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Everything posted by M@23

  1. Cool. I've only seen the YouTube vids but they look like fantastic basses. The Paul Turner one is great, what a day that must have been! Out of interests sake, what would one cost you or me?
  2. Sadowsky J5 > Tecamp Puma > Vanderkley 212MNT. Soon to be adding a new amp, probably a Glockenklang at this point. Super clean, powerful and a solid bass for whatever gig I'm on.
  3. I had one and used it with a 102p. It did it's job brilliantly and really helped me and my bandmates to hear my bass. But, it's a pain't that your amp can't really sit on your cab with it; unless you knock some sort of shelf thing up to secure it. Also; it is expensive for what is probably a fivers worth of material.
  4. The MONO looks great and not many people have anything negative to say. The thing that puts me off is the few cases of nitro finished necks being stained by their Headlock (I think that's what they call it) system. I'm surprised Fusion have the F1 for £100 because it has long been discontinued, unless they found some old stock in the factory. I had its replacement, the Urban, and everything about it was brilliant. Shouldn't have sold it and will likely get another at some point.
  5. It is what it is. I wouldn't listen to it either, just as I don't listen to classical or death metal. But, fair play to a man that has made a hugely successful career playing bass. Seems stupid to ask questions of him. I don't know his music at all, other than seeing a YouTube video of him playing a Stevie tune. But, i did see a snippet of a Scott Divine video the other day where VW was saying that he loves to just groove but doesn't really get the offers as people know him as a soloist.
  6. Both on full kits? I can't imagine it sounding anything other than horrendous.
  7. The usual: hot and sweaty cocktail bar. the unusual: 'mod' weekend on the Isle of Wight, meaning there were 5000 or so scooterists in the space of a square mile, so it was absolutely heaving. Also, I borrowed a Roland Bass Cube 100 as there was no parking and I had a bit of a walk. I'm really impressed by it, no PA support, volume on half and it filled a decent size room. It was a loud gig too.
  8. Pedaltrain no longer provisionally sold! Still available.
  9. £50 for the T-Rex and £30 for the Pedaltrain if sold separately. Both in great condition, only letting them go as I want the money for something else. [URL=http://s1240.photobucket.com/user/mattdigweed/media/20160825_194838_zpsgtpvissz.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1240.photobucket.com/albums/gg488/mattdigweed/20160825_194838_zpsgtpvissz.jpg[/IMG][/URL][URL=http://s1240.photobucket.com/user/mattdigweed/media/20160825_194801_zpsoiuxpreh.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1240.photobucket.com/albums/gg488/mattdigweed/20160825_194801_zpsoiuxpreh.jpg[/IMG][/URL][URL=http://s1240.photobucket.com/user/mattdigweed/media/20160825_194725_zpsjr9omqpy.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1240.photobucket.com/albums/gg488/mattdigweed/20160825_194725_zpsjr9omqpy.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  10. Price includes UK postage. It's almost new, only had it a little over a month and it was brand new from Andertons. Only selling as I could do with the money for something else. It's a great compressor, the most transparent I've used. Very easy to set and does everything from 1:1 to hard limiting. [URL=http://s1240.photobucket.com/user/mattdigweed/media/20160813_142432_zpsls0esvil.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1240.photobucket.com/albums/gg488/mattdigweed/20160813_142432_zpsls0esvil.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://s1240.photobucket.com/user/mattdigweed/media/20160813_142414_zpssaskwywv.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1240.photobucket.com/albums/gg488/mattdigweed/20160813_142414_zpssaskwywv.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  11. Price includes UK postage. After waiting a while for one of these, I've ended up with two! I'm letting my backup one go in order to free up funds for something else. It is in GREAT condition, no scratches or dents at all. It's a 1u size 900 watt powerhouse. Sound wise, they're very clean but still warm and have a brilliant EQ. Not much needs to be said, these are wonderful amps and this would be one of the last ones hand-built by Thomas in Germany. [URL=http://s1240.photobucket.com/user/mattdigweed/media/20160825_185703_zps0rzqhhwn.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1240.photobucket.com/albums/gg488/mattdigweed/20160825_185703_zps0rzqhhwn.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://s1240.photobucket.com/user/mattdigweed/media/20160825_183807_zps1dr7m8gw.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1240.photobucket.com/albums/gg488/mattdigweed/20160825_183807_zps1dr7m8gw.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://s1240.photobucket.com/user/mattdigweed/media/20160825_185416_zpsplabkk3k.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1240.photobucket.com/albums/gg488/mattdigweed/20160825_185416_zpsplabkk3k.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://s1240.photobucket.com/user/mattdigweed/media/20160825_185616_zpsmvmztomo.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1240.photobucket.com/albums/gg488/mattdigweed/20160825_185616_zpsmvmztomo.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  12. Thanks for the feedback all. They do look good, I like EBS pedals too, so I'm sure the compressor drive are useable too. I like having a bit of headroom, so the loudness thing is great even if not required. Bit more research to do but I think it's what I'm after!
