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Everything posted by Undertone

  1. I have one of these. Very nice pedal. Michael League uses one too. The Random setting is great and very unusual too.
  2. Have you sought a cost on the pot repair?
  3. One the best B strings on the market on these. Certainly the best in its price class.
  4. Awesome basses these. There percussive piezo pick-up sounds great. Nice flat or large radius fingerboard. An absolute joy to play! Rare to find the piezo version.
  5. I will certainly feel that 2kg saving and I need to take care with my back. I also don't use Class D amps generally - I have a TH-500 for when I absolutely can't take a Class A-B. Basically, given the Ampeg is 12kg, I don't want to add 5 more. If what I started exploring here doesn't exist (and it would appear it doesn't in a realistic sense) then so be it. Thanks for all the references all. This threat could be closed. Regards.
  6. Nope! Only if they're around 5kg for a 2U or 3U
  7. Carbon is definitely lighter than Aluminium, less than half in fact..... but I grant you the issue about latches etc., size benefit and cost (I have carbon cases for some of my instruments but the maker (Wiseman) doesn't do rack units). Nevertheless, there are plenty of 3U cases at 3.8kg so I'm just exploring to see if I can get anything like 2-2.5kg. I already unplug pre-power leads. I have a nice (slightly dated) carbon Pinarello FP3 here too - more than adequate for my needs - I'd never spend Dogma money... Regards
  8. Thanks. Indeed it's an SVT3Pro I'm hauling, plus and SVP=CL pre-amp. 4.8kg Thon case is heavier than I was looking for. I'm sure there must be something out there lighter, I was hoping for much lighter (eg. carbon fibre). I know I'm sounding fussy...
  9. Any other suggestions folks?
  10. https://www.boschmacases.com seems to no longer exist!
  11. Thanks. Will do. This will just hold a 2U Ampeg head and 1U preamp.
  12. Hi - what do we think the most compact and lightweight brand of rack units is please? I need one to hold a 15" depth head. Anything carbon fibre light out there? Thanks
  13. Yes I checked out the website thanks. Doesn't mention Class D, hence my asking. Thanks
  14. Many thanks for your insight gentlemen. Regards
  15. Question re the 12AX7 and 12AU7 tubes in these things. Ampeg told me they've used Sovtek, Ruby and more recently (in later SVT Pro models) JJ. Anyone have experience or comments with these brands of these tubes and recommend one over the others? Thanks
  16. There's an effects send level knob, not sure if that's a blend. I'm guessing not but I've no idea (clearly...) By example, the amps are Trace SMX, Eden WT, Ampeg SVT and Aguilar TH & DB series. Not sure how to check if loops are line vs instrument voltage - I guess plugging stuff and observing output level will tell me (c.f. 'just try stuff' above). Thanks for both replies. All good info. Keep 'em coming.
  17. Saw a Pedal Show video on guitarists who carefully consider which pedals go in-line before the amp, vs those in the FX loop (for their musical aims). Main consideration seemed to be with gainy peals, or when depending on amp gain for overdrive, and its interaction with said pedals. I don't use fuzz, distortion, overdrive, other than perhaps a little (very) clean tube warmth / low harmonic distortion (no break-up). I also use compression, octaver, envelope filter - that's most of it (very occasional harmoniser, other modulation). Do we have such issues with bass? Does that answer change in the absence of overdrive? Do any of you specifically choose (for sound aesthetics purposes) which effects go in front of the amp vs in the effects loop? Which effects go where for you and why? What considerations inform your choices? Thanks
  18. Not highly relevant I know but one of these was on eBay last week, asking £650 and the auction was ended after 2 days due to "the item no longer being available."
  19. Anyone got the FSW-500 footswitch they'd like to sell, I'd be interested.
  20. Not light weight (I play Traces amongst other, but no Class D's) but would like to know. Thanks
  21. Can't find a user guide nor specs online - could you tell us the weight please? Many thanks
  22. Hey thanks too - super useful. This is great. Thanks
  23. Yes. Thanks. I'd read that from someone who does it with a large Trace Elliot. Not sure if it works with all amps (I'll check), but yes, thanks, that address the mixing of amp sonic characteristics.
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