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Everything posted by Undertone

  1. Same model Patitucci played in the early days (other than colour & fingerboard inlays), no?
  2. Got it. Thankyou!
  3. Trace's Transit B is supposed to produce a strong enough signal it can directly drive a power amp. Is anyone doing this? If so, which power amp are you using? Also, is the Transit B a tube pre-amp (like the pre-amp in the old AH350SMX integrated amps for instance), or not please? Gee I loved those amps... Thanks
  4. Oh, apologies to all also, as I appear to have started this thread in General Discussion instead of Gear...
  5. Yep. Filtered the history for the facts. Thanks. MetroExpress are not under consideration here - I happened to play one the other day and it was actually impressive for its price (at least for the 5 minute I played it) - but it's not on my radar. Hadn't realised there was a Custom Shop AND a Masterbuilt. Sticking with Metroline - the price point (used) and no need for much custom stuff, works for me. Yep, VTC works in active. But is it defined by that? or by also working in passive? That is, in active mode only, is there any difference between a bass with VTC and one without? (I'm unlikely to use a Sadowsky in passive). Thanks for the additional replies! Very helpful!
  6. Thanks to both of you. I see some of the earlier ones didn't have the vintage tone control (VTC) (which seems to just be just a tone control that also works in passive mode (do correct me)). Do you find the VTC critical? Thanks
  7. Has anyone compared (via playing) the Japan vs Germany Sadowsky Metroline please? I'm interested in a 5-string but am interested in 4-string players comments too of course. I've read the specs, read the articles, watched videos, but nothing comparing the two, and have played only a couple briefly. I'd like to hear from folks who have played both (ideally for some time) and have views. Apologies if this has been covered before (in which case do refer me). Thanks
  8. I have one of these in a woodgrain finish (I forget which wood) - truly excellent basses - like it much more than I expected. The precision and build quality really do facilitate a low action without buzz (no pun intended), even timbre over the fingerboard, while retaining plenty of string tension. The B string is one of the clearest on the market (as is the case with Pedulla's Rapture bass). The slightly closer string spacing facilitates quick finger technique but is plenty wide enough for slap. The neck nice and slim front to back, silky satin in finish. Bartolini's speak for themselves. Highly recommended!!
  9. Hi - deos the compressor have the fix they published after it was originally released with problems please? Thanks
  10. Late response, sorry. Similarly, I used the XL Series (when they were their top line model) back in the 80's & '90's and loved them. They were solid, deep and clear, but heavy. I sold them when I moved countries (sadly along with a Trace AH350SMX) and didn't have immediate need for a new set-up in the new country. By the time I needed something else times had moved on and lightweight was the order of the day, and Aguilar had become popular, so I went with that for club gigs. For larger stuff I still love Hartke, especially their 410 and 210. So clear and punchy, and neutral enough to be used with a range of my amps (Trace, Eden, Gallen, even Aguilar), but not so neutral as to be bland, like, say, TC Electronic (sorry if that offends anyone). So am hoping the new lighter weight line is just as good. This is achieved partially through thinner and different layered wood. I hope that doesn't result in a reduction of punch, or the introduction of audible vibrations (which I experienced in a GK 410 many years ago and returned never to be used again). Hope to hear from others' experiences. The Hartke representation here in the UK was pretty poor for a long time, as were all my communications with the US manufacturer, so I wasn't in a hurry to purchase until I know more. I know it's only a few kg but actually, I wouldn't mind that - I'm not 25 anymore!
  11. Hi. Apologies if this has been covered elsewhere on this site. Has anyone played, experienced or owned the new Hartke HL series cabs please? I've seen the few videos, announcements etc. but I'd like to hear some informed genuine user reviews. Thanks
  12. Thanks for the replies & links people. Particularly also for that concerning efficiency. I'd calc'ed that the cabs can handle the power allocation but overlooked that most of it goes to the 115. Main issue is weight, despite HyDrive HX's being neo, I'm mid 40's with a small back issue and don't want to exacerbate it. The 410 is only 4kg heavier than the 115 but I'd rather not carry 2 such weights. Prefer the 115 and 2 lots of 14kg (separately). Flexibility also useful as I could take a 115 + 1 x 210 to smaller gigs (like there's lots of those at the moment....). I thought it might not be possible / useful. Regards again.
  13. Hi, Does anyone know of some sort of box on the market that causes speaker cab impedance to add in series rather than (what I believe is) the usual parallel combining please? I don't want to tinker with the wiring inside any of the cabs. I use a 410 & 115 cab (8 ohms each, for a 4 Ohm total (in parallel)) and want to replace the 410 with 2 x 210 (8 ohm each). I'm restricted to 8 Ohms each as these are all Hartke. This can't be done (I think) to give total 4 ohms, but if I can 'series' the 2 x 210's to give 16 Ohm, then 'parallel' that with the 115, it gives 5.333 Ohms total, which is probably good enough (and each speaker will handle its resulting power allocation (amp is 400W into 4 Ohms)). Do (please!) point out any flaws in my calcs. Any other practical suggestions (using the cited cabs) welcome. Regards
  14. I have the 5-string version of this bass (the Penta), and it's great. I can't believe this one hasn't gone at £650 - what a bargain. I think they retailed at over £1000 new. Yolanda Charles played one of these in recent years, on recordings, live and in online videos. (She's now moved to a Fender 5 I think).
  15. Many thanks for the replies people - helpful. Regards
  16. Hi. Do we generally feel fan cooling is "better" than heat sink cooling at the back of solid state amp heads? Fans obviously an additional moving part that can malfunction, and can generate noise, whereas head sinks are silent and stationary. Let's assume the fan is sufficiently quiet for the moment. Do we feel Fans are more or less effective at cooling vs heat sinks? What other issues do I need to consider? The main context here is in fact a 90's Trace Elliot SMX 300W head. Thanks!
  17. Great bass! Nice flattish fingerboard, great ergonomics, good medium weight & balance, nice slim neck (front to back), quiet electronics, the piezo's give a great attack, and the sound very versatile and malleable. This neck-through version feels great to play. Won't find many of these specific basses for sale. I have one (with red flamed maple finish) that my girlfriend wants me to sell to reclaim apartment space...but I'm not gonna... These were pretty pricey back in 1992 - I do recall feeling guilty spending that much back then...
  18. How much does it weigh please? Thankyou
  19. Hi there. Where in Italy are you and could you estimate the shipping cost to London please? Thanks
  20. Thankyou !! So great to have access to the collective Basschat knowledge! Regards
  21. Hello. Sorry as I' sure this will be old for most of you (the photo is certainly old), but can anyone tell me what that thing is on top of Paul Turner's DB 751 in the photo please? I've seen it on there at live concerts & concert footage over some years in the past but don't know exactly what it is. Many thanks
  22. Thanks. Where in Italy are you please?
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