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Everything posted by M@23

  1. Once the sound is set that's it for me too. Fingers and moving picking hand, thumb, slap, pick, palm mute for sure. But twiddling settings, nah.
  2. Yeah it sucks. UK builder's prices will go up too. The hardware, pickups and wood isn't all UK sourced, is it.
  3. I had the TKS with a TH500, it is a great pairing. With a P bass strung with flats the tone was absolutely spot on for old skool motown vibes. They were also perfectly made and looked wonderful. It was a great plug in and play setup. I only shifted the TKS as I needed something more 'modern' sounding. If I could have afforded to keep them as well I would have.
  4. [quote name='project_c' timestamp='1476048411' post='3150881'] Not to mention European manufacturers prices will also go up drastically soon, so if you're a fan of say.. i don't know... Marusczyk, anyone? Expect a big hike in his prices once you start paying import duty on stuff from the continent. [/quote] No need for blasphemy. I agree. Sandberg prices have increased quite dramatically already.
  5. Why would you spend 3k on an M24 when you could buy it for £700 less from the UK?!
  6. Gigging a bass doesn't have to mean beating it up. Gig it and enjoy it. It's a great looking bass BTW.
  7. http://www.guitarguitar.co.uk/bass_guitars_detail.asp?stock=14121216440716 It's just Thomann. The pricing is fine. My MV5 was just under 2k a few months back. Prices have gone up since then but the pound is weaker now. It's not just Sadowsky that will cost more. The Metro obviously isn't the 'affordable' line, it's the less expensive, as is, no custom options line.
  8. [quote name='thebrig' timestamp='1475666750' post='3147724'] Our band is thinking about recording a song or two sometime soon, nothing major, it's just something we want to do for our own benefits, and also to hand out to family and friends who are always asking if we have any records or CD's they can have, or even buy. It's still a little way off at the moment, but we are starting to look for somewhere to get them mastered, and quite honestly, we haven't got a clue where to go, or how much it might cost. Having just read Skol303's thread on having his song mastered at Abbey Road, I realise that I'm probably a bit naive, because I would have thought that £90 + VAT to have a song mastered at Abbey Road Studios is a reasonable price, but as BigRedX said, how much of that price is because of the name? and thinking about it, he is probably right to ask the question. I have found one place that charges £28 per song, and his list of clients include [color=#3A3A3A][font=Arial]U2, The Killers, Jack White, Noel Gallagher, The Rolling Stones and many more, so I [/font][/color]was wondering if anyone on here has used them, and if so, were you happy with the end results? Also, any recommendations for other places to get a song mastered would be welcome and appreciated. [/quote] I've used Pete, he is sound. A genuinely nice guy that offers great rates for unsigned bands. Have used him a few times and it's always great.
  9. American Standard? You need to try a few or keep your fingers crossed if buying online. I've had a few and one of them, a 2012 in Sunburst was quite a lot better than the rest. It weighed about 8.6lbs, maybe a shade under IIRC, balanced perfectly, had a beautiful rosewood board. It just sounded and felt like a solid P bass. I want it back. Or, I've only played one Pino, but that was great. As for PJ, Yamaha BB's are super cool.
  10. [quote name='Sparky Mark' timestamp='1475346265' post='3145290'] A fantastic cab indeed, but much larger physically than the NY122 and therefore maybe not the ideal small venue cab. [/quote] The most frustrating thing was that it had the handles on the top and bottom, if the cab is standing vertically. The 2x12 is use now is still pretty much the same size, but much easier to move due to the side mounted handles.
  11. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1475340963' post='3145218'] Mono. They are superb and bomb proof. I have a Mono M80 and would throw my bass on the floor with it and not be worried. I would prefer an SKB hard case in a van though. The best case I've ever had is the Sadowsky hard soft case. Awsome peice of design. [/quote] Just a shame we can't reasonably get them! Sadowsky quoted me over $400 dollars with shipping and tax. Everyone raves about MONO, but the thing that worries me is the few reactions their cases have had with nitro finishes. It's probably unlikely, but a risk you take. Fusion are well worth a look too. Really great cases and a great team.
  12. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1475319542' post='3144987'] I can`t remember which MB 212 it was that I had but it was a great cab. At the time I had a CMD121P & NY121 for portability, and the 212 with a Little Mark 3 - that soon became my gigging rig, I just preferred it, think it just seemed to have more "size" to the sound. [/quote] Club 600F32 😉 No idea why they discontinued it when they did. It was the best cab they made IMO. An absolute beast.
  13. It's very normal. I have a fantastic Les Paul, but the basses do nothing for me.
  14. I think I said earlier in this thread that my next bass would be a keeper. I've thinned the herd to just my first bass and one main bass; bought to congratulate myself on staying alive for 30 years! I've had it about 4 months now, just over 40 gigs with it and I still love it. I would have to be in the s#1t financially to part with it. [URL=http://s1240.photobucket.com/user/mattdigweed/media/Mobile%20Uploads/Screenshot_20160525-180942_zps7b7ju1gh.png.html][IMG]http://i1240.photobucket.com/albums/gg488/mattdigweed/Mobile%20Uploads/Screenshot_20160525-180942_zps7b7ju1gh.png[/IMG][/URL]
  15. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1474312065' post='3137068'] If they don't get used, they don't get the 'love' so they can be sold. I've never 'got' a huge collection that never gets played... Must be just me then.... [/quote] Nope me too. When I predominantly played guitar, I had a bout a dozen of the things. It was fun but pointless. The most basses I've owned at one time is 3 I think. Now I have just the one gigging bass, my Sadowsky, and my first bass.
