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Everything posted by M@23

  1. [quote name='walbassist' timestamp='1468673953' post='3092553'] If anyone is interested, "flat" on a Puma is everything at noon apart from bass cut to nearly 11, and hi mids boosted to nearly 1. [/quote] Thats interesting. Cutting bass to 11 is about the only EQing i do with this amp!
  2. I'd agree with all of that 😎 [URL=http://s1240.photobucket.com/user/mattdigweed/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20160507_104036_zpsohtevf0v.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1240.photobucket.com/albums/gg488/mattdigweed/Mobile%20Uploads/20160507_104036_zpsohtevf0v.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
  3. Wow, that's lovely. What I'd really like is that fitted case, at a sensible price!
  4. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1468661041' post='3092425'] Ah ok gotcha. Wow that's a hungry compressor! Si [/quote] It was one of those will run at 9v, but higher is ideal jobbies. Being compulsive I'd have gone 18v! As it happens, I'm really liking the Keeley. As an always on 4:1 compressor it just works. Very quiet, transparent and simple. I've got a Boss SD1 and CE5 somewhere too, might revisit those.
  5. [quote name='Sibob' timestamp='1468631884' post='3092319'] Nice! But you don't even really need the fuel tank! Put the three pedals on a Nano, and just daisy chain the power to the other two from the TU-2. Si [/quote] Yeah that was the original plan but the Fueltank came up 2nd hand for £60 with the Pedaltrain and the compressor I was eyeing up before the Keeley needed 18v.
  6. I find them good looking in a weird kind of way too, like with MM Bongos. Unconventionaly pretty. Even prettier when held by Nik West!
  7. The money you spend does get you 'more'. Better woods, master craftsmen and their staff, hours and hours of time from those highly skilled people, higher productions costs and overheads etc. Whether or not that translates to a 'better' instrument is personal. Probably anything over £1500 is going to be pretty bloody good and should play very well. I've had some really great instruments that didn't cost so much and my current squeeze, which was very expensive, but is just perfect and I appreciate the fact that all the things I mentioned earlier on apply.
  8. [URL=http://s1240.photobucket.com/user/mattdigweed/media/Mobile%20Uploads/20160714_175957_zps2ql7jyye.jpg.html][IMG]http://i1240.photobucket.com/albums/gg488/mattdigweed/Mobile%20Uploads/20160714_175957_zps2ql7jyye.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Finally acquired all the parts to my simple board. Boss OC2 Keely Bassist Compressor TU2 Pedaltrain Nano+ All powered by a Fueltank Jr. My gigs don't really call for much more than some synthy OC2 stuff. Otherwise, just the compressor which I only got today, which will be an always on job. Very impressed with it so far, incredibly easy to dial in. Just got to get some velcro and mount the Fueltank underneath and then patch it all in. I've played the last two years with only a clip on tuner, but I'm really looking forward to having a simple but effective board again 😁
  9. Yeah, I think the BF, great as it probably is isn't going for the same vibe, sound wise, as the others? All of your options are quality. The only one I'd personally rule out without even trying is the EBS as it's quite weighty.
  10. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1468349431' post='3090373'] I'd go with this. All my current basses are 34" and bolt-on. The B's are great..wouldn't buy then otherwise and the build is the key element here. [/quote] Me too. All 34" low B's are not equal! Even if they're made from the same materials.
  11. [quote name='IanA' timestamp='1468254325' post='3089610'] It is always nice to have more cab than you need. I don't need my 410LNT but it produces depth and punch that smaller cabs cannot. Previously I always played through p/a using my rig purely for monitoring, but now I have some gigs without p/a and the extra beef really comes in handy. Having gone through £££££ of gear I have drawn the conclusion that with cabs bigger is better (for me anyway). [/quote] I've had the same experience. But the bigger cab I've gone to is a 212MNT. It's about as big as I could go whilst still being able to move fairly easily on my own. I've loved some of the smaller cabs I've had up to a point, but don't like the sound when pushed. I don't really do acoustic/quiet gigs and the 212MNT is effortlessly powerful and it's amps up incredibly. I'd really like one of these BF 1x10s for home and rehearsals, they look seriously cool too.
