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Everything posted by M@23

  1. Must be a savage case of GAS. I wake up in the night thinking of these in that finish!
  2. Just did a quick Google, 30kg?! That's pretty hefty. But, I'm guessing lots of people use a trolley anyway? My cab is 25kg and quite big, but I don't really have to carry it far.
  3. It's just the LNT. It's 24kg, Bass Direct have quoted the wrong weight I'd guess, on the 2nd hand one. I think they did the same on Facebook a couple of weeks back too.
  4. [quote name='Lord Sausage' timestamp='1455385054' post='2978699'] No such thing! [/quote] Truth!
  5. Entitled to be annoyed, definitely. Accept it and move on, yes. That sucks. That'd be the last gig I'd do at that venue. Sounds like a messy situation. I'd put it down as a bad one and forget about it. Venue, landlords and all. Shame your band mates didn't back you, but you were outnumbered and it would have been a worse situation if their fears had been realised.
  6. [quote name='CaptainBlackarm16' timestamp='1477106858' post='3159905'] I used to one of the PDN Gilded white Stingrays from 2012, lovely bass, lovely pearlescent finish, traded a guy his Mayones for a week as a trial trade and asked for my Stingray back at the end of the week, he never replied, he listed my PDN Stingray on eBay for £2,250...technically he nicked it from me and left me with a Mayones I didn't really want, the week was a trial and at the end I asked for it back....still gutted. Then he has the nerve to put my bass on eBay, along with the pictures I took too 😡 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/302103996113 [/quote] Have you informed ebay that is not his to sell?
  7. Props for the pics!! Nicely done. Bet it sounds killer too.
  8. I've got a Glockenklang amp with a Vanderkley 212. It's a great match. The 212 is fantastic, I can only imagine the 4x10 is as good or better.
  9. I can see that being true with regards to Fender. I actually prefer the new shape, looks wise. Not played one, but my mk1 California was too heavy, the new shape seem a good bit lighter. Ultimately, that's why I didn't keep it. Surprised GuitarGuitar are stocking Sandberg given the two specialist shops carry them. For a chain though, they have some cool brands and not just the usual.
  10. If it makes its way further south I'll give it a temporary home!
  11. The Sadowsky pre has VTC which is a passive tone control but works in active or passive mode.
  12. As well as my 30th birthday present bass mentioned earlier in this thread, I just collected my longest serving guitar from my parents house. It's a Westone Rainbow 2, a Matsumoko offering from 1986, a Y.O.B for me. I've had it for about 20 years. It's beautiful and they're pretty difficult to come by. I LOVE my bass, but I'd still probably sell it before this guitar.
  13. [quote name='jezzaboy' timestamp='1476438871' post='3154277'] The box wouldn`t be sent back to Fender or whoever. The amount of money it would cost in transport, manpower etc would not be viable when the box cost pennies to make. Or a fiver according to GAK!! I think some social media slagging off is in order on this occasion unless the money goes to Nordoff Robbins or similar charity. [/quote] I agree. It'd be a false economy to send them back to anywhere outside the UK, surely. I'd call them out on it too. It's only a fiver, but pretty shameful if it's going in someone's pocket - which is only a wild guess of course. My local Co-op/Sainsbury or family run music shop have always given them without question.
  14. [quote name='AdamWoodBass' timestamp='1476411291' post='3154086'] Just finished a transcription of the bass part if anyone wants a copy? Bit ropey as I have't transcribed for about 10 years but it'll do! [/quote] Yes please!
  15. Butlins, ahh... the memories.
  16. [quote name='ped' timestamp='1476383537' post='3153878'] It doesn't weigh anything empty does it - and it's satisfyingly rigid too, a bit like a hard foam case. I prefer it to the mono based on the straps alone. Inside it certainly seems more flexible. [/quote] Yeah, they are fantastic and light, I had a Contego before, which was great but just too bulky. The Urban is pretty much the best bits of a bunch of other really good cases, just rolled into one. I had quite a lot of correspondence with them too before buying and they were incredibly helpful and lovely.
  17. [quote name='ped' timestamp='1476380236' post='3153851'] Fusion has just arrived. I'll do a proper review soon but first impressions - it's a beautifully made case which is quite rigid and allows the instrument to fit snugly with the provided dividers. It's really comfortable to wear as it sits high and has a waist and chest strap too. For the price I'd expect it to be exceptional and it certainly seems so. And it's British [/quote] British designed anyway! I don't know why I sold mine. Desperate times I guess. About to pull the trigger on another as it's pretty much the perfect super protective, light, loads of storage gig bag.
  18. There is a Carvin BX500 for £280 on here! 500 watt, great compressor and EQ, will do 2 ohm!
  19. Have a 'times must be tough if this hasn't sold at this crazy price' bump.
  20. Which stand are people having the problem with? I've got 4 of them at home which I've not used for months, all with guitars sat in them... hope none of them have gone funny without my knowing so. Mine are the standard, single auto grab ones.
  21. [quote name='jazzmanb' timestamp='1476364135' post='3153664'] Agree,my metro feels and looks and sounds amazing but its a ton weight! [/quote] What model do you have? My MV5 is 9 lbs 2. Not a featherweight but lighter than my previous fives.
  22. [quote name='Tonteee' timestamp='1476305472' post='3153274'] No-one mentioning Bergantino HD112s? Well, I will.... [/quote] Unfortunately now, you'd have to play the waiting game for some 2nd hand ones to pop up.
  23. You'd like the Vanderkley stuff by the sounds of it too.
  24. Nice one. Which cab are you using it with? I picked up a Blue Sky a month or so back, absolutely loving it.
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