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Everything posted by M@23

  1. I only met Vic the once, when I visited the shop on a bank holiday a couple of years back. He had the kettle on for me before I'd even fully stepped foot into the shop! Needless to say he was a warm and welcoming character, very helpful and easy to chat to. You could tell that he had a passion for it, and that he was 'one of us'; a bassist and musician. Really did seem a genuinely lovely person. Thoughts are with his family and friends tonight.
  2. One bass, amp and cab for me... boring or what.
  3. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1483007071' post='3204017'] We need at least one for the digital mixer I've given up on these what should or shouldn't a band be doing threads, even though my band does everything wrong looking at most of these threads we still have dates in the diary, those to me are more telling than some guy on the internet telling you he has learnt all the words to the same thirty blues rock covers he has been playing for thirty years [/quote] This x 1000. If they play and sound well what does it matter.
  4. M@23


    [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1482833993' post='3202927'] EBS-Freak is logging onto his online banking as we speak to check his funds, I just know it! [/quote] Me too! Unfortunately it just said 'sorry mate, even though it's white.' This is the dream bass.
  5. I had one of their televisions, which was alright...
  6. M@23


    I think this may be my old one... If it is, it was my tech that replaced the pickups, pots and wiring and the tort guard was made for me by Howard, the Bass Doc. I fitted a bridge cover too. I shouldn't have sold it. It was a terrible decision. If I could afford this I'd have it 🙁 Edit to say, I still have the original single ply guard if the buyer wants it, PayPal to cover postage, otherwise free of charge.
  7. I've heard this, it's ace. Buy with confidence from a great guy and bassist. Plus, if Howard did the work, it'll be top quality guaranteed.
  8. [quote name='Shiveringbass' timestamp='1481662308' post='3194175'] I've read nothing about this. Have you ask Glock ? [/quote] Yes. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1481705191' post='3194355'] It's Glockenklang... it'll be awesome. [/quote] Definitely ☺
  9. I've fired them a message to ask a couple of questions. It's not what I was expecting. One thing is for sure, it will be great. They wouldn't release a product to simply fill a gap in the market and if they didn't believe that it delivered.
  10. [quote name='timhiggins' timestamp='1481486853' post='3192656'] I think it's sold ..if it was a USA one then it was definitely a steal ! [/quote] Or stolen!
  11. Actually, mind changed. The man himself has a grey one, which the The Best Looking Bass in the World™. To answer the original question the best 5 I've owned is my Sadowsky because it is so versatile and comfortable to play. Just fits my hands. I've got a Stingray 5 on loan atm too, the B is quality.
  12. Yeah, absolute monsters! And, in white, possibly the best looking bass going?!
  13. Quite surprised, 3.5kg doesn't sound like an ICE equipped micro though. Keen to see what power amp/preamp it uses. Same power as the Blue Sky.
  14. I have the single version and it is great. I had before it a Contego and the foamy, confused, hybrid thing that comes with Sadowsky basses; I think Gator and a few others sell them too. This is in a different class. Top comfort, storage and protection; it's light too. Yes, for a gig bag it is dear, but it is a considerable amount cheaper than the MONO offerings at present. Also, Fusion are run by very nice people, really helpful and are a pleasure to deal with.
  15. I'm guessing it'll be something hefty as it doesn't seem likely they will go lighter than the Blue series, if it is an amp...?! Maybe it's a pre? That'd be cool.
  16. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1480550138' post='3185425'] Sorry guys. I stupidly started a thread regarding the same in General D. The S5 looks lush doesn't it? [/quote] That's a beauty!
  17. M@23


    Love it in a funky, heavy, groove kind of way, don't care for the breakbeat/constant 16ths thing. Which IMO, is what gives 'slap' a bad name.
  18. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1480263830' post='3182897'] If you're lucky enough to be able to afford a multitude of gear, with spares for everything then great. Me I can't. It doesn't make you more, or me less professional though. Being professional isn't having the ability to own a load of gear. [/quote] I agree with your posts on the topic. I'm sure there are many of us that have played a thousand gigs without issue; or, if there has been an issue it has been overcome without the need for an entire second rig. Things happen, but very rarely if you have good, reliable and well maintained gear. If you're playing the local pub, is it really critical if you have to use a workaround for a few songs in an emergency? Bands that use odd tunings aside, the whole thing about carrying multiple basses sometimes just seems like an excuse you can put to the wife in justifying an absolute need for a P bass, because you can't use your jazz for motown.
  19. I just wouldn't be in a band where the guitarist had 5 guitars on stage...
  20. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1479827543' post='3179598'] Just going to leave this here (headphones needed) [url="https://www.instagram.com/p/BK3k8wPhbiY/?taken-by=darrell_freeman&hl=en"]https://www.instagra...l_freeman&hl=en[/url] Pure love! Si [/quote] https://www.instagram.com/p/BLjIOd0BXeH/ Another recommendation for the BS2.
  21. My old 2EQ was one of the best playing 4 strings I've had. It did suffer from the weak G. Would really love to try a 5, especially if they are apparently better in that regard.
  22. [quote name='mikel' timestamp='1479591754' post='3177776'] What I was getting at is that playing to an empty room for 300 quid will soon be a thing of the past, cos venue owners cant keep doing it. Economics. And, as I dont play to make a living, I would always chose the full house. [/quote] Yea, I agree. It's not sustainable. To be honest, you wouldn't get £300 for a pub gig where i am. Probably £250 max. But then, we're lucky that you're pretty much guaranteed an audience. There are a good few 'music' pubs which are known for it and have a good turnout every weekend. Gigging is a good part of my income, so I'll always take the money, in the bands and situation I am in. But, i can see why and have been in the position where it wasn't a factor. I actually dislike weddings for this very reason. It is usually a very boring gig.
  23. £300, thanks. Not gonna pay for promo/new PA/gear/petrol with the warm feelings from a good gig. Don't get me wrong, the crowd make or break a gig. But, ultimately, I'm in my main band or depping for the money. If we have a quiet one, then forget it and move on to the next. Unfortunately, it's not too common here and pubs are usually busy. When I played originals then the opposite applied and the money wasn't really a factor.
  24. I remember the Thomann 112s. Surely they were selling at less than UK shops were buying?! A quick look now shows Thomann is at least £200 cheaper on an RH750 than the UK shops. Maybe they have tons of old stock and the UK shops are paying higher, current, prices.
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