timestamp='1501950455' post='3348452'] Gator GPE-TSA [/quote] I thought it was the worst excuse for a hard case I've come across! Exposed bolts, foam interior not glued in properly, not to mention that I could flex it with one finger. Compared to a Hiscox it was a joke. Hopefully that means that I just got a lemon! Just wish Hiscox would make the standard case a couple of cm longer.
  4. Thanks Hellzero, sums it up nicely. One thing though, the Blue series uses the Anaview/Abletec ALC 1000-1300 power amp. Cheers.
  5. Played this for the first time in about a month last night. I've been using an old combo in the meantime, whilst this is up. Had forgotten how deep and lush this sounds with the Glock. Just, a BIG, smooth sound. I'm still wanting to go back to Aguilar... but, this is an awesome cab 🤔 *half arsed bump*
  6. Used this last night, having not gigged it for about a month. Didn't even engage the EQ, it was wonderful. Bump
  7. I'm generally louder with a pick, but I like a 3mm pick. To balance it, I palm mute a touch and just generally try to play with a lighter touch. If you're quieter with a pick, try using a heavier gauge and playing a bit harder. Otherwise, a bit of a boost on the EQ if using an active bass?
  8. Why? All is well and good if you're posting clips you like, but ones you deem 'poor' is a bit crass. Imagine if that guy you rated as a 2 was a poster here.
  9. Bump. Will consider trades for Aguilar gear.
  10. Bump. Will consider trades for Aguilar gear.
  11. [quote name='playbass' timestamp='1501097331' post='3342540'] I had one of these for a while; great cab in every way. I even liked the tweeter and I'm fussy about them. [/quote] Same here! Thanks. Bump.
  12. Haven't thought about going back to Markbass for years... this does look good though.
  13. [quote name='steno' timestamp='1500544677' post='3338560'] Hi, would you be willing to ship to Italy? Thanks, Stefano [/quote] Hi, yeah I can look into it. Going to price up shipping my cab later, so can sort this at the same time. Could you PM me your address please and I'll get back to you this evening.
  14. If it is faulty, and German, I'd go to Eich. They were extremely friendly and helpful when I was I the same situation. They diagnosed it over a Skype call and then gave me info to relay to my tech. If it has to go back, Germany has to he cheaper than the states?
  15. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1500319002' post='3336929'] You're selling two of the best amps on the market?? Certifiable!! I've spoken to your local Mental Health service and somebody will be round shortly with a nice white coat that does up at the back. [/quote] Haha... after posting this, I'd probably go freely too 😣
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