  13. Any of these out in the wild yet? I'm looking for an amp in similar fashion to my Tecamp Puma 900, i.e loud, clean and clear. If all else fails, i'll go for an EICH. But, I remember the EBS 250 getting good reviews and it's vey well priced.
  14. Amp wise, Bass Direct have Tecamp Puma 500 and 1000 second hand. These are brilliant amps for funk/soul/pop!
  15. 18/19mm is fairly standard for Fender style, I'd try check out a Squier VM 5.
  16. [quote name='Funky Dunky' timestamp='1471794047' post='3115914'] Eric Johnson and his bizarre claim that duracell batteries sound better in his pedals. Nah man, you need to see a doctor! I only give some credence to the "tone is in the fingers" adage - I sound a lot better playing a Jazz bass through a good amp than I do playing a cheap bass through a cheap amp. I think fingers are the last variable in shaping that tone, but gear is the foundation of the tone IMO. [/quote] Haha. Yeah that's a bit mad. I do love his tone though!
  17. [quote name='thodrik' timestamp='1471629980' post='3114658'] I tried a couple of Fender Elites a few months ago and thought they were a marked improvement on the previous Deluxe models. The fit and finish was spot on and the pickups and EQ were a lot better. Still, I think that the Fender active EQ systems are still a good piece behind Sandberg, Lakland and Sadowsky. For £1700, yeah that is probably a reflection of the normal 'upwards' price increases. Laklands are great basses. Not sure I would pay £2000 grand for a passive Fender style bass when I know that if I tried enough I would find a Fender that would play just as well for half the price. I do like the active Laklands too, but when it comes to 'really expensive active Fender Jazz' designs I will choose Sadowsky (and have done so...twice) [/quote] This is exactly my findings too. I actually really liked the Elite Jazz V. It was all good. Personal prefs aside, the pre was just a little bit vanilla. I was happy to pay the extra for Sadowsky too and as much as I liked the Elite, I'd pay the difference again and again.
  18. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1471606314' post='3114376'] Whhhhhaaaaaa???? £1750 for a Fender Elite 5?! What happened there? They've just replaced the previous Fender deluxe models which were about £1400 a year back....what on earth is going on?! I for one am glad that I don't want to buy any new basses! [/quote] Currency fluctuations and ever increasing import costs? The Elite J5 was about that price on introduction only a few months ago.
  19. I played a passive Lakland J5 there once. It was about 2.3k I think. It was great though. I don't know enough about Lakland to say whether the manufacturing process and materials justify the price, but it was noticeably 'better' than the offerings from other manufacturers in the price bracket below.
  20. Great that they're bringing the 45-105s back from extinction ☺ I love Fender flats. I've had them a on a few P basses, on my old 2012 US Standard they were perfection. I tried some La Bella but went back to the Fender. They sound and feel significantly better after about 2 months solid use. Can't say I found them growly at all, but this was on P basses with the tone rolled back. They're pretty high tension too.
  21. What strings are you using? I found the Sandberg strings to be terrible! They don't do the basses justice at all IME.
  22. Where do you lot get your 9v batteries from? The one that came in my Sadowsky is an Energizer Industrial. I keep checking it with the multimeter and it's not budged yet. I'm expecting it to as it's been very heavily used since I bought it, but still going strong.
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