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Everything posted by M@23

  1. [quote name='sellisnba' timestamp='1465656323' post='3070006'] when the missus says it's fine! [/quote] You pretty much have to buy it now. Be rude to waste an opportunity. The only cure for GAS is temporary; that is... Buy more stuff.
  2. Well, I played the Isle of Wight Festival today. I used the supplied rig, which was an Ampeg 8x10 and, I believe, a 300 watt all valve SVT head. OMG... HEFT! I didn't love the sound. But, it punched you so hard in the back. You could just feel it. We had a 15k PA as well, which was amazing. But it felt like the fridge would have filled the whole venue!
  3. We've since dropped Locked Out and Treasure but still do Runaway Baby; which is a great song for bassists. Mars is a quality musician and Artis is an awesome bassist.
  4. Have you phoned the shop? I know he has been away recently...
  5. Just throwing it out there, although I've only had my MNT212 a month, I'm happy to say it is the best cab I've had. It is so full sounding and authoritative, the amount of low end available is ridiculous. But; it is not woolly/boomy in the slightest, the bass is actually super tight. It makes many other 2x12 bass cabs sound like tinny little practice amps!
  6. [quote name='pmjos' timestamp='1460535559' post='3026475'] I don't understand why so many people don't get this product. I don't personally see any use for it this for me [/quote] I know this post is a few months old, but that's a belter!
  7. [quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1465401920' post='3067934'] It is 1 unit. The Universe has sold out of Tecamp rack mount kits BUT I am informed (By Thomas Eich no less) that the rack kits for the Eich T series 1u amps will fit the Puma 1u amps. [/quote] That's good to know. The Puma 900 is my favourite amp I've owned. Serious power, versatility and great EQ.
  8. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1465329915' post='3067299'] All of my gear is immaculate, despite heavy gigging. I just look after it, it's not difficult. [/quote] Yep. Same here.
  9. I had it too. My LM3 was OK, but LM2 used to flip out occasionally and do the thermal protection thing. It was a fussy old thing.
  10. Just chipping in to say that my MV5 is also the best bass I've every owned. Perfection from top to bottom. This one looks a beauty too.
  11. [quote name='keefbaker' timestamp='1464858766' post='3063151'] Is it insane that I want to get a sonic blue maple necked Elwood-L with banjo frets and a whammy bar. Yes... A whammy bar. [/quote] Yes. Yes, it is.
  12. I've had typically bad service from Parcelforce recently. All is well that ends well I suppose but they sent a parcel destined for Lancashire to Exeter. One that was destined for Exeter, a TH500 got an absolute beating too. Luckily it was flightcased. When asked if the roll of 'FRAGILE' tape was a wasted effort on my part, the reply was a simple 'yes'. I've lodged a claim and complaint for a 24 hour service turning into an 11 day one and no one seems particularly bothered. They also hadn't insured the parcels for the amount the receipt states I paid for. So if damaged had occurred, I'd have had further issues. A dreadful service all round. NEVER again.
  13. Sounds good. 9 o'clock is pretty low on the gain though?
  14. [quote name='LewisK1975' timestamp='1464953932' post='3064089'] M@23's pretty much nailed it there. The Puma is very 'open', and really all you need to do with it to get a useable tone is to fiddle with the 'taste' knob until you're happy. I found the other EQ points more suited to dialing in the room rather than sound shaping, if that makes any sense! [/quote] Yeah, that's what I do. The Low is set at 30Hz, and the drop off is quite steep. so being able to roll that back a touch without losing low end is a very useful feature. The 'taste' dial is fantastic.
  15. [quote name='Westenra' timestamp='1464867828' post='3063274'] Funnily enough I was looking at them, they seem ideal. Sadly they appear so few and far between on the second hand circuit! How does it sound without effects because I would like to have a nice tone overall when playing clean. [/quote] I recently acquired a Puma 900. It's is the nicest amp I've had. It is clean, but more versatile than the Markbass LM3, which is similar, but the Puma has better EQ, IMO. It is very punchy and articulate. The 900 has masses of headroom too. It's a really great amp.
  16. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1464875621' post='3063397'] Yes there appears to be a distinct lack of interest among my work colleagues with regards to bass gear too... Mrs C also doesn't seem overly bothered... The cat however is always interested in anything new that comes into the house... although admittedly more from a sniffing and working out if it'd be good for claw sharpening / sleeping on perspective, than a wider interest in the subtle aspects of bass tone. [/quote] I wasn't going to purchase the additional cover for my new cab as I'm always pretty careful with load ins/outs. But; with this cab being a bit bigger both of the cats have claimed it is the new best place ever to sleep and generally hang out upon. One cat is long haired and the other ginger, so the cover is much needed. Don't want car fur on my rat fur (covered cab).
  17. I've got by with a 1x12 before, for acoustic stuff it is fine. But I've never been that comfortable using them with a full band and acoustic drums. Part of the reason I up sized back to a chunkier 2x12 is that I always ended up using my 1x12s together anyway.
  18. What guitar amp? It's an old trick with valve guitar amps; running a clean boost to push the front end a touch. Which is why people go nuts for old Tubescreamers. I used to work in a studio that was very popular for metal bands and the engineer used to always have the studio Engl set to crunch, pushed with a Boss SD-1. Then we would quad track with a Telecaster. It's not very metal, but the guitars used to sound huge! But still had tons of clarity.
  19. [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1464812352' post='3062878'] I think heft has much to do with cabs. I gigged an SVT Pro II and had way more heft from my Purple Chilli neo 115 than I ever did from my Ampeg 610. The best combo is old school valve with new school cabs. [/quote] That's my findings too. I get so much more from my Vanderkley than any cab I've used before. It's not just volume. The sound is just effortlessly bigger and more present. That is with a 900 Tecamp Puma, especially.
  20. Angled. All my cables are angled one end and straight the other, as I liked having the option depending on which bass I was playing. Now I just have the one bass which takes an angled plugs better; I'll go double angled next time I buy cables.
  21. I've had mine for two years and not used it once on a gig! It's the backup option which hopefully I'll never need. Did use it once for recording and it did a surprisingly decent job!
  22. What's a 'CD'?! My advice would be to network. Go to gigs, speak to other bands and bar staff and landlords and agents. Send emails, Facebook messages and make phonecalls. There are no shortcuts. Just got to muck in and do some legwork. Until you've done enough gigs and built a decent reputation anyway. Edited to say, put together a showreel/promo vid, get it on YouTube and pin it to your FB page.
  23. I like only having one gigging bass. It's been that way for over a year now. No deciding which to take, no more cases cluttering up the spare room. Don't get me wrong, it is fun having different instruments to play with. But, i do enjoy just having one bass that I know inside out and that gets well used.
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