  16. Wow. Not sure if that's a smart move or not, on first impressions. The US Standard is THE bass, isn't it? It is the industry standard for working musicians. Undoubtedly the product line is a mess, but it seems that the Standard is the one you build the rest of the range around. Will the Elites be the new Standards then?
  17. That's a shame. I assumed that these were like hot cakes as they seem universally loved. I wouldn't mind it myself but my amp fund is pretty much showing minus figures!
  18. [quote name='walbassist' timestamp='1474271226' post='3136578'] Very nice. I've always been curious to try a Glock (amp, not gun) [/quote] Did you have a Demeter, or am I mistaken? My choice was between the two. The Glockenklang certainly does what it does well. I had an interesting conversation with them before purchase where they advised they had held off on Class D as they felt they couldn't build the amp they wanted and weren't prepared to compromise that much. I've not tried any of their bigger amps, but would be keen to see how it compared. Very early days, but it has something in there that I've been searching for!
  19. Thanks guys, for your help pre-order too. There is definitely something special going on with the Glock. I'm very glad I went for it. Interesting that lots of people bypass the EQ. This weekend I might play with it a bit as I'm playing a familiar venue, but I got way more than I expected from bypassing it.
  20. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1474287708' post='3136792'] Thanks, man! That fits rather nicely with the impression I had from reading on BC and from the few minutes of experience I had with them on my Little Bastard cabs. Nah. I think it's a reasonable question. He didn't boss me around or demand I provide the info. He was just asking a question he assumed I knew the answer to. Reading about both individually is not the same as comparing them directly, which he assumes I've done. Likewise, I do not boss around or demand in this thread. I just hope someone has compared them, and is willing to share the knowledge. [/quote] Fair enough. Good luck with the sale. Not that you should need it! Lots of people love those amps!
  21. Generic and oversimplified: Steamliner = more headroom, round, clearer and cleaner. Orange = growly/grindy, won't stay as clean at volume. Also, I'd tell him to do his own homework! It's not like it's hard to find info on either of those two.
  22. Well, Tuesday was... After a good clear out of old gear I picked this up to try something new. I've got my Puma 900, which is as light and portable as fresh air so thought I'd look at the next size up; opening up a class of amp that I've ignored completely for a few years. I had a bit of correspondence with Glockenklang before buying and the level of service was great. All my questions were answered quickly, often within minutes, and in flawless English. Upon opening the box, I was surprised by how chunky the amp was. It's not a whopper, at 5kg, but is reassuringly hefty. In the hand, it feels like a piece of top quality kit. It is absolutely solid. The knobs have a bit of weight to them (ooh-err) and all turn smoothly and you can just tell that no expense has been spared. It is obviously a very expensive amp, so you get what you pay for here, I suppose. It's got lots of different coloured LED too, so that's already a winner. The power amp is still Class D. Just, not the usual. Peering inside it looks to be an Anaview/Abletec 1000w job. The Blue Sky is rated for 700w at 4 ohm, with two little internal dip switches to make that 700w at 2.7ohm. The volume pot is logarithmic, which takes a bit of mental readjustment. Glock tell me that as 5 o'clock - pot maxed, is actually full volume, you can turn it up as needs be. It won't hit full power at 1 o'clock as per many other amps. Fridays gig saw me run the volume at about 1 o'clock, in a big, long, horrible sounding room. The preamp is Class A, as found on Glockenklang's flagship models. It has two inputs, one for ultra high output and piezo. Even with my Sadowsky, using the lower Impedance input I still run the gain about 1 or 2 o'clock for optimal input signal. The pre is definitely clean, even when cranking the gain it doesn't really overdrive. But you can push it all the way and it sounds cool and does fur up a touch. EQ wise, I haven't actually experimented yet. I gigged it Friday and played without EQ. The pre is so good, that even without EQ engaged it just sounded right. Sound wise... first thing I noticed, it is bigger down low than my other Class D amps. It's not louder, though I didn't push it to full volume, initial impressions are that the Puma 900 is louder. But, the Glock took the volume in its stride. With other amps I found that even if the volume was there they sounded out of breath at that level. The Glock retained the same tonal qualities at all volumes. It must have some sort of limiter, but it doesn't have that multi band compression type thing going on when pushed. The mids are super clean, even compared to the Puma. This is without the EQ engaged too, which is semi parametric; and the highend sings. It is VERY articulate across the board. String noise and technique flaws are more noticeable! It also paired very well with the Vanderkley. A cab which itself is pretty big down low and full but clean. I wondered if they'd be 'sterile' together, but I needn't have, it's a great match. Super deep, clean and sparkly! So, I'm very happy with it. I wanted something a bit different but still light enough to slog around. This is easily done in the super Glockenklang carry case. I wanted the same vibe as the Tecamp but just with a bit 'more'... I'm very happy with it. Oh, also, the fan. It is dead quiet. It comes on and turns off as needed. Even when on, I had to have a look to actually check. I apologise for the rambling on, this has all been written on my phone so it's probably difficult to follow! Didn't mention the H word once, but there is plenty of it 😀 [URL=http://s1240.photobucket.com/user/mattdigweed/media/Mobile%20Uploads/2016-09-18-14-34-57_zpsbchuzdzj.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1240.photobucket.com/albums/gg488/mattdigweed/Mobile%20Uploads/2016-09-18-14-34-57_zpsbchuzdzj.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  23. Pretty boring, but of a rubbish pub with a horrible sound. Some very, very strange punters. But, i did get to use my latest amp at volume. It really came into its element at volume and I'm very pleased with the way it sounded even though the venue is always a struggle sound wise.
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