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Posts posted by d-basser

  1. I am looking and drooling at the Dr Bass cabs (which Robbie and RIM is now getting in) these are very light and handle ridiculous amounts of power, they are also very affordable (if i wasnt stoney broke).
    Check them out

  2. [quote name='Jonny Walker' post='170553' date='Apr 6 2008, 02:56 AM']well.. i do have everything i need at the moment, although im saving for a mesa big block 750 4x10 1x15 rig :)[/quote]
    nice one of them sitting second hand in a shop in glasgow the now

  3. [i]i assume this is the right section for this, if not please move[/i]

    I have a Peavey G-bass i bought second hand from funkle less than a year ago. At some point whilst he owned it he added and then removed a piezo system, this has left a spare cavity in the rear by the bridge and a poorly filled pot hole in the front. I also find when playing this it feels lovely but i just cant get the sound i want with the one pup which is closer to a precision placing than a stingray. Finally the red sparkle finish doesn't quite fit with my metal image so think that may have to go.

    I see a project looming, plans:

    [*]strip finish and fill back cavity and spare pot hole,

    [*]either route a pickup a new pickup in addition to the current one touching but closer to the bridge (ala warwick $$) or fill the current pickup hole and route two new ones (probably measured from my other 35" scale peavey for reference)

    [*]then repaint either black or vintage white...or what ever takes my fancy at the time.

    so opinions please. also few q's:

    [*]where can i get off cuts of basswood to fill the holes? best place to beg?

    [*]how easy is routing? was going to pick up a cheap router at some point either argos or secondhand.

    [*]any suggestions for pups? was thinking Music Man style or Flea bass style cos of the bass.

    [*]any obvious faults with my plan?

    [*]any other suggestions?

    this is going to be a project if and when i have the funds and more a bit of fun since the bass only cost me £200.

    thanks in advance :)


  4. my skills are currently limited due to ignoring bass in favour of sleep etc (I am a student)
    When I was gigging i found stu hamm country music or the intro to moonlight sonata kept the crowd entertained while the guitarist retuned and for the solo in dancing in the moonlight i covered the lack of sax up by using silly auto wah effects and playing the relatively simple bass riff.
    But remember this was a crowd of 14-18yr olds, many would have been suitably entertained by a pretty light or some crisps

  5. [quote name='dood' post='165553' date='Mar 28 2008, 09:43 PM']Woh! Congratulations!

    - Ok.. so what th' hell am I gonna do next week with nothing to read? lol.. Who is next to do the course?[/quote]

    gee us a grand and I'll entertain you.......I meant by doing the course you dirty b*stard

  6. [quote name='Faithless' post='164019' date='Mar 26 2008, 07:46 PM']Check 'em out, chaps:


    That's Dysrhythmia, psycho-instrumental rock :)[/quote]

    not bad, not bad at all

    I have been listening to these guys for my fix of instrumental weirdness [url="http://<a%20href="]http://www.myspace.com/thesontaranexperiment[/url] Their use of sound is trance enducing and border line uncomfortable but when i saw them live they played a non stop 30minute set that was the most mezmerizing thing I have ever heard, I felt like I was drugged or atleast very drunk, fantastic stuff if you can stand it.

  7. [quote name='metalmaniac' post='163784' date='Mar 26 2008, 02:35 PM']I find music shops a lotto.

    County Music in Canterbury.. I love, let me try anything, very friendly, well organised etc etc.

    However I was really cheesed after visiting a local shop last week.
    My wallet jammed with over 300 quid of cash I walk into the shop looking to try out some 12 strings (Calm down people!)
    I ask to try one and the lady comes over and passes it over. So far so good.
    £300 12 string guitar. Sound lovely. Little bit overpriced than on the net but hey. Support your local shops right.
    She then comes over snatches the guitar from my hands after just a few minutes and makes a sour comment.
    "You've probably worn it out by now. Problem with you kids is you never have money..." and so on.
    Now 2 things. I'm 18, ok still a teen, but i work, pay my way through uni,(thanks to the governemnt who prefer to spend 4 billion a year on war than education, politicians are kids if you ask me) (also have a beard so im not that little lookin) so I expect to have a little respect than be treated like some jumped up 13 year old. (And generally speakin theyre all loaded now and buying more and more expensive stuff)
    Also not to blow my own trumpet, but im quite good at 12 string folk style, so im not just messin around.

    I didnt even bother replying to such customer service, I just left. Will never ever return. F em![/quote]

    I would have flashed the £300 in her face then flicked the V's and walked out.

  8. I use sweat bands, find it really helps for tapping, damps string between fret and nut so when you tap you just get the note fret to bridge. try damping with one hand near the nut then tapping with the other higher up the neck you'll get the idea

  9. ah i know what you mean but the Satanic references and beliefs are all part of black metal, I wanted to call our band Corpus Diaboli. Opeth are a better band but i really like both at the moment, Valeria Dragova in the video for Leviathan does help :)

  10. I can never understand poor service in shops, I work in a shop part time and i find being friendly helps sales but makes me feel better, I really like having a day were I can banter away with a few customers about stock giving them advice and trying to get them the best deals possible. It is a camping shop i work in rather than a guitar shop but it is a similar scenario with stores being killed by the interenet and alot of staff members in other stores i frequent seemingly not giving a sh*t

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