  12. [quote name='Lord Sausage' timestamp='1467786511' post='3086148'] You need to get used to have intervals. Play major and minor scales over and over so you get used to the sound. Then play the intervals to get used to the sound. I.e root to second, root to third, root to fourth etc. when you get used to these you should be able to hear what distance notes move when listening to something. [/quote] Too advice. That's how I learnt too. Even when I'm away from my bass, I'll try listen out for this. Before that, listen to if it's major/minor and then try find the root note and work from there, if it's a fairly simple line.
  13. There are so many flavours of great for 1x12 bass cabs now. I've no extensive experience of either, but there are plenty of other options out there too. Pays your money and takes your choice! Do you already have the BF? Get another if you like it but want 'more', move it on if you want something different, is the general consensus.
  14. Good for you! Congratulations. That's brilliant.
  15. After all that, the guitarist just text to say he has picked a Mackie PPM1008 - which came through his shop. It has a 'Main Sub' out apparently, so I'm back to the original plan of buying one or two 12 inch subs to try! Hopefully if that all goes to plan then new tops will follow. Edited to ask... Is it worth picking up a couple of Behringer BD1200 secondhand for 350 or so, or spending that on one better sub?
  16. [quote name='funkyjimbob' timestamp='1467711453' post='3085490'] Again. It's NEVER getting sold so can we please take the value aspect out of the conversation? Thanks everyone for the advice. I am still going to go ahead with it. Martin Simms is going to be carrying out the work of stripping it then I will decide what to do after that. I think after what Manton has said about Buckeye being soft that satin is going to be the way forward. [/quote] Probably a good idea. If I'd dropped 8.5k on a bass I'd be looking to the best people to have any major work done on it too.
  17. I had a VM which was a really great bass. The pre is quite clean, which I guess is ideal as you want articulation and use pedals to get your tone?
  18. Cheers gents. All very helpful and insightful info. Need to start doing a bit of reading I think before jumping in.
  19. [quote name='Jakester' timestamp='1467730077' post='3085691'] Yes please! [/quote] Sorry mate, someone just beat you to it.
  20. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1467723789' post='3085629']. Something like the above allows you to upgrade/upscale piece by piece as the funds allow...# Or bite the bullet, buy a quality rig with subs for £2k or so and sub it out to the band. [/quote] Thanks JT. Very helpful post. The above is the decision to be made I think. I might actually change track and just start acquiring my own PA piece by piece. The guitarist's PA has had a hard life. If I'd have invested years ago I'd have had my money's worth out of it easily, so maybe now it's time to focus on that. I'm doing more gigs and functions where I put the band together for whatever specific event so I should really have my own setup instead of borrowing.
  21. [quote name='Phil Starr' timestamp='1467706656' post='3085438'] This is right. Essentially there is little point in sending the full range signal to the tops and the bins other than to get a 'disco bass' effect. With all the bass going to the tops they are still going to overload at modest levels and at that point turning the subs up will only end up giving you an artificial sounding response curve. you can't use the 80Hz filters either as you would need an unfiltered signal to the bins which you cannot do with your mixer. You need a crossover somewhere in the system. Either buy a crossover, look for a mixer with a crossover to a sub built in, look for an active sub with a stereo crossover built in or buy an amp with a crossover built in. [/quote] Thanks for that. To be honest, I'm probably going to knock the idea on the head and put that money towards buying my own PA. I thought it may be a quick fix and am easy addition, but maybe not as simple as initially thought.
  22. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1467706922' post='3085443'] I'd go back a bit further and ask why do you want subs? If you are putting bass guitar, bass drum or keyboards through the PA, fine, but if not I would question their usefulness. [/quote] Yep, that's it. We want to put kick and keys through and perhaps a touch of bass as and when.
  23. It's from a 1996 50th Anniversary P bass. The bass is (regrettably) long gone, I had the Bass Doc make up a tort guard so the original has been sitting in a cupboard. I forgot I had it. It's of no use to me now. It isn't cracked or anything, but it is a very basic single ply and, being 20 years old has discoloured somewhat. It is now a yellowy cream sort of colour. Honestly, it is a bit ugly... but might be of use for a project/template or for someone that wants to paint or put vinyl over it?! Asking £4 just to cover a jiffy bag and postage 😊
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