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Everything posted by M@23

  1. A switch on the back would have been simpler, but then you'd be much more likely to have an accident and costly repair too! I still haven't really played with the EQ on my Blue Sky. It's such a good sounding amp with the EQ bypassed that I haven't really bothered experimenting on a gig. The combination of the Bass and Low EQ points was one of the features that I really liked the look of, so I should try it out! But, yeah; astonishingly good amps!
  2. I don't know tbh. But, my 212MNT is probably the same as two 112EXT? Might be worth firing Marc a message, he is very helpful. For what it's worth, Marc suggested that despite the 600w rating the MNT212 would have no issues being powered by a 1kw amp. I use mine with a 900w or 700w amp and can't imagine needing more. I've never pushed the cab to break up.
  3. Not precious, but careful. It's not just basses though. I'm THAT guy. I like things to be neat and in good condition. I would probably he more upset about scratching my tablet or watch. I do like a roadworn P bass though.
  4. [quote name='Jazzjames' timestamp='1478976774' post='3173121'] I wouldn't say it lacks it, it has plenty of punchy and chewy round sound at low to mid volume, and I love it for that. And it can maintain it even up to quite high volumes. Then it can go a fair bit louder still, but, while still audible, it doesn't support like it does at the lower volumes. Whereas my new toy hits like a sledgehammer if that's what you want! [/quote] That's how I felt. It sounded cool at lower volumes. It went loud, but not pretty when it got there. Great DI though. Probably a much more useable amp if I had decent PA support more often.
  5. You're still young, go for it man. It's an incredible experience. I guess you want to play party band? You need to know a bit of ballroom and dancing music, jazz, and old and new soul/motown/pop stuff, bit of everything. You need a big repertoire and the ability to be versatile. But strong reading is absolutely vital.
  6. [quote name='brucethebassplayer1' timestamp='1478954015' post='3172916'] Having had the stack for a few months now, I am still very happy with its performance. The sheer clarity of the Glock head working through the Vandekley cab is astounding. I must admit i did upgrade from an Ashdown Combo before so there was always going to be an improvement. Combined with a variety of different effects, the amp has a simple preamp that i find very easy to 'dial in' when performing different genres. The band i currently play in do a range of covers from country, jazz/blue and rock so i do need something that can be versatile enough to handle all of those styles without looking out of place. If anybody was considering a new combination of amp and cab, you cant go far wrong, and if the 700watts from the Blue sky isnt enough, you could always go for the Blue Rock which offers 1000watts. [/quote] I've got a Blue Sky too, but with a Vanderkley 212. It's fantastic. I absolutely love the amp and even if I were to change cabs someday (not anytime soon) I can't see myself changing amps. Last night I pushed the volume a bit. The amp just kept giving. For interests sake in soundcheck I pushed the volume to just past 3pm and it was outrageous. Needless to say the cab took it in its stride. It just kept giving the same clean, strong tone that it does so well.
  7. I can't believe that many people were so concerned. I've played with many experienced musicians, and some of them guitarists, drummers and keys players who were also very good bass players and no one has ever once suggested I play a different instrument or EQ a certain way. I've been asked for an octave pedal or overdrive, but because the original tune did so. Bass sounds like bass in a live setting, to most people. The studio is a completely different matter. But live, never.
  8. [quote name='mikel' timestamp='1478683063' post='3170810'] In a band with keys you tell the guy not to tread on your frequencies, bass is your job. [/quote] [quote name='mikel' timestamp='1478684587' post='3170839'] All the bands I have been in the musicians have been equals. If someone is going to tell you what to play and how to play it then why bother? [/quote] Right, gotcha.
  9. Don't try and move between the two notes as fast as you possibly can. The slide doesn't have to be super fast to sound good. Come up with a slow funky groove where you can feel it and work with that. Also, try keep your fretting hand nice and relaxed.
  10. It's all music. It'd be boring if people weren't thinking outside the box. Never heard of Mánran but that was cool, thanks for sharing.
  11. Can you still get a Ray 34 in Blue Sparkle? They were stunning. But, aren't they going to sound the same as what you have, or thereabouts?
  12. The PJB Double4 is the best sounding of the tiny practice amps I've had. It's not loud, but sounded great. I've got an old Behringer BX108, I think it's called. Had it about 15 years and that sounds good too. Solid with no rattles. I've hammered it too, volume maxed, octaves, filters and low C's and it's still going strong.
  13. Very nice. Wise choice on the black PG 👍
  14. Not a very common configuration, because most amps go to 4 ohm minimum or because it isn't conventional, or because a good 2x12 is more than enough and we all have bad backs anyway?! It just occurred to me, I run my amp at 4 ohms with one 2x12. Which is plenty, but the amp has an internal dip switch to flick it to 2 ohm. Purely for interests sake, a 3x12 would be quite a lot of fun. Anyone tried it? Apart from TC I can't really think of a manufacturer that markets their products in that sort of way.
  15. I'm going to go to the Poole gig. Really looking forward to seeing them live!
  16. [quote name='lojo' timestamp='1478015572' post='3166030'] There's no such thing as a great song without a great bassline Even if the bass does nothing , it's still has to be right for the song to do nothing , and therefore it's a great line [/quote] What about 'When Doves Cry'? There are tons of songs with great bass lines that aren't played by a bass guitar too and I'm probably more interested in listening for those than a bass guitar part. A lot of time is spent dissecting songs for analysis if you do a music degree, it does take some of the fun out of it when doing it for academic purposes. I'll only really focus on and listen for a bass line if it's a song I need to learn for a gig.
  17. I tried one, a Classic 5, I think it was. It looked amazing, and sounded just as good with Aguilar pickups. It was very headstock heavy though. I'm sure a set of light tuners would make it a contender. Had quite a slim neck for a 5 too.
  18. [quote name='Quilly' timestamp='1477858546' post='3164907'] I paid €1300 for a Sandberg bass from session.de. When it arrived there were definitely signs of player wear. Not much mind and the plastic scratchplate film was still intact. So I wasn't denied the pleasure of removing that baby [/quote] Same here, but from Thomann it was obviously played, or had taken a ding somewhere along the line, only minor and I got a few quid back. But it's annoying. Hope GAK sort this ASAP.
  19. Another vote for 'great shop, stock and staff'. Best website and Facebook page too
  20. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1477392026' post='3161870'] 2x Mackie and 2x small subs (or 1 bigger sub) = 2 x RCF 735s [/quote] Cheers for that we've been looking to expand or refresh the PA and have been using a 15" Mackie sub on loan. Whilst it did fill out the sound, it is heavy as! Been debating whether we should just ditch the tops and forget the sub and just get a couple of good full range 15s. It's a small to medium gig PA as anything bigger the rig is supplied or we hire. So 3 vocal mics, bass and acoustic kick to reinforce. Sounds like this could be the better option.
  21. [quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1477583169' post='3163178'] BBNE2. But alas, I needed the money for something that I really wanted. Would still like the BBNE2 to be in my arsenal though (It was black though... and I favour it in white... hence I can live with it a bit easier!) [/quote] The white ones are beautiful creations. Scary prices new though.
  22. [quote name='LewisK1975' timestamp='1477396780' post='3161928'] Correct - it's an abletec unit. The ALC1000 to be precise. I have an ABM1000 and it's an absolute monster. And weighs less than 10kg. [/quote] I think that is what Glockenklang use too. I'll have a proper look later.
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