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About d-basser

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  1. Glad we could help
  2. I would agree that losing either a vol or tone would limit the PJ bass config. Personally I prefer to run mine with the P pup full, J rolled back to around 8 or 9 / 10 and the tone tweaked to taste/song. Think I would struggle without all 3 controls.
  3. Best bet if you don't want to drill an extra side hole would probably be to use a stacked knob. I would suggest stacking the two volume pots onto one, then having a single tone as normal. If you wanted you could stack both like the old jazz basses, with vol and tone per pup. Othewise, could you drill an extra hole in a 3 hole plate? Or is the spacing too far off?
  4. Such a good album. Still haven't got to Arctangent, really should since it seems to be Post Metal Mecca. I'll also chuck a cheeky wee link to my band. Heavy Cult of Luna, Isis, Russian Circles influences. https://voidoflight.bandcamp.com/
  5. Would thoroughly recommended Russian Circles to anyone who hasn't come across them before. Saw them twice last week and Brian's bass tones are always brutal
  6. I won't fight you for it 😂 Got a couple of SLA printers at work so could do a nice resin print to look like the original. They look easy enough to model but if not, also have a 3D scanner
  7. I could sort you a 3D print, but would be easiest if you sent one of the other sliders to copy
  8. DM incoming
  9. Hey, do you know if this is the mki or mkii?
  10. If for any reason Bassybert can't oblige I can easily sort technical drawings. Just incase you need a backup
  11. Not my normal setup but the I know the bassist in one of the other bands on the bill and he offered to share his cab for the show. Sounded amazing!
  12. 210 costs more than a Barefaced! ah well better keep saving for a Barefaced
  13. Love Timmy's set up, have to resist buying more SVT 2 Pros
  14. My BF Compact (and accompanying compact clone) is paired with an old ampeg ~3x as heavy! 😂
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