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Everything posted by M@23

  1. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1497522959' post='3318819'] This is mine. I've never had a bass complain it wasn't comfortable. [url="https://flic.kr/p/VPaE3K"][/url] [/quote] I have. If only they were 2cm longer. I bought a Gator GPE case, which compared to Hiscox is pretty much built like a carrier bag. The Hiscox is just a tiny bit too short.
  2. [quote name='jammys' timestamp='1497306397' post='3317253'] Did anyone go to the festival? Did anyone think (strangely enough) that the bass output on the main stage was way to much on a number of occasions? [/quote] It was awful. Not just the main stage. Monitoring was terrible too.
  3. This genuinely could pass as new. It's had a very easy life! Even the plastic corner protectors are unmarked, it's always sat on a GRAMMA pad.
  4. Glockenklang Blue Sky for me. I've really liked quite a few of the class D heads I've had. But this one is a cut above IMO. Where the others all had a shortfall somewhere along the line, the Glockenklang doesn't really compromise.
  5. I've just joined a band where they run tracks. The drummer triggers it with a Roland SPD SX, he also runs in ears and plays to a click. I might end up going with in ears too I think. The tracks are good, not sure where they're from, but I guess it's all MIDI as he can remove whatever element we don't want and also rearrange and shift keys.
  6. [quote name='The-Ox' timestamp='1496969057' post='3315059'] nice! Thats the house amp right? I'm playing at the Isle of Wight festival this weekend and thats what they have so I'll use it. Never tried it before [/quote] Yep. On a few stages. Where are you playing? I've got two sets this weekend.
  7. [quote name='dand666' timestamp='1496933653' post='3314816'] Learn songs in numbers then transposing becomes easy. [/quote] Definitely! Also for learning what your major/minor/dominant/diminished chords are in any key, helps so much for creating lines and fills.
  8. Thanks for all the nice comments 😊 It's always the way that something makes itself available at exactly the wrong time! Al, thanks. I'm lucky, it's a wonderful rig!
  9. I don't think I've had this a year yet... it's a truly phenomenal cab. Just, I want to go back to 10s. The cab has sounded great with whatever amp it's been paired with. The Vanderkley cover is included and the cab has always been stored in it, in my spare room when not in use. It's always been handled with great care, and genuinely could pass as new. Needless to say, it's impeccably built, sounds monstrous and goes loud. I'm on the Isle of Wight, so collection from the south coast, Portsmouth/Southampton, is preferred. But, i can find packaging and post within the UK at the buyers expense. Specs: Configuration: 2x12” Neodymium driver + 1" tweeter, variable tweeter control from 0 - 10. Power: 600 Watts RMS Impedance: 4 Ohms Freq. response: 45 Hz – 16 kHz Sensitivity: 102 dB 1W @ 1m Size: H x W x D, 77 x 54x 41cm Weight: 25 Kg / 55 lbs https://ibb.co/ixoq7v https://ibb.co/nGzmfF https://ibb.co/iZq3Sv https://ibb.co/hbrMEa https://ibb.co/jUY7nv
  10. For what it's worth, I went back to a 212 because I never used the 112s separately. The 212 is about 25kg, so not awful. There are times where the easier carry would be nice. But I'm not desperate to go back to separates. That depends on your transport and health though I guess! Having one bigger cab is more of a pain at home than out at a gig actually.
  11. I've got the 212MNT, which is 600 watt, so maybe same drivers at the 112EXT? I've used with a 900 watt amp, and now a 700 watt amp and it's always taken whatever I've thrown at it, not that it's ever really pushed as I've never had the need. It's a big sounding cab!
  12. [quote name='Dan Dare' timestamp='1496343249' post='3310756'] Seems mad to try to force someone to struggle with and mess up a song, rather than pitch it where it is most comfortable for them. [/quote] That's the funny thing about guitarists! So many spend time learning how to tear through a minor pentatonic, but can't work with a capo and panic over changing keys.
  13. [quote name='Marc S' timestamp='1496219319' post='3309576'] Being in several bands, I've had those moments too - where you start playing a song with one band, and realise you're playing it in a key you play with a different band! Also started the wrong song once or twice too We've all done it mate - you are not alone, so don't worry lol [/quote] Ha, I have this! It's often only half a step either way too.
  14. There's a configurator now, is there? Uh oh...
  15. I'm updating this for future reference, in case anyone is doing their homework .. The Gator case is awful. It's the flimsiest excuse for a hardcase I've ever seen. It's actually kind of funny that they put a TSA lock on there!
  16. I've just ordered the Gator GPE, not expecting it to be as solid as the Hiscox, but will hopefully do a job.
  17. Nice one! Great looking bass, cool colour.
  18. I'm just about to quit a wedding/function band, because: 1) The guitarist.I HATE the way the guitarist plays. His attitude is terrible too. I can go into details on his playing - but in an effort to keep this post shortish, I won't! 2) we don't often practice as everyone knows the set and gig often. But, if we do practice, for a wedding or whatever, it's slack. The singer is staring at their phone whilst half arseing the vocals. 3) despite being the newest member, I do ALL the leg work, emails, calls and bookings. Over the last few months I've booked nothing as I've become disillusioned with it. My band mates actually moaned we didn't have any bookings, but none of them did anything about it! 4) The PA we use is terrible, but no one is willing to chip in for upgrades. And finally, 5) I've had an offer from another band. I suppose in summary, I want to be part of a professional outfit that sound and look good. Decent PA, lights, repertoire and great musicians. I worked hard to make my current band the premier functions outfit in our area; the rest of the band wanted it too, but don't want to work for it. Shame, as we've done some great gigs. But, an new opportunity has presented itself and I'll be about 75% less legwork for more of a reward... oh, and the guitarist knows knows how to play a diminished chord...
  19. M@23


    How is this still here?! So much want, so little cash 😣
  20. [quote name='markstuk' timestamp='1495536046' post='3304485'] How long are these? [/quote] I can measure them if you like. But, if it's for a 35" I'd say they wouldn't fit. They are 'standard' length. Sadowsky also do XL for 35"+. I can measure them in the morning.
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